Yes, from EU. And yes... black screen
But I think this is the same video.... Are you from europe? apparently europeans have issues with
Yes, from EU. And yes... black screen
But I think this is the same video.... Are you from europe? apparently europeans have issues with
Thanks. I think I have some problems with the office connection where I'm in - restream. I accept no liability. - other language thing (twitch)
They lost.What happen to CLG? Aren't they suppose to play right now
What happen to CLG? Aren't they suppose to play right now
They won their second game.
It's a beautiful thing.Funny that Janna is now 100% pick and Sona nowhere to be seen.
Shen is a natural counter to any melee that doesn't have a shield, sustain or a long-range poke.
I would like to see a replay of such an event.I guess you haven't seen Shyvanna shit on Shen =p
Terrible pick really.All I see is shen shitting on wukong.
When you run an AD counter top like Wukong I guess he might be OP. Would have been fine if they picked Nasus or Vlad or something.Told you, shen not banned = shen picked. He's still OP as hell.
They lost every lane, had next to no ganks or map control and you want to say they didn't get outplayed? aAa had mid, top and jungle go on free farm mode, and their bot lane was out CSing Graves even with the ganks on that lane.that was terrible
Fnatic didn't get outplayed, they just got stomped by shen
I don't think there's any good excuse for not holding your blue that early in the game. They should have been more meticulous with the timing on it when they know they're at that disadvantage with top losing and the enemy running an invader like Shyvana.Shen winning top let shyv have control over the enemy blue all game.
But he wasn't getting early ganks either. It was a huge mistake to ignore top and mid. That's partly why they got so much free farm was because of how there was zero pressure on them from the start.Sure, bot got outfarmed but by having blue control, galio instantly won mid by having a lot more sustain than orianna. Naut got underleveled by losing jungle control and it didn't allow him to gank at all.
They shouldn't be free kills though. Top should be able to punish the absence of Shen and grab a tower or buff in the enemy jungle. If you can leave your lane to warp across the map and don't have to worry about it there is obviously a serious problem that the enemy team is facing. Bot lane also shouldn't just be giving up kills like that. It's not that hard to see Shen coming in and get out, or to down the target before he ults in. They weren't playing on the same level as the other team. It's not because Shen is OP it's because they couldn't react. They didn't react to the other team's picks, and they didn't react to what the other team was doing in the game. They tried to just play their own game in every position and they got stomped by a group working together as a team.An early oracle on shyvana pretty much secured every single buff on the map due to shen's presence. There was a point where shyv took red right in front of naut and graves. They were just too scared to even try to steal it because shen's ult was off cd.
Whenever bot got into a fight, shen would ult, towerdive and AAA would come out with 2 free kills and a dragon.
You might try Sivir (especially since if I recall correctly she is super cheap). In addition to normal laning stuff, she can run around or carry teleport, and backdoor turrets.Vayne <3
What champions are really mobile like she is {I kno Yi is one)? Now I own Vayne, Leblanc, and Ryze (my first).
After 2 years it boggles the mind.They still haven't added replays?![]()
.I don't think there's any good excuse for not holding your blue that early in the game. They should have been more meticulous with the timing on it when they know they're at that disadvantage with top losing and the enemy running an invader like Shyvana.
Sorry, I don't think you get counter jungling at all... it has nothing to do with meticulous timing. Everybody can time the first blue - 7:58. Ok. The problem is the lanes. If wukong is losing, he is at tower and will be slower to reach the blue. Top, jungler, mid can go secure the blue and FN can't contest it
But he wasn't getting early ganks either. It was a huge mistake to ignore top and mid. That's partly why they got so much free farm was because of how there was zero pressure on them from the start.
what, gank a shen? what, gank a shen when your laner is already seriously behind? ok.
They shouldn't be free kills though. Top should be able to punish the absence of Shen and grab a tower or buff in the enemy jungle. If you can leave your lane to warp across the map and don't have to worry about it there is obviously a serious problem that the enemy team is facing. Bot lane also shouldn't just be giving up kills like that. It's not that hard to see Shen coming in and get out, or to down the target before he ults in. They weren't playing on the same level as the other team. It's not because Shen is OP it's because they couldn't react. They didn't react to the other team's picks, and they didn't react to what the other team was doing in the game. They tried to just play their own game in every position and they got stomped by a group working together as a team.
I dont agree that they are free kills either. But if you cannot see the global pressure a shen who is dominating top puts on the map I'm not sure what to tell you. Wukong COULDNT respond by taking the tower or buffs, he was under the tower for almost all of laning phase. See shen coming and get out? They already used their stuff to commit to the fight. Down the target before he ults in? The shield is big and it is instant. Just don't fight the opponent? Passive play means you have already lost. Not withstanding that the opponent can go aggressive with shen to back them up
No ban on Shen again. We'll see if he dominates again I guess!
No ban on Shen again. We'll see if he dominates again I guess!