Ghost is Bad
yea but that doesnt really matter because u can just see the details anyways
yea but that doesnt really matter because u can just see the details anyways
sweetNeuroCat said:Instant feedback updates land on PBE
Hey all,
We’ve shipped out a suite of new features on the PBE. Earlier this year, we tipped our hand on what’s in today’s release, so skim that post for the big ideas. It all boils down to upgrades to instant feedback, League’s automated system for detecting, punishing, and (one day) rewarding certain behaviors in League:
In-client reform cards
Until now, reform cards were sent via email to offending players. Now they’ll appear in-client, delivering context on the punishment and displaying the chat log that triggered the punishment. Pushing reform cards into the client ensures players receive the information they need to understand the punishment and change their behavior for the better. Since the vast majority of you won’t ever receive a reform card, here’s what one looks like:
Chat restrictions
Instant feedback began with two-week and permanent bans because the negative behaviors spurring them (homophobia, racism, sexism, death threats, and excessive verbal abuse) are both overwhelmingly rejected by the community and hard to mistake. After crunching several million games worth of data over the last few months, the instant feedback system’s now ready to help reform more mild, but persistent negative behaviors with chat restrictions.
Intentional feeding bans
Intentional feeders ruin games, so the behavior nets players two-week bans, and can escalate to permanent bans if it continues. Through a ton of in-game metrics, chat logs, and even historical play patterns, we ensured the system understands the difference between intentional feeding and being crushed by a Riven main in solo queue. You shouldn’t need to worry about just having a bad game.
Like with all new feature launches, the whole player behavior team will hand-review the first few thousand cases to make sure everything’s working right.
yea but that doesnt really matter because u can just see the details anyways
i have both boring names and descriptive names
my old ziggs page was "touchfuzzygetdizzy"
For her ult specifically there's QSS and not getting the 4 procs in time and going too deepIt's not like there's many risks for Fiora in her current state otherwise.
Yeah I agree, her ult is the least of the problems with her.For her ult specifically there's QSS and not getting the 4 procs in time and going too deep
She's overtuned but her ult isn't the problem
this is hte best thing that's ever happened to me
Is this a job for zkylewd?I want a new avatar preferably with braum/naut or shield+anchor. Hook me up lolgaf!
Is this a job for zkylewd?
Today in "Adventures with Yasuo," Yas dies to our Zed early a couple times so starts building Giants belt and Wardens Mail as his first two items. Claims he's too far behind to afford to build damage.
On the one hand I liked where his head was at, trying not to feed, but on the other hand I'm not sure how much of an asset a 100% tank yasuo is going to be.
It's useless for him to build that. Zed is still 1 item up and always will be. By the time he gets a randy Zed will have armor pen like LW (which is cheaper).
Not only that but Yasuo has better team fighting than Zed and has potential to outplay with wind wall vs Zed's Q. I rather he build damage and either out scales late game or out play mid game. Zed beats Yasuo pre 6 anyways but Yasuo beats him once it gets to 7-9ish.
lolyup, it's much more fun playing against yasuo than with yasuo in your team cos you know at least everyone in your team passed the minimum test of not being complete idiots by not picking yasuo
For her ult specifically there's QSS and not getting the 4 procs in time and going too deep
She's overtuned but her ult isn't the problem
I just won a game with a Yasou in our team and he said that it was his first time playing him. Maybe the problem lies with the fact that people who main him are usually the troublesome ones.
Me and the ADC lost bot to an Ashe and Thresh, while our jungler went on a bad streak of dying 5 times to just one kill. Thank god our Yasou played smartly and our top helped us alot in teamfights. I just relised that ADC usually become cocky once they win lane phase because that Ashe was terrible in most teamfights. Also thresh build's was that of an ADC as he finished the game with an IE and Last Wisperer, and no supp items at all, which was wierd
For some reason players like to build Thresh as ADC, generally as a troll build.
What I don't get is why they don't give him Wit's End since his E adds AP damage to his autos @_@ I mean if you're gonna troll Thresh at least don't treat long range auto-ing Tank= ADC.
No be fair, him and Ashe won the lane phase and thought he doesn't need to be a supporter anymore since we were kind of rubbish, I don't know. but yeah, he has to take advantage of his abilities and build properly rather than going full ADC-like.
and I have checked his profile on and apparently he is Silver 3 :/
Supports who don't build support items is common around that elo and below sadly
Their mentality is that they don't want to be that team mate who can't deal damage and gets kills, sort of.
That's optimal teamfight use, doesn't mean you get to use it that way every time or 1v1. Sometimes the target dies before you can get a proc in because of wonky direction detection, what can you doDon't you just ult a low health and hit once?
GG heal team for half their health.
It just had to be a ranked game.
Your team looks pretty good. I feel bad for the opposing team and their jungle tf. That's pretty rough to make work.
wtf did u doI think I just had one of my most toxic games ever. Oddly enough, wasn't reported.
look at my ping.
Lost. I'm now on a 3 lose spree. sad.
I think I just had one of my most toxic games ever. Oddly enough, wasn't reported.
I though D5 was the ban, so they might contain his girth.Riot should ban you and free you from Diamond V.
go look up thresh's ad ratio on his e passive and check out some ad thresh montages because they're both hilariousFor some reason players like to build Thresh as ADC, generally as a troll build.
What I don't get is why they don't give him Wit's End since his E adds AP damage to his autos @_@ I mean if you're gonna troll Thresh at least don't treat long range auto-ing Tank= ADC.
Finally won ranked with Leona.
My 3 loses had Garen in all of them. Whether I was mid top or jungle, he was there and he was the main culprit for my losses. I spammed chat with "ban garen" so our captain did on my 4th game and what do you know the their top lane fed ours. Fuck you garen. I liked you and even mained you once but not now where you win 90% of the match ups without effort. It feels dirty if I play him and it fucking sucks if he's my enemy.
Finally won ranked with Leona.
My 3 loses had Garen in all of them. Whether I was mid top or jungle, he was there and he was the main culprit for my losses. I spammed chat with "ban garen" so our captain did on my 4th game and what do you know the their top lane fed ours. Fuck you garen. I liked you and even mained you once but not now where you win 90% of the match ups without effort. It feels dirty if I play him and it fucking sucks if he's my enemy.