Well jungling definitely got a lot easier...
You forgot to bold Nasus and Trynd![]()
Well jungling definitely got a lot easier...
So after finding out first hand how awesome Riot is at customer support, I've found I'm pretty terrible with Rumble. Any suggestions?
I didn't know that about Fiddle. I see a lot of people playing him.
I guess that's true.... I rarely find an opportunity to play him nowadays. He needs to face a passive lane- opponent, so he can farm. And those are hard to come by.Nasus can be countered easily
Unless your mid doesn't use mana, every blue buff after the first one should be donated to your mid. It's one of the reasons blue-reliant junglers are less favored.Except junglers usually always have blue if they need mana.
Boots or armor start depending on lane. Pick up Hextech Revolver first. Then grab Rylai's. That's the crucial stuff. Then add Rabadon's, upgrade to WotA, grab an Hourglass, and an Abyssal Scepter in the order that makes sense for the game.Yeah, I've already noticed it can make a huge difference in team fights depending on where it is. What about items?
Fiona is a cross between Xin Zhao and Master Yi. Xin's E and Yi's R but with a shorter cd and duration. Only refreshes her E though. Her W looks like fun for 1v1 situations. Her stats on the wiki are way too high. The comments on that page even mentioned that its not her final base stats until the patch is released.
It's really kind of broken. Starting to hate playing it because it just feels like I'm pushed into the support role every single game.1st: 3
2nd: 2
3rd: 8
4th: 30
5th: 57
Isn't it supposed to work where the highest ELO people pick first? Though I guess you could argue that it should randomize it so that sometimes you're highest ELO and sometimes not?Someone posted their position when they get to pick in solo queue draft on reddit:
It's really kind of broken. Starting to hate playing it because it just feels like I'm pushed into the support role every single game.
Not in Normal games. And groups of people are always stuck with the top picks.Isn't it supposed to work where the highest ELO people pick first? Though I guess you could argue that it should randomize it so that sometimes you're highest ELO and sometimes not?
Normal? I thought we were talking solo queue draft RANKED, sorry.Not in Normal games. And groups of people are always stuck with the top picks.
Also, just to reinforce, I really like flash on Riven. I may sometimes take too much turret damage or have it killed when I go back, and teleport could help me not lose out on XP top lane, but it is so nice to be able to flash-stun or flash-ult or flash-chase people in key situations, especially near teamfights.
Yeah, Flash > everything, but Ignite is really strong actually. Loads of damage, still pretty much untouched for a long time while many other summoners got nerfed. It can help you win your lane top, and can really benefit certain champions. Flash/Ignite can be better than Flash/Teleport in solo games. If your jungler isn't picking up dragon then you should just be prioritizing winning the lane. Teleport isn't essential top, and I would imagine that's especially true for Riven who can run back to lane really fast.Flash wouldn't be the summoner spell I'd suggest giving up for teleport. Ignite really is overrated, imo.
Haha, ouch. I think it's my curse and I play worse when I'm on your team.Why the hell didn't you play like that when we played together?
Why the hell didn't you play like that when we played together?
That's your fault for having a high ELO!Because when we play, enemy akali doesn't build frozen mallet, no karma, and morgana wouldn't build force of nature instead of hourglass. =/
Because when we play, enemy akali doesn't build frozen mallet, no karma, and morgana wouldn't build force of nature instead of hourglass. =/
Graves still wins games. Best combination of heavy damage, mobility, and enough tankiness to live to be able to carry bad/mediocre teams.
Graves still wins games. Best combination of heavy damage, mobility, and enough tankiness to live to be able to carry bad/mediocre teams.
The big saving grace for me was that the akali top lane was apparently quite bad. Mid gave two kills including first blood to Morgana almost immediately (even under a tower?), and I think they had fed 4 kills and were complaining about Morgana's sustain etc. early on. Bottom lane seemed to have been dying too, and I guess only Jarvan and I were doing well. It was scary. Anyway, we started focusing on getting morg and ashe first, and despite setbacks (alistar seemed to like walking into certain death, I guess we didn't understand an initiation...or losing baron buff and guardians angel and like two kills because jarvan chased akali down a lane away from a teamfight, and I tried to fight and died), we started coordinating better and getting kills.
So I was reading something about Fiora and it brought up the numbers on her. Riot is kind of fudging them hard to try and make her viable. At level one she has the highest base HP in the game and tank levels of armor.
Ynthrepic and myself have set up a chatroom for DominionGAF
join channel domdom, and we will probably be on most nights
we only do draft mode, because fuck rammus and wukong
Well, fuck you too
Hes banned every game anyway
Her scaling isn't great from the number set that's out. She falls behind other champions base stats later on. I also don't think she'll have the impact on a team fight that Riven has.What?!
How is her scaling then? She sounds like a better Riven at this point.
His ult feels like a second buckshot with more rangeHe's a shadow of his former self after the ult nerf. It does very little damage now.
The mana nerf to Q isn't that bad, but I think Kog and Cait beat him out pretty well.
That's all it really needs to be for me. I like it for picking up kills and initiating. It gives him some snipe potential that can't be blocked.His ult feels like a second buckshot with more range
I always seem to just use it on people that are out of range of my Q that I could potentially finish off.I clearly missed out on Graves' ult when it was good. I always pretend I just don't have an ult when I play as him. His Q seems far better, weirdly enough.
I always seem to just use it on people that are out of range of my Q that I could potentially finish off.
If you look at Sonewalls tier list Nocture is a good jungler.Going to buy Malzahar because he has been so fun from the free week. I spent my IP on an actual AP Rune Page so he wrecks even more.
Is Nocturne viable anymore? I'm still looking into junglers and I like his kit, but I never see him anymore and I fear that he isn't up to par with other junglers.
Going to buy Malzahar because he has been so fun from the free week. I spent my IP on an actual AP Rune Page so he wrecks even more.
Is Nocturne viable anymore? I'm still looking into junglers and I like his kit, but I never see him anymore and I fear that he isn't up to par with other junglers.
This was poseted sometime back and I have tested it and I have to say I really like it. I like the more clean ui style.
not going back to the original if I don't have to![]()
Going to buy Malzahar because he has been so fun from the free week. I spent my IP on an actual AP Rune Page so he wrecks even more.
Is Nocturne viable anymore? I'm still looking into junglers and I like his kit, but I never see him anymore and I fear that he isn't up to par with other junglers.
And it's nice to get rid of the unessesery boarders.Oh man, having your teammates next to the minimap is BRILLIANT