it's not just sated devourer that makes shyvana really good. it's the anti-kite itemization that has sprung up relatively recently. deadmans plate with her W and a randuins? you aint outrunning that.
Eh, I doubt that. Her win rates haven't budged much with the new items. I actually think the new items are quite good, though Dead Man's Plate is overrated. But at the same it's difficult to ignore than none of the bruisers who actually do pick up these items have seen performance improvements, save Skarner and Garen who were reworked.
(dead's man's plate isn't that great for anti-kite, it's best use is to assist in map travel)
Who? I can only possibly think of Xin's two hit knockup
Xin's one of them, and the synergy between W-Sated-BotRK is more significant than the two hit knock-ups. Devourer builds on Xin tend to lack the CDR necessary to really pump out large quantities of knock-ups in any given fight. Statistically, Xin puts out almost as much damage as Shyvana (despite having meandering AoE) and manages to soak up more damage as well by a decent amount (~1500-2000) and he does this while actually being relevant early, mid, and late game thanks to his CC.
The other is Warwick. Even if the opposing team plays it smart, gets Mikeal's, QSS, etc. he ends up sucking up the opponent's focus in a way that Shyvana can't came late game, the latter of which falls off hard, as borne out by her shitty 40+ min win rate.
May as well throw in Tryndamere. I'm shocked that he hasn't overtaken Yi as the "I just want to farm and carry from the jungle champion" for players looking for that sort of [terrible] experience. He's much more suited for it.
I don't really get the overvaluation of Shyvana here and elsewhere.
who? I felt like I saw a fairly broken Vi, Master Yi and Udyr with them (in addition to Shyv). someone else, tho? Because Shyvana seems broken as fuck with that item.
I don't recommend Devourer on Vi, at all. Vi either needs burst damage to take out the target or get tanky enough to let her AAs (via W procs) be impactful. The former demands Warriors, the latter Cinderhulk. Mistime an engage with Devourer, and you're going to have an awful time. Worse still, pick up Devourer without another tank/initiator and get ready to feel utterly useless 25mins onwards. Honestly, Vi's default build path should be Cinderhulk with Warriors as an option if Vi is getting fed early on. Cinderhulk->Titanic Hydra->BC->Tank is her overall build by far.
Yi sucks. Junglers looking to play a carry champion should be picking up Tryndamere.
Udyr does well with any of Warrior, Cinderhulk, or Devourer. His win rates don't vary all that much between the choices. I actually quite like Udyr, particularly the experienced ones who know how to counterjungle and such.