5 ranked games in a row where i completely destroy my lane by at least 60-80cs but all my other lanes lose.
6th game, I went jungle so i could babysit losing lanes but guess what? all of them lose and they just blame me because i can't babysit all of them.
Go support to see if i can make a difference in my next game, get my ad fed but all my other lanes still lose
Seriously, this game hates me.
from 1490 to 1300 in a day
Exact replica of what happened from when i was 1600 elo and lost over 150elo in one day due to 10 straight games of trolling premades.
I think i'm done playing seriously in ranked. I can't take it anymore. The stress is too high. Not even listening to mozart can calm me down
I think losing and winning streaks happen, but overall if you devote 200-400 hours to playing games, it should even out in theory (yes this is kind of ridiculous).
It sounds like you're not duo queueing, which is a huge problem -- if you duo queue say, mid and top, and both always win your lanes, you should be much more likely to win the game.
Last but not least you probably violated the rule I always violate, which is quit after two straight losses and take a break of at minimum a few hours. If you lose again, stop for a day. That will at minimum probably stop you from losing 10 games in a day, if you restrict yourself to only PLAYING 3 games a day. =P