They did say that the skill gap from Diamond V to Diamond I is greater than Bronze to Diamond V. I imagine going up tiers in Diamond would be harder overall.
Yi was never gonna be on sale since legendaries never get discounts
The 1350 skins will have a 975 price for a week starting next week.
D5 is the true elo hellThey did say that the skill gap from Diamond V to Diamond I is greater than Bronze to Diamond V. I imagine going up tiers in Diamond would be harder overall.
Dunno, last season I went from Diamond V to Diamond II. There was definitely a difference between DIII to DII, but hardly a difference from DV to DIII.They did say that the skill gap from Diamond V to Diamond I is greater than Bronze to Diamond V. I imagine going up tiers in Diamond would be harder overall.
I'm surprised you haven't gone above D5 with the way you play. How much LP do you lose after a defeat?
No way, lol.Has anyone from GAF ever hit Challenger?
Has anyone from GAF ever hit Challenger?
rito delayed the sale so instead you can pay full price now for some decals on your loading portraitthanks. huh Fiora not for sale or something yet it seems
edit- Store just frakked I couldnt buy her proj skin even if I wanted
Mercy is a luxury for this botlane.
rito delayed the sale so instead you can pay full price now for some decals on your loading portrait
This match ~_~.I spectated you a bit last night as you played with Draven. And watched the beginning of another match with Kalista + Kenny as your sidekick/supp. Never seen him in any of my games. Wish I could've watched the whole match
So I've been on hiatus before the new map-redesign came out, so I was out quite a few changes. Is there a way I can catch up before going in cold? Mainly interested in everything surrounding the jungle and new champions.
That is a tall damn order
I think Zed has the best Project skin but I don't have Zed so I didn't buy his.
Riot made so much money they had to shut down their store....
I mean like, videos detailing jungle changes or something. I have no clue. I just watched a video and there were fucking turtles on the rivers.
Glad seeing Pantheon is still doing good in jungle from what I gathered. Jarvan fell off, tho. My most played jungle champs.
Cheers.Major thing for jungle:
scuttle crab (river turtle) runs away from you, kill him to place a speed/vision zone infront of dragon/baron
new smites! your smite changes depending on the jungle weapon you buy and some can be used on champions. theres slowing, auto attacking and farming based smites.
smite can have 2 charges
jungle item is only available to those with smite
dragon no longer gives you global gold gives you minor team buffs with a super strong effect when you kill dragon 5 times
baron no longer regenerates hp and instead makes ur nearby minions stronger
theres several new items
ryze, gp, fiora, skarner, morde, garen, darius, ashe, zilean, trist have been reworked
there were several new champs
new ui please turn on mana costs
Really as a Zed player I was disappointed by his skin.
Has anyone from GAF ever hit Challenger?
Really? I thought he had the best recall out of the project skins and his effects are pretty cool too. Leona is the most lackluster but I love Leona so I bought it anyway.
I mean I like that lol has something for everyone. There's people that simply like playing as a lurking menacing monster from the void that hunts stuff. Not everyone has to have some quirky personality or motives. I quite like her design, including the growling or whatever.
I don't agree with randomly saying that she's a female but whatever. Just saying that she was the queen of her species would have been enough. It was a bit weird how they highlighted that she was female when she came out.
Has anyone from GAF ever hit Challenger?
Project feed has begun.
Project feed has begun.
Has top always been the home of the worst League players? Or is that a recent occurrence? I swear my last 5 games has been nothing but arrogant, single-minded players that don't know how to team fight. Just lost promos....again...because Olaf was trying to 1v1 a Jax who was 5/0/5. Olaf had 0 kills at this point. Olaf said "I can beat him." Then continued to die. I just....I don't...I...just...brain...melting....out...of....ears
no more lucian
Played Corki for the first time wow. This is like babies first ADC so simple and effective.
That's super bad.I've only ever gone against 1 really good Lucian, they basically attack moved ALL the time.
Now master Draven.Played Corki for the first time wow. This is like babies first ADC so simple and effective.
That's super bad.
How come?
Because attack move is hardly precise. I mean, it's good for farming or single target fights, definitely don't want to always use it.