Decided to queue for a beginner bot game to try out Karma who I got in a bundle and have never played before. Someone else picks Brand so I just go bottom lane with my AP karma and dick around. Stealing CS, being overly aggressive in lane and generally not caring. After a while I get bored and start farming jungle creeps and fantasizing about the viability of jungle Karma.
I'm laughing to myself at the other players on my team who are calling MIAs and shit, because beginner bots never leave lane. I laugh pretty hard when we get aced by beginner bots too, because that's just embarrassing.
About 30 minutes in I realize the other team has actual names and I didn't queue for a bot game at all. Oops. I tried to play serious from then on but we still lost. I almost did better than Brand.
Anyway Karma is kinda fun but lack of range on q seems like a problem for her in teamfights as a real AP carry. Mantra shield on a tank after they charge in is ok damage, though.