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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Survey time -

Your best position: Support
Your best champs (in order): Soraka, Sona
Secondary: Tank (?)
Your best champs (in order): Rammus, Amumu
Worst role: Solo Top

PS: Added to the Survey
Champ you own and play and suck with the most: Trist
Your best position: Jungle
Your best champs (in order): Skarner, Maokai, Amumu
Secondary: AD carry or Support
Your best champs (in order): Graves or Alistar, Nidalee
Worst role: Mid

Those games when you're the jungler, all your lanes are losing, then you get blamed for the loss because you suck. Feels bad man.
Yeah. Why is it always the junglers fault if the others loose their lanes and get outplayed(even when they dont get ganked once)? I dont want to babysit their lane all the time and fuck up my jungle because of them.


Your best position: Mid
Your best champs (in order): Malzahar, Xerath, Morgana
Secondary: Top
Your best champs (in order): Wukong, Galio, Tryndamere
Worst role: Support


Your best position: Top
Your best champs (in order): Tryn, GP, Sion
Secondary: Mid
Your best champs (in order): Kass, Sion, GP, Tryn
Worst role: Jungle


A friend and I have been duo queuing with Sivir and Taric. So much destruction and domination in bot lane. Haven't found a setup we can't play against.

I mentioned a few pages back I felt like this is one of the best combos bot atm. So much guaranteed damage off of one stun.

I'm curious as to what kind of composition we have here at GAF.

Survey time...
Your best position: AD Carry
Your best champs (in order): Vayne, Ashe, Ezreal
Secondary: Support
Your best champs (in order): Sona, Taric
Worst role: AP (Annie!)


Does somewhere exist a "Champions matrix" in which each campion is categorized in?

Something that can be read easily and resume all major categories.

I'm still a noob with all these AP/AD/etc.


Does somewhere exist a "Champions matrix" in which each campion is categorized in?

Something that can be read easily and resume all major categories.

I'm still a noob with all these AP/AD/etc.

Go to your profile in the client. Click the champions tab. There are many sub-categories that you can filter by there.

It may not be reflective of what these champs are actually used for though, such as Solo Top.

The jungler list is very small, and doesn't include some well-known junglers such as lee sin, Shyv, rammus, ect.

Check out this jungler raking. YMMV though.


Edit: Honestly, a lot of it comes down to experience. :-/

Edit 2: Champions typically are built a certain, 'optimal' way, and you'll find various guide on mobafire, solomid, or maybe the new site LoLpro, that try to cater to champion's strengths, but you will find many people in less serious games that take champions and build them the other direction. What I would do, were I you, is watch some videos, find a champion you have access to, or want to try, and read some guides. You'll find many variations, and there's not a perfect answer, depending on your play style. But at least it's a starting point.
Just won my first real 4v5 holy crap.


Katarina DC'd right after she bought her stuff. I had to solo top against Yi and Corki, which I promptly lost. Corki harassing me like mad.

We had to play really extra careful. I was so thankful I took Teleport because it allowed me to stop a lot of Yi's backdoor attempts. I couldn't really do much farming, so those GP10 items really helped. Sold my Philo Stone after I got FoN so I can ward the hell out of the map. Really slowly saving up for that Randuin while burning money on wards.

Pushed mid, had a big team fight near the tower where we somehow scored an ace which gave us the win.

Kill/Deaths might make it look like we were whipping them, but we seriously were not. I was nervous the whole game.

E + Spirit Visage + FoN = amazing healing.


Your best position: Solo top
Your best champs (in order): Wukong, Shyvana, Malphite
Secondary: Jungle
Your best champs (in order): Malphite, Shyvana
Worst role: AD Carry/support.
Your best position: Support
Your best champs (in order): Sona, Janna, Soraka
Secondary: Jungle
Your best champs (in order): Skarner, Shyvanna, Sejuani
Worst role: Mid.


Your best position: Jungle
Your best champs (in order):Gangplank, Warwick, Lee Sin
Secondary: Top
Your best champs (in order):Gangplank, Olaf, Pantheon
Worst role: AD Carry

<3 GP


Go to your profile in the client. Click the champions tab. There are many sub-categories that you can filter by there.

It may not be reflective of what these champs are actually used for though, such as Solo Top.

