Survey time - xcloser
Your best position:hahahaha
Your best champs (in order):HHAAAAHAHAH
Secondary: ~~~~~~~~
Your best champs (in order):
Worst role: Annie Bot
oh shit, didn't know u were closer XD
Survey time - xcloser
Your best position:hahahaha
Your best champs (in order):HHAAAAHAHAH
Secondary: ~~~~~~~~
Your best champs (in order):
Worst role: Annie Bot
Are you level 30 and have been playing for a long time, or did you get to try her back in the day? She used to be more powerful, and she's one of my top 1-2 favorite champions, but I feel like she kinda got moved down to mid AD carry tier due to a bit of nerfing as well as the addition of Graves.
Greetings Summoner,
Your account has been credited with 400 Riot Points for reaching level 3!
As you were unable to take part in the Naughty or Nice promotion this past December, but have since achieved level 3, we have retroactively credited your account with 400 RP as part of our new summoner rewards program. Please bear in mind that your RP total may not update until you attempt to make a purchase in the League of Legends Store.
Congratulations on reaching level 3, summoner, and thanks for playing League of Legends!
What skin can I buy with 400RP?
Cait is still strong, IMO. That range can't be underestimated. A carry that can poke safely > that can't.
If only her Q was like Sivir's...
I just went 18/2/26 with Caitlyn, I FUCKING LOVE CAITLYN. Shame I haven't been able to buy her yet, spending all my IP on runes.
If you don't wait for skins to go on sale:
Golden Alistar 390 13-Jan-2010
Assassin Master Yi 390 17-Dec-2009
White Mage Veigar 390 17-Dec-2009
If you wait until the skin is on sale (50% off), any skin that is 800 or under
Orianna fans be happy, she's finally getting a new skin!
Riot's just trolling you guys at this point...
Orianna fans be happy, she's finally getting a new skin!
Riot's just trolling you guys at this point...
It used to do MORE damage than Sivir's back in the day when she was queen.
There seem to be some tanks that deal heavy damage though (like nautilus?). Aside from that, how do you even come close to 2-shotting anyone? Do you have to have lots of AD, or are you suggesting building AP too to increase Q/E damage?
Triforce's bonus damage is only 150% of your base attack damage, so that's what, 150 bonus? Q's health bonus is maxed at 375 damage. I tried running some rough calculations and she seems like she couldn't do more than maybe 1300-1600 if you got really lucky with Q + E and hit someone against a wall, and got in two autoattacks.
New orianna skin in action! She looks like Dorothy from the Big O anime. I'm so in for this
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This picture I drew allowed me to buy Rumble.Or would have if he was still on sale. :/
What did you put in your email? I put in a support request with a picture of Caitlyn shooting trondomore, asked nicely, even mentioned I'd bought the PC Gamer issue for a Caitlyn skin, and asked for 37 RP...but I got an email saying it was like, actually against the rules and they were not ALLOWED to give me any RP. Did they break the rules for you?This picture I drew allowed me to buy Rumble.Or would have if he was still on sale. :/
What did you put in your email? I put in a support request with a picture of Caitlyn shooting trondomore, asked nicely, even mentioned I'd bought the PC Gamer issue for a Caitlyn skin, and asked for 37 RP...but I got an email saying it was like, actually against the rules and they were not ALLOWED to give me any RP. Did they break the rules for you?
Or are you talking RP for champions? Maybe they're not allowed to give RP if it's for skins instead.
Check the OP, dawg, for the Mac client.
She's one of the better looking champs, and sounds fun to use.
I should just start doing what I usually do when I'm forced to jungle and bored of it..... jungle teemo. Or worse... sejuani.
Go AP, build DFG = goodbye carry.
Poppy also ults the carry so she melts them faster or makes them go out of position.
Ulting someone means you do 40% more damage (spells, items, and autoattacks I think) to them. I'd say it's risky though, since the carry is most likely to burn you down unless you're really tanky, in which case you're unlikely to burst THEM down I assume. *shrug* Maybe I'm just underestimating her passive since I always seem to take such huge amounts of damage with her.This. Sheen as well.
Why would you ult the carry? You only take damage from the person you ult. Unless you're guaranteed to kill them, I don't get it.
This. Sheen as well.
Why would you ult the carry? You only take damage from the person you ult. Unless you're guaranteed to kill them, I don't get it.
\(^.^) yordles ( ^.^)/
I feel like poppy could be fun if I had any clue what I'm doing. She seems to combine squishy, low mana, and 100% melee, which is a weird combo despite the burst damage reduction. What's an ideal magic resist item for her?
wtf is that? burn it with fire
they also have
I always wanted to try Poppy, but I can't figure out where the hell you stick her in laning phase.
From the last PBE patch:
Yes please.
I came. Her doll skin has always creeped me out, but this is just fantastic.
New orianna skin in action! She looks like Dorothy from the Big O anime. I'm so in for this
What's this PBE?? and where can I see the patch notes / play that version?
How can I participate?
You can find the sign up form here:
If you get an error on the sign up page, it can be due to a few things. The most common reason for the error is the username being taken. Additionally, you must format your birthday in a DD-MM-YYYY format. Make sure all the requirements for the fields are met before you click submit.
I have an account, but I need to download the client! Where can I get it?
You can download the client here:
What did you put in your email? I put in a support request with a picture of Caitlyn shooting trondomore, asked nicely, even mentioned I'd bought the PC Gamer issue for a Caitlyn skin, and asked for 37 RP...but I got an email saying it was like, actually against the rules and they were not ALLOWED to give me any RP. Did they break the rules for you?
Or are you talking RP for champions? Maybe they're not allowed to give RP if it's for skins instead.
Mmm... I'm level 19 right now.Greetings Summoner,
Your account has been credited with 400 Riot Points for reaching level 3!
As you were unable to take part in the Naughty or Nice promotion this past December, but have since achieved level 3, we have retroactively credited your account with 400 RP as part of our new summoner rewards program. Please bear in mind that your RP total may not update until you attempt to make a purchase in the League of Legends Store.
Congratulations on reaching level 3, summoner, and thanks for playing League of Legends! .