Duder, it's you and not them who is the problem here.Them #1: Why did you do that you're a troll!
Me: I'm 16/8 and we're winning this dominion game 100 to 25 and even though you're pissed you died because I left you I just got a double kill and capped top.
Them #1: TROLL
Me: No, trolling would be deliberately throwing the game by by going afk because now I hate you both and want to piss you off.
Never shit on your own teammates.
Duder, it's you and not them who is the problem here.
Buy Lifesteal quints.6300 IP.
Do I buy Lulu or 3 AD quints and 3150/4800?
I'm using Armor Pen quints in all of my pages still.
Who uses those?Buy Lifesteal quints.
Late game focused AD carries.Who uses those?
Who do you play? I don't know about singed, but if it's 1v1 top lane, cho, gangplank, yorick, or a good yorick should shut down riven. Talon or anyone else with a silence, or vlad, or morgana might also work.So I noticed Riven and Singed owns me top. I need to learn how to fight those characters.
He only wants to play the matchup as Poppy.Who do you play? I don't know about singed, but if it's 1v1 top lane, cho, gangplank, yorick, or a good yorick should shut down riven. Talon or anyone else with a silence, or vlad, or morgana might also work.
Buy Lifesteal quints.
Oh, as someone who mains Riven, my advice is not to do that.He only wants to play the matchup as Poppy.
Ranked is just making me sad now. I went jungle pantheon, got a quadrakill, went 15/7/16 and we still lost. A single mistake loses the game almost every time -- 2-4 turrets and inhibitors go down so fast.![]()
1)Play a real jungler.Ranked is just making me sad now. I went jungle pantheon, got a quadrakill, went 15/7/16 and we still lost. A single mistake loses the game almost every time -- 2-4 turrets and inhibitors go down so fast.![]()
I don't own Shyvana either, but I suppose I -could- try Alistar with mobility boots. I just want 1-2 champions who are good and pseudo-carry-capable in ultra low ELO games.
I don't own Shyvana either, but I suppose I -could- try Alistar with mobility boots. I just want 1-2 champions who are good and pseudo-carry-capable in ultra low ELO games.
Lee Sin
Master Yi
My buddy jungles the 1st two a ton when we duo quo, and he does well. I like Noc a lot, but it's not as easy as when he had the longer leash on his E.
i love shaco as a jungler. he doesn't even need leash. but hes so hard to jungle with, it takes alot of practice.
i love shaco as a jungler. he doesn't even need leash. but hes so hard to jungle with, it takes alot of practice.
Never shit on your own teammates.
Banned every single ranked game. In my opinion it's almost time to stop banning him though.
Shaco gets banned a ton in my games though so I didn't mention him. Might just be me though.
What? Seriously? Shaco gets banned because he's one of the best jungle gankers and he can solo dragon and counter jungle hard. Not many junglers can do that if any. Low level to mid level people won't be able to stop Shaco if he knows what he's doing.
oh common. how many people actually know what they're doing when playing shaco.
There are plenty of bad Shacos, but against a good Shaco, it's just not worth the risk that your team can't handle him, ESPECIALLY at low ELO.yea, i don't get the big deal. i mean yea, he can play some mean mind games, but besides that he just like any other char. i get the reason to ban karthus but not shaco.
Leblanc is in the same situation as panth though. She's gotta dominate so hardcore early game that they just give up.
I don't own Shyvana either, but I suppose I -could- try Alistar with mobility boots. I just want 1-2 champions who are good and pseudo-carry-capable in ultra low ELO games.
Supposedly pantheon is a great 2k ELO jungler, and I'm clearly a great 2k ELO player.
What suggestions are there for good all-around junglers who can carry the game and are unlikely to be banned? I am trying to save up 6300 IP to try to learn Lee Sin again. When I tried him before, he seemed like the most difficult champion I had ever played, and I was unable to do damage except with his ult. But, I would like to give him another chance if he is still good.
Ideally, I would like to have two ultra strong not-usually banned junglers who can carry almost every game so I can choose between them in case one is banned. =)
There are plenty of bad Shacos, but against a good Shaco, it's just not worth the risk that your team can't handle him, ESPECIALLY at low ELO.
Who do you play? I don't know about singed, but if it's 1v1 top lane, cho, gangplank, yorick, or a good yorick should shut down riven. Talon or anyone else with a silence, or vlad, or morgana might also work.
smh at karthus not being number 1. and good karthus can change the flow of a fight so easily.This.
I am not really afraid of that many champs in this game in solo que, but of the ones that I am I'd rank them like so:
1.) Shaco
2.) Kassadin
3.) LeBlanc
4.) Rammus
Any of these, in the hands of a good player, will proceed to crap all over your team.
Shaco is only an issue if you can't get to the late game or he managed to give his team all the kills, but he can make at least two members of your team useless with constant ganks.
I hear a few weeks ago that Shaco is really popular with the Korean players for this reason.
Teach me to play poppy! =(You can play Sion or Akali. A lot of the high elo players played these 2 champs in the beginning of season 2 to easily win and get a high placement on the elo ladder. The reason is that they can easily secure kills when junglers gank and can snowball very well.
Poppy too good
As much as I hate giving anyone advice against Riven, even I, who don't play Cho much, went Cho top when I had to lane against a Riven, and I seem to recall shutting her down in lane.I usually cho top. I don't see how he shuts either one down. Go in for last hit, riven gets all 3 q's on you and stuns or singed just toss you into poison. I guess I should go for Regrowth Pendant as a starting item but man they can zone me out. I will probably pick up Kennen for these two match ups.
So I noticed Riven and Singed owns me top. I need to learn how to fight those characters.
Just got my first penta! Didn't even do it with my ult. Everybody just stood around my dead body for some reason. Feels good man.[/QUOTE]
I usually cho top. I don't see how he shuts either one down. Go in for last hit, riven gets all 3 q's on you and stuns or singed just toss you into poison. I guess I should go for Regrowth Pendant as a starting item but man they can zone me out. I will probably pick up Kennen for these two match ups.
In other news, last game I carried as Sona going 8/1/20 lol. I'll say it again, dat power chord!
We should do another all tank game, we haven't done that in awhile.
And Ashe's passive, which discourages attacking at all.It feels a bit odd to me, like Taric with his passive that encourages autoattacking.