poor Vayne, she got shut down
but wait--- you were mid with Riven? wow
Nah, I actually played pretty poorly in that game. While I had a good laning phase and ganked other lanes pretty good, when it came to late game where team fights happen, I wasn't there when my team needed me most so I just became cleanup for the remaining enemies. We did have a sizable lead against our enemy so it didn't matter in the end but if it was a close fight, I'm sure it would be considered a throw.
Hey everyone. Sorry to have to say this but I won't be playing much league or games in general for a while. Yesterday I unfortunately cut off the end of my left pointer finger at work. I'll be having surgery on Monday (my birthday..). So I'll be out of commission for a good amount of time. Maybe I can reteach myself eventually but it'll probably take a while. I'll still chill in the thread but no games for now![]()
Get well soon! You can always spectate and watch streams and stuff. Worlds is pretty near too.
If it makes you feel better your lp is literally meaningless. Your mmr is the only thing that really matters so basically your w/l
Lp is just there to make us feel like we're doing something
I guess that's true. I shouldn't dwell on it too much.
Just got my free Forecast Janna from the event. Time to spam Janna!