plsi said images. with an S.
lizzyXzyra aint real.
there's only the one
plsi said images. with an S.
lizzyXzyra aint real.
my thoughts exactly.ap fizz buffs
does fizz q work like lucy q yet (like line "skillshot" but if u move out of the way it doesn't hit)?
No, It's single target click and dashes him through. if he dashes from close range he ends up further away at the end, ect.
Still beats the ad fizzap fizz buffs
i am also enjoying this ongoing tentacle discussion
agree with all of that. Lux's inability to wave clear is maddening to me.glad they're getting rid of ad fizz, that shit was allowed to exist far too long. it's a net buff for ap fizz tho which i'm not sure he needs so kind of on the fence about it
more azir nerfs, i agree with the ms nerf, dunno about the q nerf. i mean, the whole way they're dealing with azir keeps feeling like they're taking mechanics away from him like the knockup and now the extra dmg on multiple soldiers. and then they add very questionable things like interaction with devourer when azir's soldiers have never procced on-hit and i really have no idea wtf they're doing with him. whatever
lux buffs are nice but really do nothing to push her towards being an actual competitive champion. i still don't get why she doesn't just get a 0.05 extra ap ratio on her e so she can waveclear safely without autoing like every other mid.
not much else for mid, kind of a lame patch.
there's only the one
i mean, i'd say it's a good way to balance her if it wasn't that like all the other mids in the game get away with instant safe ranged waveclear except for heragree with all of that. Lux's inability to wave clear is maddening to me.
You ain't going to the right sites m8.
but one would still be more than zero.
Ability costs can now be displayed in the upper righthand corner of ability icons (via "Show Spell Costs" under the Interface tab of the options menu)
maybe it should?
Ezreal e now has an ad ratio fk yes
Time to break out the boy wonder
About damn time. Being an ADC with 3/4 spells being off AP is WTF RIOT.
What is Kalista even doing in that skin? Why is she standing on a chariot thing?
He is used in mid.
woah championship kalista...
Recall probably. Thresh and Shyvana do the same thing when they recall on their Championship skins.
weshould talk more on steam lol
His ult also scales from ADAbout damn time. Being an ADC with 3/4 spells being off AP is WTF RIOT.
Hybrid builds were never really viable aside from old Kayle and that one time you could stack Gunblades on Morde and just do whatever the fuck you wantAnd in AP ez his passive is basically worthless. I assume his kit is from when hybrid builds were viable?
And in AP ez his passive is basically worthless. I assume his kit is from when hybrid builds were viable?
Championship Kalista wat
But they said the Victorious skin would be for an ADC, don't tell me Sivir is getting yet another shit skin
His ult also scales from AD
Hybrid builds were never really viable aside from old Kayle and that one time you could stack Gunblades on Morde and just do whatever the fuck you want
Ez's kit is from a time Riot didn't really know how to do kits lol nothing like an ADC that can heal his team
Two years of playing this game, and for the first time, I considered uninstalling League due to the stupidity I just encountered in my last game.
Why are 95% of premade squads so toxic? The way this pair of buddies acted towards me made it seem as if their girlfriends/wives cheated on them with me or something.
morg buffs ew.
literally the single most hated aspect of morg's kit, the one spell that people have called for a nerf on for ages and ages, and rito says "nah we're gonna BUFF it instead smd kids"
nobody cares about her W.
and morg is still picked in soloq, 7th out of 26 champions in the support role
i am also enjoying this ongoing tentacle discussion
Her W is better than you'd think. Or rather, it was better than you'd think.
I'm surprised though, I haven't seen her in what feels like forever. It's always just Braum/Janna/Blitzcrank/Thresh with an occasional Soraka or Naut.
Her W is better than you'd think. Or rather, it was better than you'd think.
I'm surprised though, I haven't seen her in what feels like forever. It's always just Braum/Janna/Blitzcrank/Thresh with an occasional Soraka or Naut.