Does my avatar fit me tho or do I need a new one.
I think you could newt more than the current newt.
Great now I'm doubting good ol tiesel bonne.
Does my avatar fit me tho or do I need a new one.
Does my avatar fit me tho or do I need a new one.
Thinking of returning after not playing the game for about a year now (missed last 3 characters).
who are the best 3 characters in every role right now ?
Thinking of returning after not playing the game for about a year now (missed last 3 characters).
who are the best 3 characters in every role right now ?
Does my avatar fit me tho or do I need a new one.
I dunno how to carry harder.![]()
I hope you mean all these roles at once. Now that's a champ.Best Top/Bot/Mid/Jungle: Heimerdinger.
This is my opinion and solo q only
If u right click enemy champ then ur plants will attacj that champ.Zyra a top 3 support? Did she get buffed so the unwashrd masses can play her?
Wait is that the actual buff? Huuuuuge buff. Its kinda like playing Azir.If u right click enemy champ then ur plants will attacj that champ.
She's awful.Zyra a top 3 support? Did she get buffed so the unwashrd masses can play her?
That depends. Normal solo Q stuff is Krugs/Gromp depending on what champion you're playing, first buff, then you have several options, you can go take Crab, first small camp, either recall for machete upgrade after the former 2 or go on with your jungling normally.So whats the current jungle meta ?
start with camps before starting buffs ?
19 minutes in Team Builder waiting for a Support. Previous game I was Support to speed it up, then we spent 15 minutes waiting for a Jungler.
Drives me bananas.
Janna joined after 21 minutes! Then immediately left!!!!! I wish they would put a restriction on jumping Team Builder queues. So damn annoying.
I hope you mean all these roles at once. Now that's a champ.
19 minutes in Team Builder waiting for a Support. Previous game I was Support to speed it up, then we spent 15 minutes waiting for a Jungler.
Drives me bananas.
Janna joined after 21 minutes! Then immediately left!!!!! I wish they would put a restriction on jumping Team Builder queues. So damn annoying.
I hope you mean all these roles at once. Now that's a champ.
Feels good when you beat someone who spams 'gg' the whole game
I gotta teach him somehow. Looking at his runes and masteries is atrocious. Incomplete runes and just 3 pages for his masteries and it's either 30/0/0 or 0/30/0 or 0/0/30. No wonder people are stuck in bronze. No matter how good you are, you're still putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't take care of the small things.
So whats the current jungle meta ?
start with camps before starting buffs ?
If a year ago someone told me those 3 champs are going to be the top picks i would have smacked him in the face.
My friend got demoted from Silver 5 to Bronze 1. I thought it was impossible since you had to have Bronze 5 mmr for that to happen and he started at Silver 4 IIRC so it was more unlikely. Looking at his win rate though, 29%, I guess it's no surprise.
I gotta teach him somehow. Looking at his runes and masteries is atrocious. Incomplete runes and just 3 pages for his masteries and it's either 30/0/0 or 0/30/0 or 0/0/30. No wonder people are stuck in bronze. No matter how good you are, you're still putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't take care of the small things.
Edit: holy shit at his runes. 1 ad quint 9 ad reds 9 ad yellow and 6 ad blue. The second rune page is literally the same.
Your face is a bad composition! But yeah. I'm okay with it a bit, but I feel like there seems to be waaay too much. Maybe this would get stupid complicated and you'd never find a game, but if people care about comp so much maybe they could add it so someone looking for a team builder game could specify what champs they'd like to play with?that's the best thing bout Teambuilder. You can escape bad compositions or heroes you don't want to play with.
I have a friend I'm always playing with, so I can't dodgeWhy are you waiting for a team to fill up? Just "dodge" over and over until you land on an already full team. I typically only have to wait like 30 seconds to get in a game if I'm playing support, adc, or jungle.
Words of wisdom. The best League players know how to look at every death as a learning experience. What could have I done differently? Was I in a bad position? Too aggressive? Not aggressive enough? What could I have done differently to turn it around? And they do their best to not die and focus their thoughts/anger on "what could have my team done better?" But instead on themselves. There is always room for improvement, and people have to learn how to learn.i mean, better runes are not gonna save ur friend tho
league is mostly about making the right decisions in game and having the mindset to learn and inform yourself to be able to make those decisions
runes and masteries arent gonna change the fact that he afks farms top or he tunnels for the enemy 1 10 2 adc while yours is getting chased by malphite or that ge goes 0 5 out of lane while never buying any wards or that he picks zed who he's far from able to effectively play, etc.
takes a lot of fundamentals not to suck at this game, runes and masteries is a good start but i'm guessing that's probably the least of ur friend's problems![]()
with all that ad hell out trade every bot in the gameMy friend got demoted from Silver 5 to Bronze 1. I thought it was impossible since you had to have Bronze 5 mmr for that to happen and he started at Silver 4 IIRC so it was more unlikely. Looking at his win rate though, 29%, I guess it's no surprise.
I gotta teach him somehow. Looking at his runes and masteries is atrocious. Incomplete runes and just 3 pages for his masteries and it's either 30/0/0 or 0/30/0 or 0/0/30. No wonder people are stuck in bronze. No matter how good you are, you're still putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't take care of the small things.
Edit: holy shit at his runes. 1 ad quint 9 ad reds 9 ad yellow and 6 ad blue. The second rune page is literally the same.
Thats some terrible luck my friend.In my promos for like the 7th time and I got a yas mid please God. Let's hope he is ok at the game.
FUCK ME HE DIED TWICE AT 4 mins to a ez mid
In my promos for like the 7th time and I got a yas mid please God. Let's hope he is ok at the game.
FUCK ME HE DIED TWICE AT 4 mins to a ez mid
Yasuo on enemy team. Script good wind walls, smashes lane.When did Yas get so bad?! He used to be feared in mid (at least by myself). But at some point a swarm of terrible players got their hands on him, and I look forward to playing him mid as it is generally an easy win. I don't get it.
Yasuo on enemy team. Script good wind walls, smashes lane.
Yasuo on your team 0-4 before 5 mins. Blames junglers after always using e forward with no minion wave to escape to.
lol. OKay. OKay. I can keep this going. Let me try....Vayne on enemy team= 200 CS at 20 min, perfect mechanics, groups with the team.
Vayne on your team= AFK for the first 5 min, super toxic, farms decently, but refuses to group and use the earned gold.
Lee Sin on enemy team= TiP Rush's smurf
Lee Sin on your team= Person who just unlocked him because he saw a clip of TiP Rush doing something crazy.
What rank are you? We should duo together.In my promos for like the 7th time and I got a yas mid please God. Let's hope he is ok at the game.
FUCK ME HE DIED TWICE AT 4 mins to a ez mid
Yeah I am always down to duo, I am silver 4 I just need 1 more game and I will be silver 3.What rank are you? We should duo together.
Nice. I have a duo partner I play a decent amount with, but there are plenty of times he isn't around when I'm down-to-clown. I'm Silver 4 at the moment as well, so we're pretty close. Feel free to add me sometime---VincentAlexander is my name in League (maybe a space in there...). I generally mid or supportYeah I am always down to duo, I am silver 4 I just need 1 more game and I will be silver 3.
Ok I added you, I usually play jg, mid or top. My username is dontpanic3000.Nice. I have a duo partner I play a decent amount with, but there are plenty of times he isn't around when I'm down-to-clown. I'm Silver 4 at the moment as well, so we're pretty close. Feel free to add me sometime---VincentAlexander is my name in League (maybe a space in there...). I generally mid or support![]()
She's awful.
Edit: Looked up and statistically these are the best champs
id legit take top bard over a yasuo right now tbh