I think the only time I've ever gotten an infinity edge before 20 minutes may have been when I rushed it with Ashe and her free gold ability. Farming is hard.Played a game yesterday bot as Lux supporting. Game was going fine, hit a lot of skills shots until I glance at what other people are doing. The other team doesn't have a jungler, so there is a 2v1 top, our Renekton is actually winning! I look mid, their Morde has 260 CS at 18min. Seriously the highest CS I've ever seen on any hero that early. Apparently he had been farming lane and all of the jungle at the same time some how. Our mid was laughing at him for always "missing" lane XP and then we yelled at him for being an idiot (his bad playing really lost us the game in the long run).
Still I'll never see a CS that high ever again I doubt.
Side note, about yorick being frustrating top, there didn't seem to be much I could do against him even with cho. I kept driving him back, kept farming the lane, held my turret, but basically the instant I teleported bottom lane to get a kill and an assist, he immediately pushed all the way through the lane and took the turret down right then. It was heartbreaking.
I may have also outfarmed his creeps in the long term, but even a 6-stack cho'gath with tank items can't stand up to him 1v1 if cho gets within his slow range, apparently, so once again I found myself in the situation where a farmed yorick seemed more of a big deal than my farmed top lane champion. Granted, that game other lanes had been feeding (like 0/8 or 1/7 lux mid), so it wasn't like we were going to win any teamfights to begin with.
I think that was ALSO the solo queue really low ELO ranked game where the other team managed to coordinate four heal summoner spells, further guaranteeing we would never win a teamfight. Who does that. ;_;