How about you hero balance per map? But it's true, it might get too confusing at that point/be too much work.
Probably never going to happen. Way too much work and you are confusing the playerbase.
How about you hero balance per map? But it's true, it might get too confusing at that point/be too much work.
The amount of times I saw Lee Sin/Nocturne/Janna made me kinda sad
It's better having Janna as the top support than when it used to be Sona with the crazy success rate. Sona doesn't lead to anything interesting in team play beyond the ult. At least when you watch Janna you get tornadoes, the slow, and the ult as a good metric for skill.Indeed, I cried a tear of joy whenever I saw Sona being played.
It's better having Janna as the top support than when it used to be Sona with the crazy success rate. Sona doesn't lead to anything interesting in team play beyond the ult. At least when you watch Janna you get tornadoes, the slow, and the ult as a good metric for skill.
Sure from a viewers perspective that's fine. I just personally enjoy playing Sona more than any other support.
Does anyone else have a "back to the roots" champ that they play?
Whenever I play Udyr, I just get this nostalgic feel
Numu. I rarely play him now though cuz he needs a team that knows wtf to do.Does anyone else have a "back to the roots" champ that they play?
Whenever I play Udyr, I just get this nostalgic feel
Kassadin, first one I put a lot of effort into learning.Does anyone else have a "back to the roots" champ that they play?
Whenever I play Udyr, I just get this nostalgic feel
Not sure how many others went, but I just got back from IPL4 and I can easily say sitting VIP and talking to all the Pros all weekend was incredible.
The crowds were nuts, talking with the Riot staff, IGN staff, everything makes me so proud to be a part of this community.
You guys fucking rock!
Does anyone else have a "back to the roots" champ that they play?
Whenever I play Udyr, I just get this nostalgic feel
Does anyone else have a "back to the roots" champ that they play?
Whenever I play Udyr, I just get this nostalgic feel
Numu. I rarely play him now though cuz he needs a team that knows wtf to do.
hey guys I JUST started LOL yesterday. Played a couple bot games and I'm really enjoying it.
Anyone has some tips for a true freshman (only played DOTA 1 time)
or any beginners here that wanna link up for some matches?
Don't die.hey guys I JUST started LOL yesterday. Played a couple bot games and I'm really enjoying it.
Anyone has some tips for a true freshman (only played DOTA 1 time)
hey guys I JUST started LOL yesterday. Played a couple bot games and I'm really enjoying it.
Anyone has some tips for a true freshman (only played DOTA 1 time)
or any beginners here that wanna link up for some matches?
I don't play anymore, but I can tell you the three things that I remember being hugely important when I was learning.
- Learn to last hit/farm creeps.
- It's OK to 'b' or run away (also, especially at first, do NOT be overly aggressive).
And probably the most important...
- Get at least a basic understanding of your opponents champions. Random example, if you don't know that Anivia has an ice wall, that "lolharass" can very easily you get killed.
Jarvan's Thunderdome is the best for screwing over himself/his own team.that ice wall often miss and the enemy block them from pursuing you :3
Jarvan's Thunderdome is the best for screwing over himself/his own team.
I been playing with Wukong... getting last hit with melee kinda sucks
But i think i'm atleast alittle better than the other beginners i'm playing with.
but i recognized a problem.... sometimes i get baited into overextending... i'll try to stop
As for last hit have flat ad marks and quints.
aa = autoattack, so E, attack once, then Q was what he there any guide to when you should recall? Is there a quick way to gain MP? especially as a melee... because after being alive for a while i start running low on it.. Especially after E Q combo's
And i noticed that the guy said to do E aa Q does that mean 2 attacks in between then Q?
I have been hitting E then immediately smashing Q
I normally get regen pendant plus a pot
then speed boots -> Ionion boots
then phlage(?)
then triforce(?)
then armor with the spikes? for the health and regen?
if i can bloodthirster
is there any guide to when you should recall? Is there a quick way to gain MP? especially as a melee... because after being alive for a while i start running low on it.. Especially after E Q combo's
And i noticed that the guy said to do E aa Q does that mean 2 attacks in between then Q?
I have been hitting E then immediately smashing Q
is there any guide to when you should recall? Is there a quick way to gain MP? especially as a melee... because after being alive for a while i start running low on it.. Especially after E Q combo's
And i noticed that the guy said to do E aa Q does that mean 2 attacks in between then Q?
I have been hitting E then immediately smashing Q
That regrowth pendant is bottle-necking the amount of sustain you could be receiving at the start of the game.I normally get regen pendant plus a pot
then speed boots -> Ionion boots
then phlage(?)
then triforce(?)
then armor with the spikes? for the health and regen?
if i can bloodthirster
Hey everyone send me a pm if you want a PAX Sivir code. I will pool the names tomorrow night and if there are more than 21 (that's the number of codes I have) then I use a random number generator to figure out the winners.
I will pool the names tomorrow at around midnight eastern us time so it gives everyone a chance to get their name.
TLDR send me a pm if you want PAX Sivir
Just a heads up you have 10 more hours to send a pm.
There is already 42 people signed up so you can get a feel for your odds
aa means two regular attacks??E-aa-Q-aa-W escape rinse and repeat.
When going in for ult E-aa-Q-aa-R follow target then W if needed.
As for last hit have flat ad marks and quints.
Masteries 21/9/0
Last hitting should be no problem
aa means two regular attacks??
Ah, okay, but not a specific count. I though Nimbus-Attack-Attack-Crushing Blow-Attack-Attack-DecoyAuto attack yeah.
Ah, okay, but not a specific count. I though Nimbus-Attack-Attack-Crushing Blow-Attack-Attack-Decoy![]()
Okay, thanks, will try that. Only really played Soraka so far, time to switch to something different for a change. And then Lulu when she is in the rotation.Ah, it should mean just one "regular" attack/auto attack.