NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Been playing viktor lately. He sure has been balanced. It takes awhile for him to ramp up but he still puts the pressure in lane. Too bad most of my games don't last long to effectively show take a hold of that.
i've never heard of it taking that long. that's insane.
yeah bots are like 2 or 3 minutes maxwell im on south american server so thats probably it
was super quick finding a game against humans and it was really low ping, like 30, so i can't complain much
yea that's been my experience on the one game i played him, got outpressured really hard mid game but then late it was still good ol viktorBeen playing viktor lately. He sure has been balanced. It takes awhile for him to ramp up but he still puts the pressure in lane. Too bad most of my games don't last long to effectively show take a hold of that.
yea using rebornyeah bots are like 2 or 3 minutes max
unless ur using reborn client
bots in that take a long ass time for some reason.
Been playing viktor lately. He sure has been balanced. It takes awhile for him to ramp up but he still puts the pressure in lane. Too bad most of my games don't last long to effectively show take a hold of that.
welcome back to silver.
32 / 13 / 22 over 3 matches. 1 - 2.
hard to get wins when your carry Vanye goes 6/16 or when your top cho goes 1/10 against a Teemo lane. I'm trying but goddamn.
Well if you want to duo this weekend I can. Here are my lanes best to worst top > mid > jg support > adc. My username is dontpanic3000 so feel free to add me. I am silver 4 btw.32 / 13 / 22 over 3 matches. 1 - 2.
hard to get wins when your carry Vanye goes 6/16 or when your top cho goes 1/10 against a Teemo lane. I'm trying but goddamn.
and I thought Bronze was a nightmare![]()
Well if you want to duo this weekend I can. Here are my lanes best to worst top > mid > jg support > adc. My username is dontpanic3000 so feel free to add me.
Well if you want to duo this weekend I can. Here are my lanes best to worst top > mid > jg support > adc. My username is dontpanic3000 so feel free to add me. I am silver 4 btw.
3/0 talon becomes 4/14
fuck plat.
Garen goes top against a gnar
The gnar built hurricaneThat matchup isn't too tough. Its not easy, but very much winnable. Even more so now with the buffs.
You just have to keep an eye on rage meter (attack right before he transforms so mid battle he turns small and you can just end him). some point Riot should just remove suppression and clear all this nonsense up.
Also, anyone know what happened to the Zyra changes that were supposed to be on the PBE?
Olaf has been a top tier pick for like two patches now, new items should have just solidifed that speciall with some of the armor nerfs.What about Olaf? New items seem pretty good on Olaf.
um, ashy still up there, sivir still up there, jinx still up thereRanduins reducing crit damage is fucking stupid. RIP IE ADCs
the plant AI changes?
It's not the rework that made Garen really strong. It's the new items, particularly DMP.
You mean an unreliable skillshot that encourages you to die as a passive is underwhelming?
This has to be my best cs game ever. However the junglers was mostly useless the entire laning phase. Got no kills during that because kat has way too much mobility. Also Seraphs was a very good buy because it saved my life twice. Once from fizz ult and another from caitlyns deadshot. too bad 2 teammates were surrenderat20 mode the entire time. Welp, guess ill stick with brand now.
oh you mean that thing about her reviving if she kills someone with her passive.No, I don't think so. All I remember is that they weren't talking nerfs or buffs. there weren't many details, just a few vague changes to the kit, something on the scope of the MF changes or even less. About a month ago there was a thread on the official boards with recommendations for changes to the passive and a few Rioters jumped in, more or less agreeing the current passive is really underwhelming in most aspects. I think Zenon even mentioned that he feels Zyra's proper place is mid, but there it didn't seem like he was actively working on whatever changes were coming up.
nerf the slow to like 60% and make it not decay and it might be a killer itemI wish they buff Spellthief already. Thinking about it, Spellthief and Ancient Coin gets the same mana regen. Spellthief's +10 damage every 10 seconds is easily negated by Coin's +10 health every two minions. Tune it to be a lane aggression item by increasing the damage / frequency. Make FQC better at what it does: half engage half counter engage. Increased missile speed? 2 charges? Extra gold for champions hit by the active?
zyra is the suicide bomber in ur team comp
u kill her but she'll still destroy ur team.