Ghost is Bad
cant burn whats already dead.
Noi dont understand anything thats happening so heres a cute lux to defuse the situation
when r u gonna dota pankaks
fk uProbably never. Was only playing HoTS and Dota until centralized servers came out.
So is new Morde viable bot? I keep seeing him everywhere. What's his current runes and mastery and build like?
Devourer has a cap on the damage wlimboSated Devourer which exponentially increases attack speed and gives you a magic damage buffer to your auto attacks dependent on how many big jungle creeps killed.
Also the titanium hydra which is good on her apparently.
NOSated Devourer is pretty much required on all auto attack junglers because it's that good
dude is playing a diamond V account bro, darius is trash or maybe a little less trash after hotfixes
So is new Morde viable bot? I keep seeing him everywhere. What's his current runes and mastery and build like?
I heard ahris schoolgirl uniforms tails are wack
is that true zky
whats u mean
delicious fluffy hair
what does this mean
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
that game suxnot picking crab waifu, ur a shit.
I want to see morde and zill bot lane with both exp quints.EXP QUINTS GO GO GO GO
just had a yasuo literally say that lux was op because her ult deals 700 dmg when yasuo's q only deals about 400
also he said her damage is ridiculous with only two items
ohhh well, i enjoyed killing him over and over through his wall with my ult
im trying to think which champion would be obnoxious af to play if you're yasuo. i'm thinking maybe fizz? or maybe heimer or something
yeah i might pick up heimer just to fuck with these people
just had a yasuo literally say that lux was op because her ult deals 700 dmg when yasuo's q only deals about 400
also he said her damage is ridiculous with only two items
ohhh well, i enjoyed killing him over and over through his wall with my ult
im trying to think which champion would be obnoxious af to play if you're yasuo. i'm thinking maybe fizz? or maybe heimer or something
yeah i might pick up heimer just to fuck with these people
annie's pretty good suggestion, kind of checks both boxes of like being easy to deal with yasuo and also really obnoxious for themAnnie is a good no-skill champ to destroy yasuo. Only her Q gets blocked by the wall after all.
yea the lizzy buff sucks, give her some effing dmg
also did zhonyas get added 50g gold to the combine price? there's something weird there
nah lizz comes out of nowhere and has point and click cc and aoe cc why would you give her more damage
I can live without a suppresive ult champ.Her range isn't bull shit, her passive is pretty much useless after level 6 or so. She dies like instantly if you fuck up...
She needs some love!
Her range isn't bull shit, her passive is pretty much useless after level 6 or so. She dies like instantly if you fuck up...
She needs some love!
I can live without a suppresive ult champ.