Brace yourselves,mains are coming.Draven
for like one or two games, before they decide catching axes is too hard and go back to playing vayne and lucian
Brace yourselves,mains are coming.Draven
Brace yourselves,mains are coming.Draven
Better bust out the RKO arrows.Saw them in bronze ranked
gotta be breezy cos it's a dumb opinion :>Incarnati0n built Rylais on Ori and I'm really curious as to his reasoning. I'm sitting here trying to remember which of Breezy/Zkylon said my experimentation with it was a bad idea. T_T
ap item changes made rylais a large rod item and got a boost in its ap.Incarnati0n built Rylais on Ori and I'm really curious as to his reasoning. I'm sitting here trying to remember which of Breezy/Zkylon said my experimentation with it was a bad idea. T_T
That on top of nerfing other large rod items so they don't give 120 AP anymore besides Deathcap so you don't lose damage if you go Rylai instead of a Zhonya's and also cleaning up the slow passive so it isn't useless on 90% of the mid lane spells in this gameap item changes made rylais a large rod item and got a boost in its ap.
gotta be breezy cos it's a dumb opinion :>
like literally the first thing i said when i saw new rylais was "it's perfect for ori!"
tho u should build it situationally and not build it over things like deathcap or void staff on most games
(i mostly had reservations regarding new liandrys and from my testing it's not that much better :T)
orianna is meta immune
unless the meta is "ban orianna 100%"
then she's sad![]()
Man, fuck runes. I don't want to spend tens of thousands of IP on micromanaging when I could be getting cool champions and things. I've got pretty much all the basics covered but it would be really nice if I could just think about actual fun things like deciding between Nautilus and Zac rather than worrying whether or not my lack of hybrid pen runes is making a difference.
Because nerfs to other mids / high ban rates on others, both of which Ori usually just cruises through.I understand why she'll never fall out of favor, but what I don't get is why she's ignored for 90% of the season and always returns at this point just before World's.
no that would be azir.She's the supreme comfort pick that you can just shove in any comp
Get Naut. To get the absolute 'most' out of zac you'll want Quint of Health runes. * But like you I do not know how much of a diff 2 Quint of Health runes makes
I had the same complaint a few pages back and was told to just focus on the basic rune pages with tier 3 stuff. screw the hybrid pen, quint of Health, and expensive crap like that. I just went basic cheap tier 3 runes. Think I did spend like 10k IP. but I got 33 champs atm (more than I have time to play with)
Now I can buy champs again but I did have an IP blackout from L19-L23 where I jsut spent all IP on runes
edit- I'm a hypocrite I went Zac myself cause of his concept even though I'm not buying tier3 quints of health on him for quite awhile
I reached plat only having the basic 2 rune pages. You don't need to worry about runes that much at least until you go dia+.
Ori is actually playable thoughno that would be azir.
Except for that ult.Ori is actually playable though
I mean as in "people will let you pick her"Except for that ult.
I reached plat only having the basic 2 rune pages. You don't need to worry about runes that much at least until you go dia+.
Indeed. Standard AP/AD pages will take you a very very long way in ranked. Doesn't excuse Riot's shitty practices with runes in general but they're mostly in place to help your early game.
I never offered advice on Orianna. If I did, it was regarding another item, like Morellos. I don't play Ori so I don't talk about her ._.
I bet it was ghost, he hates everything
i think it may have to do with the game just being in a bit more of a balanced spot with like super op midlaners being killed by nerfs and the meta getting a bit more stable so vets like ori just show up again since she's such a reliable and always-good-to-have-in-your-team championYeah, it was post-change that I was interested in experimenting with different builds on Orianna since I mostly played top lane this season. The Haunting Guise power spike is pretty nice on Orianna, but I think we already had that discussion.
In all honesty, if mid wasn't a 2v2 lane I'd probably have played it all season when available.
Also, why is it that Orianna is always popular at this time of the year?
Soraka with HP regen quints is disgusting lol.
Soraka with HP regen quints is disgusting lol.
dont fail me now, naut!
I just picked some up today for that purpose but haven't had the chance to try them out yet
She's the supreme comfort pick that you can just shove in any comp
Talking mid lane picksi thought that was Annie
Reminds me of when nb3 was doing his bronze to diamond with bronze teammates and he told the gnar to rush hexdrinker vs garen bc it would reduce his ults damage
Talking mid lane picks
Talking strictly competitive here. Annie has always been solid mid in solo QI thought Annie was still considered a mid lane pick since they tried to nerf her supporting and buff her midlaning. I thought Flash + Tibbers was still the great equalizer vs just about every team that dared to gather together (or pick off a choice squishy ADC target).
I haven't been paying much attention mind you, just whenever I happen to see an Annie in a high elo stream (which I seem to see a fair amount more than Ori) she is played mid most of the time.