What do you mean by jungle gankers, like people that invade the other persons jungle.Haha that's crazy. What are some good jungle gankers?
What do you mean by jungle gankers, like people that invade the other persons jungle.Haha that's crazy. What are some good jungle gankers?
The fuck? Did this ever happen before? I gifted my friend PROJECT Zed when it was released, refund me my RP rito!
lolbut you gifted him that ultra-cool loading screen border that he can show off forever and ever
I didnt even know the border was an "extra" til towards the end of the special. But it wasn't quite worth it for me.
Sorry just realised how silly that sounds. Let me rephrase: what are some champions that can ganks lanes earlier then six? I've noticed with Warwick that I kind of need to wait until six for ultimate to truly gank "well" but that might be me still learning.What do you mean by jungle gankers, like people that invade the other persons jungle.
Sorry just realised how silly that sounds. Let me rephrase: what are some champions that can ganks lanes earlier then six? I've noticed with Walrick that I kind of need to wait until six for ultimate to truly gank "well" but that might be me still learning.
Or that have speed and can surprise the enemy like yi and eve.Anyone that has some form of cc built into their basic abilities is going to inherently be good at ganks pre 6. Xin zhao, Elise, lee sin, pantheon, skarner, and plenty of others are all solid at ganking early
Yeah. There's a few times where I was legit saved by a Janna continuously in a single game. In general, as long as there's someone who is very proficient with the champ they use then they'll more than likely carry the game for the team even if they are support.
Just look at Madlife da god.
Sweet time to buy all the skinsYay the project skins are on sale.
You should try Nunu. He could solo at 3.
First time I am seeing this, must mean I am a shit supp then.
Speaking of which I have won 4 in a row and 7 in the last 10 and now I am starting to play against Gold people, and holy hell this shit is fun.
although I got my ass handed to me earlier by a premade team, I assume because they had all similar names.
Alos can anyone explein to me how Zed can be be able to teleport infintely during the who game. That was the first time I am seeing this shit and that looked like broken play. We asked him after the game and he said Blu+cdr helped him but it smelled fishy. also he was dodging our attacks like a motherfucker...
battle bunny riven, the good diana skin, kpop ahri, dino gnar, some good skin sales this month
Which one? I'm honestly having trouble picking a skin for her. I'm really enjoying Diana right now. She is probably the first AP champ that I legitimately enjoy playing.
Which one? I'm honestly having trouble picking a skin for her. I'm really enjoying Diana right now. She is probably the first AP champ that I legitimately enjoy playing.
i wonder where they'll put the enemy icons in that mode![]()
Yesssssssssssss I hate the teammates on top of the minimap thing
dude not too hard to ctrl+f Diana (lunar goddess)
lol. I'm too stupid that I already replied before I thought of that.
I really like Diana. She solves the only problem I have with AP champs which is CSing. She's melee which I can forgive but she has a good attack animation and every third hit means I can hit harder. She also has a shield which I can use if I want to try and get a few cs without letting the enemy damage me. Her base ad is also good which means I can cs better.
omg it feels so good to ban yasuo. I'm just sick of fighting him and watching teammates getting destroyed by him. Myself I just totally avoid his whirlwinds at the cost of CS but others just get caught up and pwned.
Thus I'm usually in Draft mode....
Feels so good to join a Yasuo lobby in teambuilder and instantly go, nope. The pain they must feel hahaha.
I wonder how it feels to be a Yasuo main in here. So much hate lol. Though I kinda relate with all the Riven hate everywhere.
Riven can still faceroll to some extent in lower elos, Yasuo is always useless if he's shit.I wonder how it feels to be a Yasuo main in here. So much hate lol. Though I kinda relate with all the Riven hate everywhere.
Riot Lyte saying regular ranked will get replaced with Team Builder ranked if it tests well enough.
Wasn't this confirmed already? I thought normal ranked was donezo for S6Riot Lyte saying regular ranked will get replaced with Team Builder ranked if it tests well enough.
That's because most yasuo's are annoyingly terribleI wonder how it feels to be a Yasuo main in here. So much hate lol. Though I kinda relate with all the Riven hate everywhere.
Diana went 10/3/11 but we still lost
Too many towers fell. Keep trying to tell teammates to ward but guess they'd rather get ganked. At least I still got a B+ score, meh
ive heard some random reports that rito may or may not have fked with input buffering accidentally
then wq would just never work
wtf is up with alistar
sometimes his wq works properly other times it doesn't
A thing that people need to learn in lower elo's is how to play safe after dieing. It always seems that good back to lane like nothing happened, til they die again and again. It is some of the most frustrating things that people do. I will be playing jungle and I will tell them play safe and let the wave push into you so that I can gank. and they just continue pushing the wave till they die again.
The worst part is I know I won't be better even if I get into higher elo's