The jungler list is very small, and doesn't include some well-known junglers such as lee sin, Shyv, rammus, ect.

Check out this jungler raking. YMMV though.


Edit: Honestly, a lot of it comes down to experience. :-/

Edit 2: Champions typically are built a certain, 'optimal' way, and you'll find various guide on mobafire, solomid, or maybe the new site LoLpro, that try to cater to champion's strengths, but you will find many people in less serious games that take champions and build them the other direction. What I would do, were I you, is watch some videos, find a champion you have access to, or want to try, and read some guides. You'll find many variations, and there's not a perfect answer, depending on your play style. But at least it's a starting point.
Thank you.
I'm used to mobafire, I hoped someone tryed to create an all around matrix
Best role: Jungler
Best champs: Lee Sin, Nocturne, Udyr, Skarner, Gangplank, Jarvan, Trundle, Master Yi, Shyvanna
Secondary role: Solo top
Best champs: Rumble, Wukong, Gangplank, Pantheon, Jarvan, Udyr, Renekton, Gragas
Wost role: Support
Survey time -

Your best position: AP Mid
Your best champs (in order): Morg, Ziggs
Secondary: Solo Top
Your best champs (in order): Morg, Voli
Worst role: Jungler


Your best position: Mid Lane
Your best champs (in order): Twisted Fate, Kennen, Gragas, Galio, Swain, Brand, Annie, Talon, Kassadin, Cho'Gath, Cassiopeia, Anivia, Morgana, Janna, Lux, Nidalee, Malzahar, Katarina, Sion, Veigar, Viktor, Xerath
Secondary: Jungle
Your best champs (in order): Jarvan, Shen, Rammus, Udyr, Shyvana, Master Yi, Nocturne, Maokai, Trundle, Tryndamere, Skarner, Nunu, Xin Zhao, Gangplank, Malphite, Amumu, Cho'Gath, Alistar,
Worst role: Wouldn't say worse, but average at AD Carry


Good games last night. Always hilarious joining games with people that aren't lvl 30 yet, or have low amount of wins. Always guarantees the meta is going to be non existent, and other players realllly bad. Fun times.


The survey is quite interesting, but I'm not sure it really fits because Champion affinity is more important than roles because the roles are so easy to understand. For instance I'm a great Ryze and love solo midding with him and he's in my top 3 champs but I'm mediocre with most other AP carrys.


aka surume
Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?


Just got stuck as an AD bot for the first time in a really really long time. I don't have much of a selection down there and they picked Trist already so I put my $9 PC Gamer to good use and picked Artic Caitlyn.

I got matched up with a Alistar that started talking shit from the very beginning. He would tower dive them before he even had any defensive items and repeatedly told me to never play AD again, uninstall, etc. I don't think he used more than 2 wards or even CV more than 3-4 times in a 42 minute game. After his 2nd failed tower dive, he started trying to take CS and we lost a ton to minion kills because of it.

I somehow went on to absolutely destroy that game. Went 10/2/12 which is quite a good ratio even for the roles I'm comfortable with. I've played Cait maybe twice, so I'm really quite pleased with that game. Especially because my Alistar buddy that insisted I was so terrible had more deaths than anybody else in the game.


Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?
Some issues that come to mind:

* Presumably you have to type someone's entire name if you're not replying to them, instead of just typing tab to autocomplete from your friends list.

* Sometimes trying to /w or /r someone simply won't work, even though they can obviously send YOU messages while you are ingame. It will say that [whatever name] is not found, something like that.


Some issues that come to mind:

* Presumably you have to type someone's entire name if you're not replying to them, instead of just typing tab to autocomplete from your friends list.

* Sometimes trying to /w or /r someone simply won't work, even though they can obviously send YOU messages while you are ingame. It will say that [whatever name] is not found, something like that.

Agree with point one.

It's tough to find a good reason to distract someone who could be in the middle of a really heated match, but I love the ability to do this.
Yes, I would use it more if it were easier to use.

I used it just today, even.
However, I don't think this particular feature should be high on the priority list. :-/

Also, I think it's great that you ask for feedback on here.

One final note: You guys really need me to be your internal desktop support guy.


Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

I am constantly getting out of games where someone on my friends list sent me a message, but I did not receive it in game. I don't know if the message are sent during a load screen and they are getting lost during the transition or what. My group have taken to sending each other duplicate messages through Skype because the in game chat is so unreliable.
Your best position: AP Mid
Your best champs (in order): Morg, Ahri, Ziggs
Secondary: AD carry
Your best champs (in order): Trist, Siv
Worst role: Solotop
Anivia is just so fucking awesome, I love her to death...


I've just been enjoying Anivia too. Very underrated because she is kinda bad in the early game but shes got great farming, ok burst, good sustained AoE damage, amazing utility and is hard to kill as well. Especially Anivia with mobility boots, that's a ton of fun.
Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Almost never.

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

A little.

What are some major usability issues?

It's inconvenient to interrupt game chat. Sometimes, it's tough to tell you've been messaged when things are getting heavy.

Thoughts on improvements?

A pop-up chat window would be nice, though I understand this is difficult to program. Something similar to a SKYPE message.


Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

Use the whisper / response function in almost every game. The only problem I have with it is messages during loading / ending matches are typically lost in transition. Also the inability to carry on conversations while in loading and then losing the ability to /r upon full load.


Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

They were recently made orange I think? They're indistinguishable from the rest of the notifications in the chat.


Your best position: Jungle/Top
Your best champs (in order): Nidalee, Udyr, Lee Sin, Trundle
Secondary: Every other champ
Your best champs (in order): No real order
Worst role: Mid. Only do well at mid with Grag,Veigar,Morg,Ryze,Kennen.
Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

I use it a lot.

I hate that messages during "transition" periods, like loading, are lost.

It's cumbersome to initiate conversations in game, due to lack of friend-list selectability. A good compromise: Make it so that you have 10 slots you can assign to friends so that when you type a number or letter into the quotation marks, it'd know to send the message to that friend. Example:

1 - Friend 1 -> /r "1" = /r "Friend 1"
2 - Friend 2 -> /r "2" = /r "Friend 2"
3 - Friend 3 -> /r "3" = /r "Friend 3"
4 - Friend 4 -> /r "4" = /r "Friend 4"
5 - Friend 5 -> /r "5" = /r "Friend 5"
6 - Friend 6 -> /r "6" = /r "Friend 6"
7 - Friend 7 -> /r "7" = /r "Friend 7"
8 - Friend 8 -> /r "8" = /r "Friend 8"
9 - Friend 9 -> /r "9" = /r "Friend 9"
0 - Friend 0 -> /r "0" = /r "Friend 0"

You can substitute letters in there, too:

q - SouthernDragon -> /r "q" = /r "SouthernDragon"

I'm sure that having the full friend list selectable would be cumbersome because there's usually 20% that we talk to a lot and 80% that we barely talk to at all. Add in 20 slots for this chat feature.

P.S. Please change the notifications so that notifications about "SUMMONER 1 HAS LEFT THE QUEUE" are not permanent but rather transient like the "SOUTHERNDRAGON HAS LOGGED IN" messages are.

P.P.S. If someone accidentally declines a Custom Game invite, it usually does not let them in even if they accept subsequent invites. Rayven, what I'm trying to tell you is that the client sucks for custom game-making. Also, add in more modes; AR, AM, opposing draft, mirror match, ect.


Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

maybe a slight notification at the start of the game of "type "/r" followed by text to respond to messages in-game!"

I didn't know how to respond in-game for the longest time

yes, i'm lazy
Feedback time again!

Anyone use platform to game chat frequently (/w, /r)?

Would you use it more if it was easier to use?

What are some major usability issues?

Thoughts on improvements?

I want it to be like how SourceMod works when recognizing names. You can type in ANY sequence of characters and it will try to find the first match. For example, I can just type "/w drag Hello", which will say "Hello" to SouthernDragon. I found it incredibly convenient when I'm targetting specific players in our TF2 server (like for kicking, or just messing around).

Also, let us right click on a name in the chat or scoreboard to automatically type "/w <name> " in the chat box.


Anyone try to play ranked with me? I'm decent, sub 1200 elo. I just really want an organized group together that knows their roles instead of playing with people who don't help,


Make em pink!

I request a seperate tab that holds objective timers. (of course, players would still have to type them, they just appear in normal chat and additionally in the timer tab). Code it so it picks up "name" time or time "name" formats incl synonyms and abbreviations!

Jerks, you know who you are.
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