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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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i am sad panda

Lux doesn't have good burst, but she has a great poke skill set, which is valuable in a different way lategame. Lux wants to go with the team to an objective, chip away at the enemy with your range advantage while preventing them from initiating on your team with the binding until they are at a health disadvantage and either have to concede the objective or die. It's useful in a more subtle way than just straight up blowing people up because you have to rely on your team work together for objectives and to not initiate until the right time, but it can still win games and be useful.


Lux doesn't have good burst, but she has a great poke skill set, which is valuable in a different way lategame. Lux wants to go with the team to an objective, chip away at the enemy with your range advantage while preventing them from initiating on your team with the binding until they are at a health disadvantage and either have to concede the objective or die. It's useful in a more subtle way than just straight up blowing people up because you have to rely on your team work together for objectives and to not initiate until the right time, but it can still win games and be useful.

I saw an amazing match where one team had Jarvan, Lux, Maokai, Kennen, and Janna. First teamfight:

Jarvan goes in the mid of the enemy and ults catching 4 of the enemy team inside, Kennen ults, Maokai ults, Janna blows her tornado and Lux gets a triple off ulting right as Jarvan's ult wore off. It was amazing.


I don't remember if we won the game, but I finally had one of the entertaining cross-map things happen to me -- I tried to ult and stun Twitch while he was in a bush between our turrets in the middle of teleport. Teleport finished, and Pantheon hopped and ran to the opposite side of the map through the trees. I'm not sure if it actually stunned Twitch (maybe it wore off by the time I got over there), so I barely managed to hit him with a spear to kill him before one of his teammates killed me. =P
If you play soloQ, just mute everyone at the start of the game, 99% of team coordination in soloQ is done by pings anyway so nothing is lost except a whole lot of douchebags shittalking.

The biggest annoyance in LoL IMO is the stupid 20 minute surrender limit, its way too long to be stuck in a one sided game. Of course people are going to be pissed and abusive when someone screwing up can lead to being trapped in a one sided game for a stupidly long time.


Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm summoner lvl 30 now and I'm ready to start capturing swome highlights from my matches for my progress blog. I was just wondering if any of you record stuff off of LoLReplay and if so which recording program do you use? Also, is there any free editing software out there that's decent? I have Windows Movie Maker but haven't really had a chance to use it because I can't find a good recording software (I'm not afraid to pay for it but would prefer a free type if I can)


If you play soloQ, just mute everyone at the start of the game, 99% of team coordination in soloQ is done by pings anyway so nothing is lost except a whole lot of douchebags shittalking.

The biggest annoyance in LoL IMO is the stupid 20 minute surrender limit, its way too long to be stuck in a one sided game. Of course people are going to be pissed and abusive when someone screwing up can lead to being trapped in a one sided game for a stupidly long time.

I honestly hate when people surrender. If there's a troller purposely feeding or an afker then I understand, but if it's one sided early game, it doesn't mean things could get turned around late game. I've been in some huge comebacks only because we got it to go late game and it just takes one team win to win it.
I honestly hate when people surrender. If there's a troller purposely feeding or an afker then I understand, but if it's one sided early game, it doesn't mean things could get turned around late game. I've been in some huge comebacks only because we got it to go late game and it just takes one team win to win it.

i love you
r attitude


I honestly hate when people surrender. If there's a troller purposely feeding or an afker then I understand, but if it's one sided early game, it doesn't mean things could get turned around late game. I've been in some huge comebacks only because we got it to go late game and it just takes one team win to win it.

Yeah, I have some fond memories of this. My favorite one to date was a game where we lost one of the nexus towers by the 20 minute mark. We were fairly equal in kills and our side had the better lategame champions (Kogmaw and Tryndamere). Someone initiated a surrender after losing the tower and failed only by one vote. Fast forward 35 minutes and we were suddenly taking down their Nexus. I had to unbutton my pants afterwards.


Yeah, I have some fond memories of this. My favorite one to date was a game where we lost one of the nexus towers by the 20 minute mark. We were fairly equal in kills and our side had the better lategame champions (Kogmaw and Tryndamere). Someone initiated a surrender after losing the tower and failed only by one vote. Fast forward 35 minutes and we were suddenly taking down their Nexus. I had to unbutton my pants afterwards.

were you that fed?



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm summoner lvl 30 now and I'm ready to start capturing swome highlights from my matches for my progress blog. I was just wondering if any of you record stuff off of LoLReplay and if so which recording program do you use? Also, is there any free editing software out there that's decent? I have Windows Movie Maker but haven't really had a chance to use it because I can't find a good recording software (I'm not afraid to pay for it but would prefer a free type if I can)
Just use FRAPs to record the video. WMM is fine for light stuff like that too.
If you play soloQ, just mute everyone at the start of the game, 99% of team coordination in soloQ is done by pings anyway so nothing is lost except a whole lot of douchebags shittalking.
If you feel the need to mute everyone preemptively you are probably taking things way too seriously.


Yeah, I don't usually care to surrender unless it's an absolute stomp. I try to treat it as practice and at least try to farm and do well personally. Plus I have the unfounded theory that you get more IP if you don't surrender or whatever.

Side note, someone claimed you got more IP for doing baron (at least once), at least in bot games, but I have no idea if that's true either.
Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm summoner lvl 30 now and I'm ready to start capturing swome highlights from my matches for my progress blog. I was just wondering if any of you record stuff off of LoLReplay and if so which recording program do you use? Also, is there any free editing software out there that's decent? I have Windows Movie Maker but haven't really had a chance to use it because I can't find a good recording software (I'm not afraid to pay for it but would prefer a free type if I can)

Wait LOL has a replay mode? I thought that was one of the things the game didn't have?


