She might be pretty OP if they have to make her ult cooldown higher than two minutes.Reverse psychology.
She might be pretty OP if they have to make her ult cooldown higher than two minutes.Reverse psychology.
that does this mean her ult can crit?
Lost 130elo today. Time to kill myself.
Does this mean if you hit a single target it goes 100%, 75%, 56%, etc.? Or 100%, 75%, 75% etc.? What do you mean bonus on a single target?Fiora's scaling:
Q: 0.6 bonus AD each dash
R: Actually does hit 5 times (Sorry suthurn! But it force her to auto attack her target at the end) 25% less damage on jumps to same target. x1.2 bonus AD each strike, x2.4 bonus AD on a single target.
Does this mean if you hit a single target it goes 100%, 75%, 56%, etc.? Or 100%, 75%, 75% etc.? What do you mean bonus on a single target?
Does this mean if you hit a single target it goes 100%, 75%, 56%, etc.? Or 100%, 75%, 75% etc.? What do you mean bonus on a single target?
You finally tried Riven? I'm so proud! Or do you mean you don't like fighting Rumble. That's probably understandable.It's as Baejlke said. 100% 25% 25% 25% 25%. I mean thats how much it scales + 2.4 damage per bonus AD.
Played 1 game with Fiora top. Seems strong. And easy to play compared to what I've been trying recently (Riven, Rumble oh the pain)
I'm so confused since you keep mentioning +2.4 damage. So if you ult someone with Fiora, does it do 200% AD from the scaling we discussed, plus another 2.4 * bonus AD? So if you have 100 AD, it would do (flat damage plus?) 200 damage plus an extra 240 bonus damage against a single target?
The wiki mentions 1000 damage against a single target, plus 2.4 times AD, but I feel like I must be missing something.
Yeah the cooldown feels really long.
Someone already asked this, but someone else already said;Ya, early brutalizer is a must on her.
I just realized since her ult is on-hit it should crit.... ouch.
No. It's like Ezreal's Q.
Snoopeh is streaming Fiora and does NOT look very good off the bat.
Edit - Pulled it together later in the game, seems to have a weak early game and weak ganks but gets much stronger late game. He used a WW-like on hit build of wriggles, wits, fro-mallet.
I know that feeling bro. *hugs*
Admittingly, my elo is slowly climbing back up. Every game, I hold my breath hoping not to get trollers and I went back to the point of winning a game or two and calling it a day lol.
Make sure you follow the rule where if you lose 2 games in a row, you either stop playing for the day, or stop playing for at least 2 hours. Otherwise you will end up with 8 games in a row where every other lane loses.I just can't get 1 team who can actually last hit and play passive. 8 games in a row where every other lane lost in cs and kills. It just sucks
I looooooove these threads. Kids getting called out by Riot after getting a suspension
I get the first 2 dragons, get kass mid to 7/0, steal a baron. And I still lose.
God damn. Elos going down the drain fast.
bought xerath and have been taking him for a spin lately I see why he's relatively unpopular
outside of a great laning phase he's very fucking vulnerable in a teamfight. in a world where half the roster has a gap closer and everyone's packing flash, he just doesn't cut it. against enemy teams smart enough to not engage in a teamfight without xerath in sight he's just gutted
bought xerath and have been taking him for a spin lately I see why he's relatively unpopular
outside of a great laning phase he's very fucking vulnerable in a teamfight. in a world where half the roster has a gap closer and everyone's packing flash, he just doesn't cut it. against enemy teams smart enough to not engage in a teamfight without xerath in sight he's just gutted