He did pretty well whenever a the jungler comes up but he is super weak and fed me every time I see him.
The support reconnected then the jungler dc. This was 5 mins in. Bot lost hard because of no supps in the beginning. Top and Mid was ok though I question Orianna building Mejai's when we were already 1 man short. In the end we lost.
Two things I did learn from the game though. Morde ghosts were OP as fuck. Him ulting me when I died was the bad one because I played Rene and it tanked for them leading into towers getting destroyed. This is especially bad in Siege because his ghosts stayed far longer than before. The worse one is because we had no jungler, the dragon was uncontested leading to morde having monopoly on the dragon and having dragon ghosts. Tears were shed.
The support reconnected then the jungler dc. This was 5 mins in. Bot lost hard because of no supps in the beginning. Top and Mid was ok though I question Orianna building Mejai's when we were already 1 man short. In the end we lost.
Two things I did learn from the game though. Morde ghosts were OP as fuck. Him ulting me when I died was the bad one because I played Rene and it tanked for them leading into towers getting destroyed. This is especially bad in Siege because his ghosts stayed far longer than before. The worse one is because we had no jungler, the dragon was uncontested leading to morde having monopoly on the dragon and having dragon ghosts. Tears were shed.