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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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So if you guys were in charge of Rengar changes, what would you fix?

besides permanently disabling him.
It's really hard to change him with his kit as is without effectively deleting him from the game, that's the problem.

I mean, if it were my call I'd get rid of his burst altogether so he could keep his stealth since being a Predator is what his theme is about so stealth+predavision need to stay, make him more of a bruiser who is not as tanky but gets more DPS in return.
I think that making Ferocity work like Mantra while making his individual skills stronger + putting a same target timer on his passive like Naut/Udyr is the way to go. No more double Qs, double bolas, double roars or infinite chasing by waddling back and forth into brushes, but his ferocity Q could give AS for longer or a MS buff on top, ferocity Bola could be a stun, etc. Maybe get rid of Bonetooth as well so his kit doesn't have so many fucking balance variables, what you see is what you get.


Make it so that he can't jump out of ult, he still needs a brush or he needs to run up to the enemy.

It would give enemies more time to react if they position outside of brushes.

It might not be enough though.


ok holy shit i wasn't prepared for how good undertale was gonna be

or for ferrio's trolling while i played it lol

srsly guys play that game

So if you guys were in charge of Rengar changes, what would you fix?

besides permanently disabling him.
i think rengar needs to stop being an assassin and i think the ferocity system is garbage and should be removed/replaced entirely.

i mean, what's his identity? isn't he like a calculated predator hunter thing? isn't he supposed to be enjoying the thrill of the chase and everything? why is he like cheaply running like a crazy person and jump-oneshotting people? shouldn't he be laying traps, taking risks and toying with his prey?

that's the angle i'd like them to go with him, he wants to savour killing you, so maybe he'll wound you and run away or just lead you into a trap or an ambush or whatever, someone that wants you to fear him, something like that.

so i kinda seem him as a weird initiator that maybe keeps his invisibility and bolas but probably becomes less about killing you personally and more about chasing you and capturing you like a hunter. i imagine tankier, more cc (and probably not hard cc but things that maybe cloud your vision or give him vision of you or whatever).

but even them i'm not 100% convinced since he has the issue of other champions like nidalee and kindred doing similar things to his gameplay and concept but in a much more interesting way

also i'd redo his look cos he's fugly


Make it so that he can't jump out of ult, he still needs a brush or he needs to run up to the enemy.

It would give enemies more time to react if they position outside of brushes.

It might not be enough though.

It'll give people enough time to drop a pink ward or have some cc ready.
Sure I'll drop a pink with my pink trink... oh
Well I can still use oracles to... wait
Well I guess I could buy a pink and carr... it's 40 minutes in and I'm at 6 items.


imo it's key to his rework to remove ferocity and make his spells actually interesting to use on a regular basis. add situational effects to them that are simple and clear (so no contradictive stupid shit like his w giving him tank stats but also healing % missing health so no matter if u use it before taking dmg or after you're wasting something)

and like don't make his q an auto empowering thing

that's boring af


The way to fix Rengar:
- group early
- provide deep vision
- get point-n-click hard CC
Champion is fine the way it is, just requires different kind of play, that almost never exists in soloQ.


The way to fix Rengar:
- group early
- provide deep vision
- get point-n-click hard CC
Champion is fine the way it is, just requires different kind of play, that almost never exists in soloQ.
second highest playrate and >50% winrate on an assassin

he's not fine the way he is


he's one of the worst designs in the game, even rito repertoir is saying it's an embarrassment that he's in the state he is
The way to fix Rengar:
- group early
- provide deep vision
- get point-n-click hard CC
Champion is fine the way it is, just requires different kind of play, that almost never exists in soloQ.
And that's the problem. You can't balance a champion around the notion that you have 5 people in perfect sync, this isn't LCS, 5 random strangers will never have that much teamwork. And before you say "but high ELO" he has a 51%+ win rate in plat+ and is constantly banned in masters/challenger.Case in point: Nightblue's stream at this exact moment
Does anyone here ever like to play against Intro-level bots and just build the stupidest things, like a lifesteal Garen?
Sometimes I do that when I want the first win IP but am too lazy to do a PVP match


I like the idea of Rengar as a stealth tank jungler. Jump in to initiate, maybe give him a terrify instead of burst damage. Maybe a mini fling or something after the bola, so that he can jump on the ADC, net them, drag them back, drop them at his teams feet like a house cat does. That's something that doesn't really exist now in game.

