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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Rolled AP Garen before sleeping but it was just on AI. People ended up taking me too seriously lol.

Yi: wow ap garen?
Garen: lol
Yi: starting with tome
Garen: so that my abilities get stronger
Yi: garen is a tank or ad
Yi: he doesnt do damage with ap
Garen: ability power
Yi: yeah
Twisted: hahaha
Yi: ap garen does no damage with ap
Talon: whew please read, garen doesn't use ap

...shortly afterwards...

Yi: garen is going ap
Yi: thats why he's being useless
Yi: ap garen
Garen is on a killing spree!


They should make garen's ult scale off AP so he isn't a useless version of Darius

Shameless repost for new page

YouTube Me!Teaser - Panda Teemo (1:27)

not a legendary skin so you dont have to quit LoL over it


Nah, dumb installer kept resetting itself because the install location had the word "games" twice in the path...
Installing it properly now though
single lane map is currently on PBE


not a legendary skin so you dont have to quit LoL over it


I'll take 20.


Nah, dumb installer kept resetting itself because the install location had the word "games" twice in the path...
Installing it properly now though
single lane map is currently on PBE


not a legendary skin so you dont have to quit LoL over it


Any other questions?

Yes, I do, actually. Going Meki + pots is a really good idea, to start, but my main question is this:

How do I avoid pushing the lane unduly? That's my main issue.

And that's why you don't search for images of yordles.

Someone teach me how to play support Sona. :O

Gp10 masteries and quints

Regen + ward

As soon as you have the gold, go back for Stone. You need to get your money machine going in order to ward and support properly. As soon as you have enough for HoG, get that, too.

then Boots and Red Crystal. Upgrade to Mobility and Aegis. Finally, Chalice -> Athena's. Upgrade Chalice at the very, very, very end.

Always leave one slot for wards. Get Oracles after either Mobility or Aegis. I tend to get Aegis first.

Skills: R>W>E>Q

The W aura is amazing when paired with Aegis. Gives everyone around you +30 armor and magic resistance, and even more to you and the target who was healed. E is better than most people give it credit for. It's a persistent MS aura with a MS burst every 3 seconds. Q is... only there for Power Chord. You only need a point in it.

Learn to juggle the W and E Chords. W is amazing in a fight for defending your carry. It reduces damage output by 40%, so when the assassin or bruiser jump at them, they'll be unable to burst down your carry. E is also really, really good for slowing down a pursuer or snaring a fleeing opponent.

Laugh as you will, GAF, but my best role is support and I have a decent track record (so far) with her in Ranked. I know I'm not the best, but my Sona's pretty solid.

And, of course, ward whenever you can. That's the purpose behind the GP10 machine, and building it early; you'll find that you can easily, easily afford 5 wards every trip back to the fountain. The idea behind all that gold is that you can always provide ample ward coverage while also keeping yourself relevant through items. A starved support is not very effective. True, supports don't need farm or many items to be effective, but they do need SOMETHING. I always facepalm when I see a support with a Charm, boots, and a couple of wards 25 minutes in. They've been starving themselves, buying tons of wards super, super early and neglecting to make sure they can stay relevant to the late game.
Gp10 masteries and quints

Regen + ward

As soon as you have the gold, go back for Stone. You need to get your money machine going in order to ward and support properly. As soon as you have enough for HoG, get that, too.

then Boots and Red Crystal. Upgrade to Mobility and Aegis. Finally, Chalice -> Athena's. Upgrade Chalice at the very, very, very end.

Always leave one slot for wards. Get Oracles after either Mobility or Aegis. I tend to get Aegis first.

Skills: R>W>E>Q

The W aura is amazing when paired with Aegis. Gives everyone around you +30 armor and magic resistance, and even more to you and the target who was healed. E is better than most people give it credit for. It's a persistent MS aura with a MS burst every 3 seconds. Q is... only there for Power Chord. You only need a point in it.

Learn to juggle the W and E Chords. W is amazing in a fight for defending your carry. It reduces damage output by 40%, so when the assassin or bruiser jump at them, they'll be unable to burst down your carry. E is also really, really good for slowing down a pursuer or snaring a fleeing opponent.

