Yeah it is kinda weird to say you won't me disappointed when we haven't seen anything past the teaser.
Honestly them saying that is way cooler than the teaser bc it seems like a lot of rioters are really proud of it
Yeah it is kinda weird to say you won't me disappointed when we haven't seen anything past the teaser.
Oh ok i get what your saying. Yeah I was more thinking of it from a person out of the company point of view.Honestly them saying that is way cooler than the teaser bc it seems like a lot of rioters are really proud of it
surely he bought those at the end of the game?
wait that's a devourer LOL
I guess his passive would play nice with devourer
He does quite a bit of damage with devourer into full tank.
I just want ADC itemization to go back to actual stats instead of RNG. IE should be the icing on your build, no the fucking batter you made the cake stuff, wide variety of items is a nice way to allow for different strats and champions to coexist, even if something is invariably gonna be broken at any given moment, it's not like the game is much different right now
I don't want your damn batter.I just want ADC itemization to go back to actual stats instead of RNG. IE should be the icing on your build, no the fucking batter you made the cake with.
Don't you want to lick the spooooonI don't want your damn batter.
ehh i dunno, i never really got the whole whining about critI just want ADC itemization to go back to actual stats instead of RNG. IE should be the icing on your build, no the fucking batter you made the cake with.
I got fed as hell as Lucian - in a teamfight Garen flashed onto me, dropped a q, spun for like half a second then ulted me at 3/4 health
I died
What in god's name is that dmg
I now understand why people don't like Garen
I got fed as hell as Lucian - in a teamfight Garen flashed onto me, dropped a q, spun for like half a second then ulted me at 3/4 health
I died
What in god's name is that dmg
I now understand why people don't like Garen
Edit: ^You may want to read some basic champion guides imo. Your summoners and item builds aren't very good.
what on earth goes on in here
what do u people for replays nowadays
um i duno, no excuse about this one lol
what do u people for replays nowadays
automatically records all your games and sends them to your email
i tried this but i found it really annoying that it just bombarded my email with replays
also sometimes it didn't record and it recorded every time i played a custom game to try runes or something which was really annoying haha
Dyrus is going to release his 'donzeo document' after worlds
I bet he's going to shit all over League as a game, Riot and the LoL scene
I don't know if I should be worried or excited
4 ADCs > 1 Yasuo.
I say be excited. NA needs a wake up call.Dyrus is going to release his 'donzeo document' after worlds
I bet he's going to shit all over League as a game, Riot and the LoL scene
I don't know if I should be worried or excited
Probably like a month or soHow long will Champ. Kalista be availble?
Donezo document lol. That kind of stuff doesnt do anything but bring down the credibility of the entire scene. I don't get how there aren't sanctions against players doing that yet
I feel like I'm such trash with Leona. Watched my ADC die over & over. But hey at least I consistently failed with her. Surrendered exact same time both matches
Not really sure there is anything they could do to keep someone from speaking out against an organization they are no longer affiliated with
You think organizations created by players would actually have the foresight of making NDAs? lol
How, exactly?That kind of criticism could be harnessed in a much more useful and constructive way.