Anyone has a spare PAX Sivir code that hasn't been used on EUW? Would appreciate it!
You play? 1 on 1 tryndimor mid
Anyone has a spare PAX Sivir code that hasn't been used on EUW? Would appreciate it!
I finally did it. I have now won more games than I've lost. 655-654. First time I've been positive since October. Now I'm too afraid to ever play again.
I can't wait for this patch to be released either. A lot of us are busy at work fixing several new bugs that have been found in this patch.
It is unclear how long it will take to resolve these issues. The patch could be ready late tomorrow or it may end up being delayed until Monday. Unfortunately, I can't give an exact ETA due to the nature of the bugs we are resolving.
This is the "best" answer I could find:
Yea. It's not good. He's slow and can get counter jungled easily. He does have sustain though.Anyone tried jungle Gragas?
How would you even gank pre-6? I've been interested in trying jungle Rumble lately but I don't want to subject anyone to it.Anyone tried jungle Gragas?
How would you even gank pre-6?
How would you even gank pre-6? I've been interested in trying jungle Rumble lately but I don't want to subject anyone to it.
Teemo is the most annoying champion to lane against. Bar none.
Bush-ren doesn't even come close.
But it's SO SATISFYING when you get the jump on him.
I have a question: How in the balls are you supposed to counter Kennen? Mid, top, bot, anywhere I lane against him, I lose, he picks up a revolver and he has free sustain forever.
But it's SO SATISFYING when you get the jump on him.
I have a question: How in the balls are you supposed to counter Kennen? Mid, top, bot, anywhere I lane against him, I lose, he picks up a revolver and he has free sustain forever.
Play vs bots, the intermediates make for fun matches. Plus I have hardly seen people rage in bot matches ever.How would you even gank pre-6? I've been interested in trying jungle Rumble lately but I don't want to subject anyone to it.
The best guide I've seen about how to raise elo.
I pretty much agree at all points. Give that person that says "mid/champ or afk" his pick or they will troll. -_-
What's sad is that I feel like I and a fair number of other people do that, and even at 700 ELO people generally sorta fill in the roles, but keep losing horribly (feeding 16 kills or whatever). It is so hard to come back when one lane might literally kill themselves (intentionally or not) 3-4 times before you even get across the map to attempt to help them. Presumably the solution is helping them after the first 1-2 deaths?My god the writing and spelling are awful.
What's sad is that I feel like I and a fair number of other people do that, and even at 700 ELO people generally sorta fill in the roles, but keep losing horribly (feeding 16 kills or whatever). It is so hard to come back when one lane might literally kill themselves (intentionally or not) 3-4 times before you even get across the map to attempt to help them. Presumably the solution is helping them after the first 1-2 deaths?
There's a picture on reddit of champions holding carrots to their groin while they peel them over Bunny Girl Riven. Thanks Riot.
There's a picture on reddit of champions holding carrots to their groin while they peel them over Bunny Girl Riven. Thanks Riot.
There's a picture on reddit of champions holding carrots to their groin while they peel them over Bunny Girl Riven. Thanks Riot.
That Teemo is pure nightmare fuel.
I'd make an avatar out of it but I would only scare myself even more.
Too Late.
I got lucky. I'm like, I haven't played Ziggs in a month, might as well play him mid in ranked, what could go wrong.
(ashe and morde were spamming constantly and raging because ashe wouldn't let morde solo top, and fizz was losing his lane being left alone, but mundo kept giving me blue buff and people thankfully calmed down towards the end of the game)
Haha, I didn't even notice that.your team would be perfect if your name was Summons In Trouble :![]()
I'm going to guess you don't play 700 elo solo queue.The opposing team is definitely trolling.
Anyone know the reason behind the patch delay, and an ETA when it'll be dropping? Are they just going to push it to next week with patch notes late Monday and a release on Tuesday?
I'm a "strong woman" fan when it comes to characters like Irelia and Riven, and even I thought the image was pretty funny
My god the writing and spelling are awful.
Ugh i don't think i can stand bot lane any more for a while. It's like other lanes except there's randomly a fucking retard who ruins it. Support Morde. What the hell. SUPPORT TALON. FUCK THIS SHIT.
Ugh i don't think i can stand bot lane any more for a while. It's like other lanes except there's randomly a fucking retard who ruins it. Support Morde. What the hell. SUPPORT TALON. FUCK THIS SHIT.
Just play something like Corki or Trist and turn it into a kill lane. Problem solved.
People still use the NeoGAF channel. Though I think theres plenty of Gaffers that play that don't. And there's those that ragequit Neogaf and just play by themselves now (SouthernDragon)
We had a good game last night. We lost but it was a well played game. Was hell for my ashe though, other team had Warwick, Poppy and Leblanc. Living was not an option for me in teamfights.