Shutting him down with jungle ganks.Bonus Question: How does one counter Yorick besides not getting close enough to recieve a ghoul in the face and out-ranging him?
Good luck doing that in soloq though.
Shutting him down with jungle ganks.Bonus Question: How does one counter Yorick besides not getting close enough to recieve a ghoul in the face and out-ranging him?
Bonus Question: How does one counter Yorick besides not getting close enough to recieve a ghoul in the face and out-ranging him?
Question, how do ghouls help Cho?
I highly recommend Tristana via the facebook- thing. She is an excellent carry in my opinion. Has a very strong early game (you can form kill-lanes with the right support) and can be devastating in lategame.
Question, how do ghouls help Cho?
I assume it means more minions to kill aka more regen.
She really does seem pretty crappy, especially compared to Nautilus. I guess I'm kind of surprised she didn't get an early buff, but maybe it will happen later.So I tried Nautilus for the first time about 3 days ago.
Really regretting my Sejuani purchase. Is there anyone worse than her?
I smile everytime I see your avatar, Electra.
Then I think of,
So I tried Nautilus for the first time about 3 days ago.
Really regretting my Sejuani purchase. Is there anyone worse than her?
Glass Cannon Fiora > Tanky dps fiora. Kiunch's build makes me gag!
Yeah, sure, based your build upon whether your enemy team know how to target. She already had built-in ad and attack speed, the only thing she lack is survivability.
Question, how do ghouls help Cho?
Poppy, how i love thee strongness!
I smile everytime I see your avatar, Electra.
Then I think of,
Dayum. Not a single shit was given by dat Kog'maw.The Adventures of <100HP Kog'maw ContinuesThank you Janna.
Wow, how unlikely! You should either go play the lottery, or NOT step outside at all (you'll get hit by lightning)I played a draft team with a nice 4 man premade team yesterday at this exact time. I solo-Q today at the same time and i get queued with the same 4 people and they recognise me. Holy shit. Match making is epic shit.
I'll say it then. He's bad. And it's not just in this game (the scrim they just lost).
Well, he's not "bad" as in "ELO 500 bad" but he's certainly their weakest link. He doesn't really master that many top lane champions.
Just watch this and you'll become a champion.Probably also why I've been lvl 30, and never play ranked. Anxiety gets the best of me.
This. The only champions he can play somewhat aggressively with are Tryndamere and Teemo afaik.All I remember from IEM Kiev is TSM picking Irelia into Shyvana for the second time (and getting controlled).
K/D means very little, esp at tournament level play. TRM has an extremely passive and careful playstyle (in lane at least) - which leads to him getting bullied and losing lane more often than he should, but contributing to low death numbers.
Been paging over some guides for ranged AD carries to learn in the coming days. Sivir, Tristana, Graves are some of the ones I've been considering. Perhaps Vayne, but I've been told that she's really not worth the trouble of learning after her nerf.
Quick question about Rune selection: Between running a full set of ArPen or Damage Marks (Reds), which would be more effective on a generic ranged AD page?
Hmm, that's almost EXACTLY the item combination I always go with for Riven (especially if you were building infinity edge). That makes her look a little more appealing to me.So, after playing Fiora alot, I'm a fan. Still getting used to it, but so far I'm pretty consistent.
Modifying the build here or there, but it's pretty much revolves around three things.
1. a high damage item.
2. Some kinda life steal.
3. A last whisper.
Last game I went jungle, gave a first blood to top, and proceeded to gank a few lanes. From there I snowballed hard. In team fights I was pretty monstrous. Even with shen and leona on their team they couldn't take me down.
Does /ignore all turn off their pings as well? I'd want to keep that people unmuted for that reason.
Grats man, getting that high is an impressive feat, especially in US soloq.Heading towards Plat.
1800 now, shooting for 2k
I don't want to say therainman is bad, but he sure as hell sucks at shen.
Hmm, that's almost EXACTLY the item combination I always go with for Riven (especially if you were building infinity edge). That makes her look a little more appealing to me.
What the deal with the sentence: "Its just a normal game" and then that person feeds enough for Africa. Why don't these people try their shit builds like AD Kassadin in bot games?
I smile everytime I see your avatar, Electra.
Then I think of,
I am going to keep making Kog'maw videos as long as dumb things keep happening. Hated my team, decided to just do everything by myself.
Just watch this and you'll become a champion.
You inspired meI am going to keep making Kog'maw videos as long as dumb things keep happening. Hated my team, decided to just do everything by myself.
Nautilus may not be very good, but he has such an awesome voice. DO YOU HEAR THEM CALLING? *lumbers along magestically*
I was just lumbering around with a goth skin Annie and it was like Bioshock. I want to try that combo in a lane some time just to be funny. (it almost certainly wouldn't work since both of them need too much farm)
This. He really doesn't need farm, build Shurelya's.I have played Nautilus as a support. Just like you'd play Blitzcrank.