Stone Ocean
It's really hard to change him with his kit as is without effectively deleting him from the game, that's the problem.So if you guys were in charge of Rengar changes, what would you fix?
besides permanently disabling him.
I mean, if it were my call I'd get rid of his burst altogether so he could keep his stealth since being a Predator is what his theme is about so stealth+predavision need to stay, make him more of a bruiser who is not as tanky but gets more DPS in return.
I think that making Ferocity work like Mantra while making his individual skills stronger + putting a same target timer on his passive like Naut/Udyr is the way to go. No more double Qs, double bolas, double roars or infinite chasing by waddling back and forth into brushes, but his ferocity Q could give AS for longer or a MS buff on top, ferocity Bola could be a stun, etc. Maybe get rid of Bonetooth as well so his kit doesn't have so many fucking balance variables, what you see is what you get.