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I'm this way with Skarner right now. Too many awful games lately.i think its prolly a good idea to ban yasuo out of ur own team these days
ignites the strongest lane summoner in the game which is why i always take ignite unless theres an assassin on the other team
yea ignite on support is really common, nothing to be concerned about
i generally do the same as ghost, ignite always unless there's like a zed or yasuo or whatever that u can really hurt in teamfights with exhaust
i also take exhaust against vayne but i probably shouldn't since as a support you rarely get in vayne range
I'm scared. I've won 7 ranked games in a row (only silver 3, though). Never know if I should ride the wave or quit while I'm ahead.
I'm scared. I've won 7 ranked games in a row (only silver 3, though). Never know if I should ride the wave or quit while I'm ahead.
Yep, I agree with this.Just play til you lose. Then take a break.
ARAM sounds good right now, I am done with normals solo q or ranked solo q. I'm just not having that much fun, maybe if I a bunch of ppl it would be better.All this talk of ranked toxicity and dunkey drama and here I am just playing ARAM nonstop.
Dunkey is acting like a little bitch. He keeps raving on how other games let you talk shit to people who are worse than you, but in those games you're talking shit to someone you're playing against, not with - no one gets banned for being fucking bm, people get banned for flaming teammates. On top of that, he says Riot didn't give him a free pass when he has been acting like a gigantic asshole for years and only now he gets banned, not to mention they don't own him jack shit.All this talk of ranked toxicity and dunkey drama and here I am just playing ARAM nonstop.
No one ever lost anything when they quit while they were ahead.
Dunkey is acting like a little bitch. He keeps raving on how other games let you talk shit to people who are worse than you, but in those games you're talking shit to someone you're playing against, not with - no one gets banned for being fucking bm, people get banned for flaming teammates. On top of that, he says Riot didn't give him a free pass when he has been acting like a gigantic asshole for years and only now he gets banned, not to mention they don't own him jack shit.
I mean, I love his videos but if he can't handle not being a waste of human flesh then good riddance.
Yeah, I agree with that. It only took 18 patches into the 5th year of the game to get a system that deals with intentional feeders, like what have you been doing all this time?I agree 100% with what you're saying. But the fact that Riot can't deal with all these scripters, intentional feeders, champ select trolls, and the bad DC system after 5 years is just beyond stupid.
Stop listening to Lyte's psychobabble and tell people to stop being dickheads or else. Why the fuck are stuff like IP permabans only saved for people that are basically one pixel away from commiting an actual crime?
where did you get that term from? That's like a wise quote from some wise prophet or something. nice
Its something my Principal said in high school when he'd tell us how much money he lost when he went to Vegas.
lmao!!! I hope that's not true tho omg
If I've gone this far without getting banned, Dunkey must have been a real asshole.
If you're not 30 yet don't bother with teambuilder.
If I've gone this far without getting banned, Dunkey must have been a real asshole.
Riot needs to shorten the average game length for ranked games. It's just exhausting playing 30+ minutes of SR and then your one idiot teammate is out of position and all the time you spent playing just basically got thrown out the window. They need to increase the power of snowballing again, increase death timers, and probably shorten the surrender timer down to 10-15 minutes (0 minutes if one player never connected or is intentionally feeding).
That's something I was always keep in mind when I see people getting banned. You really, really have to consistently be a complete asshole to get banned. The system is obviously very lenient.
I get what you're saying, but fact is the average match length hasn't increased as much as people think it has. The few times Riot's given numbers the average S5 match is about ~2-1/2 minutes longer than in S4, and about the same amount of time separates the old super snowbally shit from S2 from S5. Yeah, 5 minutes is 5 minutes, but it's not like 20 min games used to be the norm and its doubled over the years. Perception is a funny thing, particularly when the community at large is giant, and overwhelmingly whiny, echo chamber.
Snowballing sucks. I get people want shorter games, but losing a lane because of a mistake at level 2 or whatever is bullshit and people who bitch just as much in the other direction. This is before even considering the ramifications this would have on the viability of champions. Not a strong ganker at level 2 or 3? Sorry, you're not getting picked. Reducing the surrender timer like you said, combined with not just banning an intentional feeder/troll after the game, but finding a way to get his ass out during the match and then letting the team decide if they want to surrender right then and there would be way better. 45 minute matches wouldn't be so bad if you could remove all those terrible 20-30 min experiences.
Know what else would help? Significantly improved communication tools, because for a game of LoL's complexity four ping markers doesn't cut it at all.
man to think that dunkey was banned before i was
lol. Same boat. In my head I'm like "Surely I can do better than all these other assholes playing Yasuo---the bar sounds pretty damn low."Everyone talking about Yasuo is making me want to play him so much right now.
lol. Same boat. In my head I'm like "Surely I can do better than all these other assholes playing Yasuo---the bar sounds pretty damn low."
lol. Same boat. In my head I'm like "Surely I can do better than all these other assholes playing Yasuo---the bar sounds pretty damn low."
Its not like assholes choose Yasou. Yasou makes one an asshole by default.
Holyshit, team builder is the way to go. I just played 8 games straight and the level of toxicity was almost none existent (maybe partially they chose their role before hand, also everyone is doing what they are suppose to to do. It also helps the fact that people who are there to try out different camps/tactics let you know before hand and as a jungler this is way helpful, no one is feeding intentionally and everyone is super friendly once someone messes up.
It also helps the fact that I have won 6 of those 8 games, maybe I am choosing the champs I have already mastered and I am playing against people who are trying different things, but man what a great experience I had.
I think I am gonna do Teambuilder from now on unless its like middle of the night where no one is playing the game.
Kinda layte to play. I was too busy beating dark souls all day to go online.Anyone wanna play?
Kinda layte to play. I was too busy beating dark souls all day to go online.
Master Yi is too good at splitpushing. At the end, the Nexus was literally one hit from death before I died. Then Garen swooped in and saved the day.