yeah it's great
i'm not sure about the kit conveying two characters tho, it just looks like lamb is the actual champion and the wolf ghost is just a few spells you cast
and i don't mean micromanaging two champions or like ori with her ball or anything, but i dunno, kindred's kit feels like it could be easily used on a single character champion
It's probably gonna depend on how dynamic and interesting one thinks those multiple passives/actives are. I do feel like they work together though, even if I agree that Ori is still probably the best example of controlling "two" champs. If you notice where each passive/active is coming from they seem to be consistent and I find that cool.
I think Karma looks good. It is 750 rp so you shouldn't expect much.
Assuming it isn't a weird graphix bug, the color scheme change when she uses her mantra is very nice.