No Champion sale this week?

They got the legacy sale this week.
And just in case you need to buy the cow to get the milk, the following champions will also be on sale for 20% off until Monday, the 19th of March!

Alistar (normally 585 RP) will be only 468 RP!
Garen (normally 585 RP) will be only 468 RP!
Warwick (normally 585 RP) will be only 468 RP!
Malzahar (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!
Zilean (normally 585 RP) will be only 468 RP!
Jax (normally 585 RP) will be only 468 RP!
Shen (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!
Karthus (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!
Caitlyn (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!
Shaco (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!
Poppy (normally 260 RP) will be only 208 RP!
Akali (normally 975 RP) will be only 780 RP!


Mess with the bull, and you get the horns! *heal*
Mess with the bull, and you get the horns! *heal*
Mess with the bull, and you get the horns! *heal*


formerly sane
I honestly hate when people surrender. If there's a troller purposely feeding or an afker then I understand, but if it's one sided early game, it doesn't mean things could get turned around late game. I've been in some huge comebacks only because we got it to go late game and it just takes one team win to win it.

I hate when people in a normal queue are expecting others to play at a competitive level expecting a win. There's a difference between being in a pub, pug, league and then tourney level. Average pubbers who give up snowball wins to anyone with skill in mobas isn't going to win. You're wasting you're time trying to get that 1 magical comeback while losing basically a huge majority of those situations. I love comebacks but only when I see the teamcomp to make a late game comeback. Even winning 3v5s in this game is possible due to how clueless some types are. More so it's simple as an adult I don't have half a day so easily to spend over and over grinding this game. You get far more IP winning especially for ranked than you do losing if you keep trying to win especially long games you literally lose 4-8 games within that period if you get good mid game surrenders. Logically I don't even see why your side can't just see it's pride making you think that delusion. If you got a comeback you do but when least 1 - 2 people on the other side with a decent people have a nasty ratio lets say 5to1 or above gg right there no matter what you do.

This is for another poster. Muting people automatically has nothing to do with seriousness. I learned from XBL just to squelch or mute people when I can. In most games your awareness and intelligence should be enough to read what your teammates could or would do given a period of short time. Race and gender aside in my case I find people more often than not those on voice or talking are just itching for a fight and waiting for a moment to start it up. That's not good especially in a moba once everyone on the team feels indifferent or becomes a troll themselves just look at the other team laughing at you knowing they will likely get the win.


Yeah, I don't usually care to surrender unless it's an absolute stomp. I try to treat it as practice and at least try to farm and do well personally. Plus I have the unfounded theory that you get more IP if you don't surrender or whatever.

Side note, someone claimed you got more IP for doing baron (at least once), at least in bot games, but I have no idea if that's true either.

No, the only way to modify your IP gain is:

Time Spent In-Game (minimum of 25 minutes, maximum of 55 minutes on SR)
IP Boosts
Double IP Weekends (hah)
Dominion Bonus*

Bot games even come with a penalty depending on your level. Nothing you do in-game affects IP (except for winning/losing and time spent).


No, the only way to modify your IP gain is:

Time Spent In-Game (minimum of 25 minutes, maximum of 55 minutes on SR)
IP Boosts
Double IP Weekends (hah)
Dominion Bonus*

Bot games even come with a penalty depending on your level. Nothing you do in-game affects IP (except for winning/losing and time spent).
Shut up shut up! Next you'll be telling me that pressing A or B while pokeballs are wobbling actually doesn't affect the catch rate! :(


Shut up shut up! Next you'll be telling me that pressing A or B while pokeballs are wobbling actually doesn't affect the catch rate! :(

Well A doesn't. B definitely does.

Edit: Holding B that is. And you have to hold it as soon as the ball hits the ground.


Shut up shut up! Next you'll be telling me that pressing A or B while pokeballs are wobbling actually doesn't affect the catch rate! :(

My friend convinced me that you had to press UP+B when the ball was flying up, Down+B when it was flying down, and shake the Gameboy when the ball was shaking.

After seeing it work three times for him on Rattatas, I was convinced and proceeded to do that for 3 generations.


Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) - Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.
Glitterlance - Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.
Whimsy - If cast on an ally, grants them movement speed and ability power for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.
Help, Pix! - If cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.
Wild Growth (Ultimate) - Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking enemies away from them and granting them a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.



wow it is not so much a sheep stick as it is a squirrel stick...


If only the weekend confirmed podcast didn't say Whismy every 4 fucking seconds. It burned me out on that podcast, that word, and I will hold a grudge against that champ for it.


Streamers are testing out Lulu


Her passive seems pretty hard to control. Since her fairy's damage can be blocked my creeps, you auto attacking the enemy will push the lane if you don't position right.

Her ap scalings are 0.6-0.7. Similar to Nautilus.

Still don't understand how you aim her Q though. You can put the fairy on a creep/champ and aim it from there which will give more range. Don't know how you aim the shot from the fairy. I think it's inverted but i'm not sure


Streamers are testing out Lulu


Her passive seems pretty hard to control. Since her fairy's damage can be blocked my creeps, you auto attacking the enemy will push the lane if you don't position right.

Her ap scalings are 0.6-0.7. Similar to Nautilus.

Still don't understand how you aim her Q though. You can put the fairy on a creep/champ and aim it from there which will give more range. Don't know how you aim the shot from the fairy. I think it's inverted but i'm not sure

hearing her says what sounds like BUNNY as she uses whimsey is hilarious.
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