I need a Sona version
Going from playing at around 20fps and 100 ping to 60fps and 20-40 ping is messing me up so bad.
It would be just a note.I need a Sona version
I don't actually find this video to be very ridiculous. He's super fed and has like 4-5 levels on the enemy team.
Actually just nerf all the juggernauts.
I don't actually find this video to be very ridiculous. He's super fed and has like 4-5 levels on the enemy team.
It's like mid to low diamond actually. I dunno. Many people are dumb at this level. Many people have already given up. I've just seen people stomp like that on a bunch of champions, and Soraka was a major part of how he was able to do what he did. By the end he's like level 17 and the enemy bot lane is still like 12. It's whatever. Darius has too many base stats on him and he's obviously broken, but something like this video is not out of line with what I've seen loads of other champions do in this game.It's more like 2-4 levels and it's not like the enemy team isn't good either. The score is pretty close at the beginning with 19-26. IIRC this is also D1 elo so the people he played with aren't stupid either.
I can understand if you're a super fed Riven so you can steamroll people with your all AD build but Darius here only has a Black Cleaver and deals absurdly amounts of damage while having his broken ass Q heal while also being tanky as fuck.
It's like mid to low diamond actually. I dunno. Many people are dumb at this level. Many people have already given up. I've just seen people stomp like that on a bunch of champions, and Soraka was a major part of how he was able to do what he did. By the end he's like level 17 and the enemy bot lane is still like 12. It's whatever. Darius has too many base stats on him and he's obviously broken, but something like this video is not out of line with what I've seen loads of other champions do in this game.
Like, wow. He stomps a Jungle Jax with Rageblade, Magus, and Ionian boots while Darius has a three level advantage and is uncontrollably fed. Thresh has Zeke's. There are no tank stats on the enemy team and he has free farm on top of getting a billion kills. This game was very one sided even before the killing spree. An inhib is going down at 25 minutes.
Well. At least this brightened my mood. I've had some people send friend requests after games, and I've always been afraid to accept in case I get someone who starts calling me a n00b dick or something.so i'm playing corki for the first time and i do okay and we win so this super salty diana on the other team adds me
costy pls ban for them being a harassing salt lord
OKay...time to delete League again like I do for a few weeks. I'll be back, but these players just absolutely murder my spirit and love for this game.
Fiora top absolutely demolishing. At one point she had 18 kills, and the next highest was 6. She doesn't slow down either....but want to know the most interesting stat about her? 0 assists. 30 mintues in, and still 0 fucking assists. I said "Time to group up and push everyone" and she ignored me. Over and over. Then she finally exploded and raged at our Lucian because she engaged in a stupid 1v5 fight, Lucian walked by and didn't jump in to get himself murdered in a 2v5.
As politely as I could, I let her know that her arrogance and ego led to our implosion. That Fiora shouldn't be playing a game based around teamwork.
-Le sigh-
Well. At least this brightened my mood. I've had some people send friend requests after games, and I've always been afraid to accept in case I get someone who starts calling me a n00b dick or something.
I think I'll add Riven to my top lane pool as she looks really fun and will probably push me mentally and mechanically. Many of the Riven mains I've played against have really put me off the champion, but having watched Ssumday's pro games on Riven (as well as Faker and The Shy) has really piqued my interest.
The experiment might not survive but I'll at least have better match up knowledge by the end of it.
We all know how the juggernauts litter the top lane. ADCs are boiled down to who gets Vayne first while the second ADC is most likely Jinx. It's pretty obvious once we banned Vayne, the enemy had used a long time before picking a champ. Vayne really benefited from the meta shift so she's the most picked adc. Elise is still pretty strong.
You do have some games where you just snowball from the start and straight out win, right?One day I will reach an elo where I don't feel like i have to win 3 lanes and defend inhibs 1v3 (even if successfully).
Fortunately, Jayce has broad shoulders. But it's just so stressful and I feel exhausted after a single match. Though I guess being down 6K gold @ 15 minutes will make a match feel stressful...
I'd really like to get good at one of the asshole snowballers, but I just don't have time to get really good at them this season. Even when fed, I have to work so hard.
Riot pls buff Jayce.
Fuck it, I'm just gonna start spam picking Lux, Brand and Ahri. Games always feel easier with them.
how did changing your computer change your ping?
She hasn't. Q does more damage on the bounce if it kills the first target and W gives you her maxed out passive. That's literally it.Can someone give me a quick update on how MF was changed gameplay wise please.
Same here, that is my favorite part about dota.And I got distracted with dota-2 10 vs 10 mode. Wish LoL had some mods.
my point is maybe it would help if you cut back a bit too
"Hey our Yi is snowballing the hell out of control.... lets keep throwing"
how do you build support lulu?
Her recommended item build just turns her into a full ap mage after the sightstone.
That standard support item build recommendation posted a while ago still applies.
So Locket, Mikael, Frozen Heart, etc.?
Sounds good to me.
Most of the time you probably want Zeke's rather than FH.
Ancient coin or spell thief?
You do have some games where you just snowball from the start and straight out win, right?
Not sure what else my Karma support could have done to carry this miserable lot to victory. My adc was annoying so I put him on mute within like 2 mins into match. I suppose that didn't help
Very happy with my performance. Could've gotten my deaths down to 0 probably though with a little faster reflexes. But I'll take an 8.5 K/D/A ratio
I wanted to do a Teambuilder match for a great composition but it just takes way too long to build a team like that in the mornings before I go to work.
There's nothing wrong with building AP on Karma support.
I mean, he already has a sightstone. If you're not building some sort of damage, there's no point playing Karma support.there is if it comes at the expense of your team having an abject lack of vision and core utility items while trying to play from behind. having 2 real wards on the map (and a couple of POS trinkets) against a fed wu, yi and yauso so you can build AP as a supp is the height of greed. but it may not have mattered at all in this match. who knows.