Olaf was already one of the strongest solo tops in the game and he just got stronger
I'd be playing him more post patch if everyone didn't instant lock to jungle him all of a sudden.
So I just play Panth top instead. (95% of players have no idea how to deal with Q harass. He's even more fun with so many people picking Fiora top, whom he just seems to straight up hard counter in lane)
No idea why both these picks are so uncommon top lane. They're so effortlessly dominating and strong when played correctly in most matchups.
Speaking of Fiora I bought her and I don't really like her.
I didn't like Riven initially though, and she's one of my favorite champs now. So I'll keep her on standby while someone else figures her out.
TBH Panth basically shits on most melee-based tops that depend on AA for damage. He falls off late game, esp if you tower-hug and give him no kills, but he is one of the few people I despise seeing on the enemy team when I'm Riven because he just destroys my damage output early game and has so much more range on me.