Well this the first im ever seeing it. Why trade knock up for shenanigans?
well against a lot of mids without much mobility he can like easily dodge ur lvl 1 skillshot and get to you for a couple autos and run back
like at lvl 1 most mids are pretty bad and he has mobility and a shield so he wins trades pretty easily specially cos he can get out of ur auto range with e. i think crit runes are out of style for him since the trinity force thing but i think before that ppl use to run crit runes and sometimes you'd be crit at lvl1 after an e and that'd reaaally hurt
so yea, i love it when yasuos start q, that way i can beat the shit out of them at lvl1 and they really can't do anything
Sivir is probably gonna be a weak pick in this Vayne centered botlane meta.
i'm pretty sure vayne's gonna be nerfed by next patch. like she'll get a nerf before worlds for sure
i wish they hadn't nerfed kalista so hard, i guess she needed it but i think they could've been a bit more gentle with the w passive
Don't play Rek'Sai if tunnel vision bothers you so much~!
Guys, what's the best way NOT to get tunnel vision?
what do u mean tunnel vision, like not look at the map during laning or like not rush through the enemy team to try and get enemy carries and get butchered on the way?
i'd say legit answer for the first problem would be to take away effort from somewhere else. like play easier champions that don't require much micromanaging and mechanics. keep yourself away from ori, azir, draven, cassiopeia, kogmaw, etc. probably don't play adc and play more jungle and support. mid also helps since midlane you're always like getting ganked so it makes it a good habit to keep track of enemy junglers and missing laners and stuff
for the second i don't really know, it's probably a lot more up to ur judgement in each game and teamfight. i think you should always know based on how the game's playing out and what you know about your champion and theirs if you're more useful as the person that goes kill the enemy carries or the person that just protects yours.
like if you have someone like azir and you're playing alistar maybe there's no need for you to engage and you might just want to play bodyguard for azir. but if there's no other engage on your team or you're winning and your azir is unstoppable maybe you wanna engage. or maybe you have leblanc mid and she doesn't really need that much protection so you just go in to zone out or cc the enemy carries and give leblanc the window to kill em. and also if you're like maokai and they're vayne or something and they're strong and can like deal with you then maybe just don't go at them like that and just try to catch them out of position instead
i think the rule of thumb was usually if their carries are stronger than yours you generally want to protect and you should go kill their carries if the situation is the other way around.
stuff like that, but it always varies from game to game and from situation to situation, so maybe their vayne is super fed but has like really fucked up positioning for a second and that's the go signal to jump on her like a crazy person with all your spells and flash and yay you won
also never overchase for kills is a generally good rule, just turn around for the objectives, get dragon or a turret or a buff or something