junglerTop or jungle? Jungle Rengar can dump the MR blues for CDR or mix them.
junglerTop or jungle? Jungle Rengar can dump the MR blues for CDR or mix them.
what if ur just mediocre on a couple champs t_t
u need a new avatar
you have been using the same thing for like 2 years now
it's time for a change
also i hate jerd's avatar and will probably get to fixing its transparency one of these days. u wanted a malph or soraka one, rite? i'll do u a raka i think
it's avatar season, avatars for everyone!
this is like the one avatar I've gone back to and stuck with
I think it fits my personality
are you mad as hell
project cinematic been posted yet?
pretty cool actually
also faces popping up upon death on pbe
I think discount is coming next week iirc? This week gets you weird loading screen flair
Just had Lucent Singularity glitch out such that I couldn't use it for the last 20 minutes of the game. It's tooltip dropped to 0 mana cost and said, "You can't cast that right now!" for the remainder of the game. I had to play with one hand tied behind my back. A couple of threads are now bouyed on the support forum.
almost fucked me out of a hard-fought ranked win.
it's avatar season, avatars for everyone!
why not both? riot, please.
rip in peec.Nice, Dunkey got banned. Always hated that shitter.
Now all they got to do is ban The Rain Man, and I'm good.
I would say that I strongly disagree with Moba characters not needing some kind of personality or motive. This is one of those things that Dota 2 made so clear was how much could be added to a character through flavor voice over that occurs based on enemy interactions, item buys, etc. A champion like Rek'sai is afforded none of this, and as a result she feels remarkably uninteresting an one-dimensional. There is a concept to the clicks that's interesting, but Rek'Sai also feels like one of the least reactive champs in the sounds she makes. She doesn't respond to anything. She doesn't exist in the world. She just makes growling noises while she paths around. Bard has a similar problem, but Bard's soundscape is exponentionally more dynamic because of the sound mixing between meeps spawning, being activated, and chime collection.I mean I like that lol has something for everyone. There's people that simply like playing as a lurking menacing monster from the void that hunts stuff. Not everyone has to have some quirky personality or motives. I quite like her design, including the growling or whatever.
I don't agree with randomly saying that she's a female but whatever. Just saying that she was the queen of her species would have been enough. It was a bit weird how they highlighted that she was female when she came out.
Powder Keg (E) bonus physical damage to champions lowered to 40/50/60/70/80 from 80/110/140/170/200
Wow that nerf is crazy.Good bye gangplank.
Good bye gangplank.
ehhh neither of those suit meYou practice or you become a one trick pony
shoot me a picture if u wantOh yeah. I keep avatars turned off on gaf. I forgot what I had. Diana is so two years ago. I need a new one!
lux is so op she breaks herselfWARNING: DON'T PLAY LUX RIGHT NOW.
Just had Lucent Singularity glitch out such that I couldn't use it for the last 20 minutes of the game. It's tooltip dropped to 0 mana cost and said, "You can't cast that right now!" for the remainder of the game. I had to play with one hand tied behind my back. A couple of threads are now bouyed on the support forum.
almost fucked me out of a hard-fought ranked win.
yuckI'll need a new one soon since Brady has been freed. For now.
Actually I might just go back to the puck one.
that's a pretty decent nerf but i don't think it's enough to put him downGood bye gangplank.
there's just no good reason not to do vo in this kind of game, or at least not one that's convinced meI would say that I strongly disagree with Moba characters not needing some kind of personality or motive. This is one of those things that Dota 2 made so clear was how much could be added to a character through flavor voice over that occurs based on enemy interactions, item buys, etc. A champion like Rek'sai is afforded none of this, and as a result she feels remarkably uninteresting an one-dimensional. There is a concept to the clicks that's interesting, but Rek'Sai also feels like one of the least reactive champs in the sounds she makes. She doesn't respond to anything. She doesn't exist in the world. She just makes growling noises while she paths around. Bard has a similar problem, but Bard's soundscape is exponentionally more dynamic because of the sound mixing between meeps spawning, being activated, and chime collection.
As a contrast to Rek'Sai you have someone like Tahm Kench, who maybe has hundreds of lines that fit loads of different champions, item purchases, ward usage, and even has just dumb stuff like four times as many laughs as Rek'Sai. There's way more to the character and it feels like they spent more time developing them as more than a set of mechanics. Rek'sai came out way too late in League's life cycle for her lack of sound design/personality to be acceptable. She's like the crummiest Sand King imaginable.
Her lore is also just garbage. How is she a Queen? In what way does that fit a predatory bug thing? So thoughtless.
Good bye gangplank.
shoot me a picture if u want
also why would u use avatars turned off
what are you insane
Should have upgraded your trinket :^)I'm starting to think maybe I should only play Jayce when I'm angry.still not S+? I NEED TO BE BETTER.
Should have upgraded your trinket :^)
Mercy is a luxury for this botlane.
D5 is kinda a cesspool.I'm surprised you haven't gone above D5 with the way you play. How much LP do you lose after a defeat?
project cinematic been posted yet?
pretty cool actually
also faces popping up upon death on pbe
Yi was never gonna be on sale since legendaries never get discountsare these prices for Project skins correct? 1820 for Yi?! 1350 for zed? I thought they were gonna be on sale for 925
Riot just made billions.
I'm surprised you haven't gone above D5 with the way you play. How much LP do you lose after a defeat?