That vi buff was haphazard. Shes spectacular right now but why make her better? Her early game was her greatest weakness.Yeah those Kali nerfs. I don't think I'm going to buy her when she goes on sale.
It's nice though Vi and Karma got buffed those are my two most played characters with Diana running 3rd (plz dont touch Diana)
Elise spider damage nerf...ouch. Would have preferred another hit to Q damage.
yeah i heard a little bit about thisroa lulu is probably the better late game option but i think it takes too long to scale up compared to the instant power boost you get from a morellonomicon.
I do not think the concept worked out on the base skin. His clothes are weird and wrong. His cook skin is really cool but I'm like 40 RP short, and I don't know that I really want to buy more right now.tahm is still my favorite champion conceptually, from a design point.
big old catfish frog toad thing. right up my alley. :3
I use the green chroma of that noot u play on the shittiest vayne skin also
you have really poor taste
Not edgy enough.archlight vayne is a cool looking skin
u should use that one
You think I'm Stone Lotion?well then use heartseeker
The best one you mean.well thats why my first suggestion was archlight
but those are the two good vayne skins
and u went ahead and bought chromas for the worst one -__-
RudeYou think I'm Stone Lotion?
They're not buffing him, they're big-ass nerfs. His W damage just got cut in half so they're just making sure said half is not too low.So they're buffing morde. As if he wasn't strong enough. Ugh.
I believe mmo grinding has made peoples endurance for smurfs rockhard.Leveling a smurf is so painful. How do people do it?
One smurf game per ranked win.Leveling a smurf is so painful. How do people do it?
They're not buffing him, they're big-ass nerfs. His W damage just got cut in half so they're just making sure said half is not too low.
Armor per level increased to 3.75 from 3.5
Base armor reduced to 22 from 24.88
Harvesters of Sorrow (W) "when they touch" damage lowered to 140/200/260/320/380 from 180/250/320/390/460
[NOTE: Live value is currently 140/180/220/260/300.]
Armor per level increased to 3.75 from 3.5
Base armor reduced to 22 from 24.88
Mace of Spades (Q) health cost increased to 25/30/35/40/45 from 20/23/26/29/32 health.
Harvesters of Sorrow (W) has several changes:
- W can now be self cast
- [Will not do the "when they touch" damage but will do the reactivate damage.]
- [W's damage zones can no longer overlap for double damage - source.]
- Movement speed noted as "up to" 75 instead of just 75
- Health cost increased to 25/30/35/40/45 from 0
- "When Touching" damage increased to 140/200/260/320/380 (.9 AP) from 140/180/220/260/300 (.6 AP)
- Reactivation damage increased to 70/95/120/145/170 from 50/70/90/110/130
- % heal on minions lowered to 25% from 33%
- Max number of units drained reduced to 2 from 3
watThere's more buffs than nerfs in that. I still think it's a net buff. They are trying to buff solo kaiser more though.
They reduced his base armor, increased his health costs, made his MS buff have a ramp up, and cut his sustain by half. His W damage is getting increased because Riot removed the ability to stack his W zones for double damage, removing a massive chunk of his potential damage and early pushing ability. The armor per level buff is pretty much the only actual buff in that list aside from solo Morde being able to self cast W again
Put a soraka with anyone and they will sustain for every that is what she does. I problem is that he has no cc and with out a hard engage it is hard to force a fight.So he gets less sustain huh...
Personally, I still think he's too strong even with those supposed nerfs. Just stick a Soraka or someone with a heal with him and he'll be able to sustain lane forever. That coupled with his damage output is just bonkers. We'll see once it hits live. There's a 80% chance I'm wrong but with the right comps he'll still wreck shit. To be fair, if he doesn't have synergy anymore with the majority of supports, I'll think of it as a nerf.
Put a soraka with anyone and they will sustain for every that is what she does. I problem is that he has no cc and with out a hard engage it is hard to force a fight.
Leveling a smurf is so painful. How do people do it?
You don't need spellvamp on Mundo.
You could've gotten Sterak or Dead Man's Plate, or Rylai for lulz, BoRK would be OK I guess, or heck new Hydra since he's jacked up on HP.
Ive played against one of the nastiest yasuos ever. He started E and trolled so hard. It didnt help that udyr fed him so that he still did major damage. I killed him a few time but fuck that.
well all yasuos start e -__-Ive played against one of the nastiest yasuos ever. He started E and trolled so hard. It didnt help that udyr fed him so that he still did major damage. I killed him a few time but fuck that.
no...Is Yasuo's E the poke? That's the most common start I've seen.
Blind pick reported.Bu-bu-but the donger is useless Kappa.