I'd lose the ult entirely. It only exists to give him assassin power when the enemy team is playing carefully. Just give him an ult passive that lets him jump on you from the open to initiate a fight. Then you can see him coming, but can't stop the jump, which I think is actually better.
What if Rango had a net that he could snare people in and drag them briefly. Kinda like what Tahm does or Skarner but can be stopped by a couple of autos. Along with him being tanker. Idk. I don't play Rengar. But I've seen NB3 play it enough to know his crit builds are pretty hard to lose with.
Yea I hate seeing jungle Rengars, because most of the time it's guranteed they gonna get to the point where they get out of control.

Topic of good balanced champs, maybe Galio?
whats this deadeye crap y'all keep spamming
The new champion, Jhin
So Death Sentence


death sentence opens up a bunch of gameplay options for Thresh. this would be more like Skarner's ult, but on a much lower CD, require some sort of setup/prep (like how Tahm's requires setup)...maybe from one of his other skills, and the net itself could be broken open by teammates. or some combination of that. idk. I like the idea of a hunter dragging his prey through the jungle in a net, but I don't know how to turn that into a proper gameplay mechanic that is unique. plus I'm at work so my attention is elsewhere.

or maybe he gets to mark a target similar to how Kindred does it giving him increased damage against said target?
Just had the funnest game I've had in a long time.


Most of my team were diamond or gold. They were a 3 man premade and our bot lane was a premade. Early on I wasn't able to get any good ganks off, but neither was their Lee. Then I just kept catching them out of position.

The best part. At one point our bot lane went dc'd for about 7 mins. During that time myself, Ahri and Fiora had to hold against them. Best part. We did. It was great. I died twice in that time and at two points 1v5'd the entire enemy team.

It also proved to me how strong Taric is right now. I'm tempted to take him to Top land and see what happens.
If they reduced rengars invisibility the closer he was to you,giving him a shimmer effect like the movie character he is based on as well as reducing his raw burst, he would be in a lot better spot imo. There should be larger emphasis on being a smart hunter cutting off his prey from allies that could help, kinda like lions in real life.


I don't think I've ever seen a bigger misunderstanding of a champion build than rengar right now. At plat elo, people are still building raw ad. On master and challenger streams he is almost always nearly full armor pen on runes and crit orientated on items (rfc rush). Guess which ones I see losing all the time
Spamming Trundle Support.

God his pillar is so obnoxious on 40% CDR. How can anyone run away from that when Trundle is spamming a pillar every 6.6 second? Especially if you're a champion with no mobility or gap closer.


ok holy shit i wasn't prepared for how good undertale was gonna be

or for ferrio's trolling while i played it lol

srsly guys play that game

Grats on getting to play my GotY and enjoying it!

So if you guys were in charge of Rengar changes, what would you fix?

besides permanently disabling him.

I wouldn't mind changing his kit to be based around providing more utility. Right now, most people consider champs unhealthy (from what I can tell) when there is no counterplay involved. Obviously, this is going to be the case for a 100-0 invisible champion.

So...maybe along the lines of what other people mentioned.

-Have his stealth allow him to sneak up on someone, but not 100-0 after.

-Add some utility to his kit to offset this.

A random idea of mine was to make the area he used his ult in have greatly decreased vision (think Graves smoke/Quinn Q) so the counterplay would be staying together, similar to most other assassins. Maybe a variation of Nocturne's ult but unlike his being for killing off a weakened/squishy from range this would be more for locking down and killing a target of choice who he is nearby And even in a tf, him being able to lock down + dmg a primary target should be valuable.

Let him be a fighter who has the assassin qualities of being able to having a real advantage over someone 1 v 1 and maybe do lot of dmg to them but just not make them go poof instantly. Especially not with the meta having so few ways to reveal stealth on demand.


I also totally agree that Galio's kit is incredibly niche and that makes me pretty sad since he's one of the first champs I ever learned to play.

I'd love him to be reworked with supporting in mind since his kit and old lore seemed designed for it (bonus points if they can also redesign his lore with him and Poppy still being pals).

In large part because I don't see how they can really make anti-mage tank more appealing. Too many tanks right now are just naturally good at blocking all kinds of dmg these days. Making Galio notably better than they already are seems unhealthy at best.

What is undertale?

A good game (pretty cheap too, ten bucks on Steam). RPG that is not afraid to make fun of itself (or you) and has SHMUP-like enemy attack dodging.

But I don't wanna deviate too much from Leegu balance dream talk and fanart and whatever. Just buy it and go in expecting nothing like I did. Hopefully you will also be surprised as a result.
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