are we going to have this conversation again?nah lizz comes out of nowhere and has point and click cc and aoe cc why would you give her more damage
she has a billion tradeoffs for everything she does and she's weak as shit right now
are we going to have this conversation again?nah lizz comes out of nowhere and has point and click cc and aoe cc why would you give her more damage
Doesn't that ultimate count as suppression because you can't do anything nor be attacked in a block of ice?oh no, an ult with a single target stun.
can't do anything is a property of a stun.Doesn't that ultimate count as suppression because you can't do anything nor be attacked in a block of ice?
Doesn't that ultimate count as suppression because you can't do anything nor be attacked in a block of ice?
Which ISP?i don't know what's up with the servers now, but the ping is a fucking lie.
lag definitely feels worse than before the server move despite my "ping" being < 50ms compared to the 90ms of before. i don't know what the issue is, but it feels like 200ms.
Because dying to point and click spells without being able to respond is so funlissandra ult also has 550 range so if she gets to you she probably did a cool engage or you mispositioned, both cases in which it's fair for her to kill you.
Sounds more like Leo :lolnah lizz comes out of nowhere and has point and click cc and aoe cc why would you give her more damage
suppression is a two way "stun" thing (so like malzahar/ww and their victims both can't move or do anything) that can't be mikael'd or cleansed
Nah you can't
Ranged point and click cc and point proven terb, imagine if Leo had a lot of damage she would be disgusting
What? I'm sure you can Mikaels those.
If you take away Leonas ar/mr on w and gave her higher Ap ratios she would be less annoying than a high damage lissandraleona is very tanky so yeah ofcourse that would be a bit overkill.
Mikael is just for standard CC outside suppression.
QSS removes debuffs and summoners too.
Cleanse removes all CC but not debuffs.
Edit: I think Cleanse doesn't remove suppression so it's just like Mikael?
I don't really post over in this thread, but I think I might have a problem GAF...
The bobble head looks alright but the actual figure looks very 'eh' quality wise lol.
Should have been Frost-Butt Irelia.
That looks like a fine problem to haveI don't really post over in this thread, but I think I might have a problem GAF...
I wouldn't expect an easy win. Even after the nerfs smite laners can be damn strong.sweet, going up against 2 smiters on enemy team. expecting an easy win
new darius is fun
On related news, i'm pretty sure nosh is the most inactive anivia in all of gaf. Was 0/0/0 at minute 20, such a dead weight to carry (^:
That looks like a fine problem to have
I wouldn't expect an easy win. Even after the nerfs smite laners can be damn strong.
not really, lots of things are fun and unfair without being point and clickBecause dying to point and click spells without being able to respond is so fun
including her claw is disingenous cos the claw moves so slowly it's almost as if she's walking to you. if lissandra doesn't find a good angle to surprise you then she played well and should be rewarded for it550 range shouldn't mean she should be able to kill you without any counterplay especially since that should include her claw range.
pls diana just clicks on you and q's mid-dash for the impossible-to-dodge reset. and her dash is instantDiana similarly is an all in mage and can have her skills dodged. A Liss with kill potential basically just needs to claw in over a wall midpoint and just ult you to kill you
no, the reason ryze got reworked is that ryze was a lane bully, a scaling monster, a tank and a mage at the same time, with free stats in like half his spells that had an easy as shit build path.How is it fair that you should die if Liss gets within 550 range of you? That unfairness was the reason ryze got reworked and it's even easier for lizz to get within striking range
and lissandra isn't really an assassin without dfg, and that's fineTime and time again theyve shown the intent that they want Liss to be an initiator first and assassin, a far second.
good let's just stack on shitty mechanics to force her into a shitty supporty top laner position instead of actually really easily fixing her laning by giving her the 20 dmg to her q she needs to be able not to lose every everMaybe they'll give her a shield on w cast next
which never made any sense outside of them leaving it like that so malzahar and ww and whatever are a bit less shitNo, you can't. Mikaels is worse than QSS.
is this like opposite-redditIts not that lissandra is weak as shit
Its that shes outclassed by far better ap mids and what not. Liss is fine as she is until shes put up against those better ap mids. So its not a matter of just buffing liss, they need to tear down all the strong picks. Huehue
Comcast. 100/10 package. It's quite clear when last-hitting and doing certain combos that things are not as they seem. Minions dying a little longer after they've been clicked. Abilities not upgrading after being clicked, shit like that.Which ISP?
What's the situation with these legacy skins?
is this like opposite-reddit
like pls rito nerf this entire class instead of changing the actual problem wahh wahh
wtf is that lmaoI don't really post over in this thread, but I think I might have a problem GAF...
sweet, going up against 2 smiters on enemy team. expecting an easy win
[edit] nope! my team had a botter. might be time to take a break from league for a little while and give dota 2 a try. Just need break from all the bots
yup, dfg made her an assassin, without dfg she's a cool enage mageLiss ain't much of a problem without DFG
just revert the q nerf, it's that easyIf they meaningfully buff lissandra (and not just some healing on her ult) that creates the issue that she suddenly becomes one of those "must picks" and it doesnt really solve her problem, it just makes her into one.
Either buff everything or nerf all the egregious champions so everything becomes more viable
No, you can't. Mikaels is worse than QSS.
prolly got pushed, not sure if we're gonna have a patch next week or if they did like an internal version update and they'll start adding things to pbe back next some point Riot should just remove suppression and clear all this nonsense up.
Also, anyone know what happened to the Zyra changes that were supposed to be on the PBE?
Omg teach me
wtf is that lmao
I really feel like tahm would be fantastic in an assassin meta but the only really popular one right now is rengar so he's just kinda meh
I really feel like tahm would be fantastic in an assassin meta but the only really popular one right now is rengar so he's just kinda meh
1v5 is still hard in coop ai wtf
and 3v3 ai has like 30 minute queues.
haha i duno i tried to play coop vs ai in doto and gave up at 10 minutes wait