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bought the new champ, built 4 tiamats, boots and blood thirster ulted into a group fight. Her ult is so op.
bought xerath and have been taking him for a spin lately
...now I see why he's relatively unpopular
outside of a great laning phase he's very fucking vulnerable in a teamfight. in a world where half the roster has a gap closer and everyone's packing flash, he just doesn't cut it. against enemy teams smart enough to not engage in a teamfight without xerath in sight he's just gutted
Hi guys, i want to play with nautilus for a bit but I don't know if I should build him full tank or a tank/AP hybrid to cause some damage, any suggestions?
Depends on the team. Nautilus isn't naturally tanky but he also isn't a very good AP character unless you can tank, so always go for a bit of health and defense first. Something like a Rylai's would probably work.
yeah that olaf hurtling at you at 1000 miles an hour is totally harmless, he'll never reach you just stun himDon't worry Ferrio, Jenga is LoLGAF's number1 troll just look:
Yeah, 1500 range is really risky
if they're stupid enough to engage when you're hiding in a bush waiting for that teamfight yeahCept his ult rapes.
yeah that olaf hurtling at you at 1000 miles an hour is totally harmless, he'll never reach you just stun him
It's pretty annoying when people think they can run Nautilus top and build AP style. His strength is initiating and ganking, so build tanky.Hi guys, i want to play with nautilus for a bit but I don't know if I should build him full tank or a tank/AP hybrid to cause some damage, any suggestions?
EG vs CLG NA scrim right now if anyone is interested![]()
Teemo buffs take up a lot of megabytes.Thanks!
Also, why is this update so large?
a siege tank can withstand a lot of hits, xerath just die instantly.
Why Wukong so strong?
Rumble rapes Fiora sooooo hard.
She's pretty useless in terms of what she adds to the game. There isn't some deep locked away secret that people haven't figured out yet. Only annoyance is that her ultimate offers her invulnerability and loads of free damage, so she can really bait you if you don't account for it. Like new Jax she's not competitive for top lane really, so she'll wind up in the jungle if she gets played at all.oh c'mon she just came out like yesterday
She's pretty useless in terms of what she adds to the game. There isn't some deep locked away secret that people haven't figured out yet. Only annoyance is that her ultimate offers her invulnerability and loads of free damage, so she can really bait you if you don't account for it. Like new Jax she's not competitive for top lane really, so she'll wind up in the jungle if she gets played at all.
Eh, you know what I mean. Not all champs have AOE attacks either that can be activated with no targets. It does make her even weaker to mage matchups though.Doesn't give her invulnerability. Aoe hurts her still.
u r goin regret it. i only play top lane fiddle.Lane against me bra
What do you mean? What do you have against the poor misunderstooded Karma?Because his abilities are pathetically uninspired without exception and if he wasn't strong he would be the just another Karma?
I just can't get 1 team who can actually last hit and play passive. 8 games in a row where every other lane lost in cs and kills. It just sucks
Make sure you follow the rule where if you lose 2 games in a row, you either stop playing for the day, or stop playing for at least 2 hours. Otherwise you will end up with 8 games in a row where every other lane loses.![]()
What do you mean? What do you have against the poor misunderstooded Karma?![]()
What? He was talking about Wukong.
Karma isn't worth talking about.
The ult is like the main thing that looks good about her, and unless you're packing 40% cooldown reduction, it's going to be like 2.5 minutes early game, and potentially about 2 minutes between uses late game if you're using it whenever possible.bought the new champ, built 4 tiamats, boots and blood thirster ulted into a group fight. Her ult is so op.
I think Karma and Eve are generally known as the weakest/worst champions in the game at the moment, and it's not because of boobs or lack thereof.Maybe I misunderstood the sentence "he would be the just another Karma"... or Karma is really seen so badly?
She doesn't have big boobs, but you must go further the appearance.
Pardon my ignorance, but how is Ziggs at all mobile? He has slow movespeed unless you build buff items, correct? His only ability that makes him mobile at all is the satchel, and unless there's some ultra fast low cooldown no-mana way to use it that I'm not aware of, you're unlikely to successfully be mobile with that, especially compared to the other people you mentioned with speed boosts, dashes, warps, or whatever.When you look at the most popular AP carries they're all very mobile right now (i.e. Kennen, Ahri, Cassio, Ziggs, Vlad, Kassadin)
It isn't great, but it's something. Being able to pop up over walls can be pretty huge, and Ziggs doesn't have to root down or deal with the ult cast timers Xerath does (which also wind up rooting him down even more). I didn't mean to say he has the same mobility as the rest of those champs, but I feel he is capable in that area, especially with how long his range always is.Pardon my ignorance, but how is Ziggs at all mobile? He has slow movespeed unless you build buff items, correct? His only ability that makes him mobile at all is the satchel, and unless there's some ultra fast low cooldown no-mana way to use it that I'm not aware of, you're unlikely to successfully be mobile with that, especially compared to the other people you mentioned with speed boosts, dashes, warps, or whatever.
Maybe I misunderstood the sentence "he would be the just another Karma"... or Karma is really seen so badly?
She doesn't have big boobs, but you must go further the appearance.
But is it true weakness of the champs, or low style / model? Maybe noone grows fond of her because of the appearance.I think Karma and Eve are generally known as the weakest/worst champions in the game at the moment, and it's not because of boobs or lack thereof.
If she's ridiculously bad, that's too bad. If she's ridiculously good, that's great. If it's her ult that's good, it's unfortunate the cooldown is so long.Fiora is ridiculous. That is all.
I still have like 64% wins with Riven over the last 48 games or whatever, so I guess we'll see how easy Fiora is. :XShe's easier to play than Riven =p
I prefer not to mention how I badly perform with more fashionable champions (ww, master yi, jax, ashe).
I'm learning how to dominate with Karma, don't tell me that she is really so week according to the Lol community... why, why, Whyyyy? :_(
I still have like 64% wins with Riven over the last 48 games or whatever, so I guess we'll see how easy Fiora is. :X
Also I'm almost positive you were the Deionarra guy in the NeoGAF chat channel telling me all that Riven advice like months ago, and telling me I was a disgrace to Rivens everywhere, and then I was giving you crap because you hadn't even played Riven (maybe?). After all we've been through, now you're complaining about actually using her? :^P
people use olaf?
Riven is clicky and positioning is important. Even after playing her a bunch, I am probably not very good at getting the timing and click just right for jolting with the third Q shock when I occasionally need it (as in, you are running away and want to suddenly turn aroudn and Q them before continuing to run).I was calling you a disgrace because you lost to Irelia at levels 1 and 2 - shouldn't happen, whether or not I had played her or not. I'm not simply complaining. I can play her decently enough. But shes hard to play very well. Very positioning dependant.