Played against some interesting team comp yesterday. This ad ali bot lane was surprisingly hurting a lot. Him + Janna + Naut = cc overload! Too bad it got to late game and our carry was able to do their job.
Next game, I pick Vayne as 2nd pick. Our last pick picks Teemo and bot lanes with me, neither with heal. He then fights me for cs. Getting trolled hard here. We were up against Trist and Kat and man was that Kat aggressive. I had to stock up on 3 Doran's Blade and skip boots just for the boosted stats. Bot was too aggressive though and got ganked several times mid game, and they wondered why with the pushing they were doing lol.
Another ranked game lasted 55 minutes and what a comeback. We were aced a few times, were behind on dragons, on baron, but we just kept playing D and patiently got our way back into the game. Tides could easily turn late game. That's why I also hate when a team wants to quit right after an ace.
Fiora hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!