Also, the adc always complains that I don't have a dmg and I can't poke. What do I do?
Tell them they don't understand the game, mute them, and build support items
Also, the adc always complains that I don't have a dmg and I can't poke. What do I do?
dat feel when your jg comes and feeds your lane
Also, the adc always complains that I don't have a dmg and I can't poke. What do I do?
Especially when they give red to the other adc. That's when you know you'll be under tower for the next 10 minutes
Steal there kills.
When they complain, continue to steal their kills. Show them who's boss.
Save peoples lives with a locket or a mikaels and they wont be complaining
Tell them they don't understand the game, mute them, and build support items
Gonna throw out a question here.
Assuming a 50% winrate and two games played per day (so you'll always get FW and I'm under the impression not everyone plays League for hours on end), how long does it take to unlock all of the champions in the game?
Also assume no money is spent.
Use yi and steal all the killsYou know, I stopped complaining about other people, because I am not that good myself. But I have to say this; I hate playing with Yasou players. Never won a game with me as jungler.
Usually there are.Are there any league skins at pax?
ok how about some fiora
d[-_-]b;176956513 said:Watching EU Regionals and I was like seen that name before :O
It's a normal match, wins and losses are almost completely dice rolls.*sigh*
What am I supposed to do here?
that Nasus build
holy molly
You're not kidding.that Nasus build
holy molly
It's a normal match, wins and losses are almost completely dice rolls.
If you want real advice, take up ranked.
Edit: Looking at your wins and losses, looks like you're not even 30 yet. Your games are going to even be more dice roll like.
that Nasus build
holy molly
Is that good or bad build?
Definitely bad. Since Nasus has the advantage of having an infinitely scaling skill, you might as well build him Tanky. AP Nasus can be a thing too but this one is bad.
And our top lost to this.... badly.
Speaking of which maybe I start lane Top. Tried Moukai and I was terrible but it was fun.
Well, it's decent in early to early - mid game but he just falls off a cliff come late game.The only offensive item Nasus really wants is Trinity Force. Last Whisper is optional.
AP Nasus is super strong in ARAM.
Well, it's decent in early to early - mid game but he just falls off a cliff come late game.
And that's why I think Nasus is terrible in aram. You will become useless later in the game so unless you already have a better team the pick won't do anything. There are cases where it works out when other people on your team will scale and deal damage in the late game, but other champs besides Nasus can do that and keep being relevant later in the game. I just don't like him in aram, but I recognize that he deals decent damage with one /two items. When you're stuck with Nasus in aram, ap is most likely the better build.In SR, yeah but AD Nasus can hardly scale in ARAM unless circumstances really favor it (no poke from enemy, no waveclear from your team). Targon doesn't give him enough stacks and ARAM doesn't last long enough. A tank Nasus with no damage isn't that great personally.
You know, I stopped complaining about other people, because I am not that good myself. But I have to say this; I hate playing with Yasou players. Never won a game with me as jungler.
what about the on screen camera lock button, did you try pressing that?
Its a little square button near the minimap with the profile of a camera
Riot tried to make it the standard thing supports but do but you really shouldn't go full AP after sightstone unless you're like Vel'koz, Brand, or a really far ahead support Annie. I wish they would revert that change since all it did was make Lulu stupidly strong.
What am I supposed to do here?
dat feel when your jg comes and feeds your lane
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
godrven: top or feed
Nami currently at highest win ratio form last 10 games on pro builds???
warning: pro riven alert.Truly the god riven
Truly the god riven
it's constantly making me hurt in my imaginationWhen is the League Korean MMO
Truly the god riven
Arcade RivenSo no PAX skins yet?
ooo niceArcade Riven
Brace yourselves,mains are coming.Draven