Laugh as you will, GAF, but my best role is support and I have a decent track record (so far) with her in Ranked. I know I'm not the best, but my Sona's pretty solid.

And, of course, ward whenever you can. That's the purpose behind the GP10 machine, and building it early; you'll find that you can easily, easily afford 5 wards every trip back to the fountain. The idea behind all that gold is that you can always provide ample ward coverage while also keeping yourself relevant through items. A starved support is not very effective. True, supports don't need farm or many items to be effective, but they do need SOMETHING. I always facepalm when I see a support with a Charm, boots, and a couple of wards 25 minutes in. They've been starving themselves, buying tons of wards super, super early and neglecting to make sure they can stay relevant to the late game.

Thanks for the info. I don't know how to use sona that well I usually put points into power chord thinking it would help support more but now that I think about it the W's have been what usually help in fights more. I should really invest in some gold quints considering I play support quite a bit.
Yes, I do, actually. Going Meki + pots is a really good idea, to start, but my main question is this:

How do I avoid pushing the lane unduly? That's my main issue.

shovelhit creeps for last hits, use E on laner

(max E)

(if you use E on the hero, your ghoul will prioritize him)


Yes, I do, actually. Going Meki + pots is a really good idea, to start, but my main question is this:

How do I avoid pushing the lane unduly? That's my main issue.

Gp10 masteries and quints

Regen + ward

As soon as you have the gold, go back for Stone. You need to get your money machine going in order to ward and support properly. As soon as you have enough for HoG, get that, too.

then Boots and Red Crystal. Upgrade to Mobility and Aegis. Finally, Chalice -> Athena's. Upgrade Chalice at the very, very, very end.

Always leave one slot for wards. Get Oracles after either Mobility or Aegis. I tend to get Aegis first.

Skills: R>W>E>Q

The W aura is amazing when paired with Aegis. Gives everyone around you +30 armor and magic resistance, and even more to you and the target who was healed. E is better than most people give it credit for. It's a persistent MS aura with a MS burst every 3 seconds. Q is... only there for Power Chord. You only need a point in it.

Learn to juggle the W and E Chords. W is amazing in a fight for defending your carry. It reduces damage output by 40%, so when the assassin or bruiser jump at them, they'll be unable to burst down your carry. E is also really, really good for slowing down a pursuer or snaring a fleeing opponent.

Laugh as you will, GAF, but my best role is support and I have a decent track record (so far) with her in Ranked. I know I'm not the best, but my Sona's pretty solid.

And, of course, ward whenever you can. That's the purpose behind the GP10 machine, and building it early; you'll find that you can easily, easily afford 5 wards every trip back to the fountain. The idea behind all that gold is that you can always provide ample ward coverage while also keeping yourself relevant through items. A starved support is not very effective. True, supports don't need farm or many items to be effective, but they do need SOMETHING. I always facepalm when I see a support with a Charm, boots, and a couple of wards 25 minutes in. They've been starving themselves, buying tons of wards super, super early and neglecting to make sure they can stay relevant to the late game.

How aggressive are you in harassing during laning using those runes?

At least he died with mana. *salute*

I laughed because I've done the same thing too when I was learning TF. And then I discovered that I could W before R.


How aggressive are you in harassing during laning using those runes?

I laughed because I've done the same thing too when I was learning TF. And then I discovered that I could W before R.

You should have your Q proc the Power Chord and shoot it on the enemy carry whenever you can (unless the enemy support is Soraka, shoot her a few power chords to get her to heal herself, and then jump the carry because they lack a armor and heal bonus while you have your W and Dimediendo whatever (W's power chord, lower's enemy carry damage by 40%, you should win the trade).

Sona should be auto attacking the enemy support whenever possible. Use E whenever you feel threatened in the slightest, it'll let you get away from subsequent shots from their carry and also prep your power chord.

I suck at TF. :< I can never time my cards properly.

I made it to Gold two days ago, and then promptly lost 3 Ranked in a row, bringing me back down to 1470. Took a break. Game ain't worth the rage.
shovelhit creeps for last hits, use E on laner

(max E)

(if you use E on the hero, your ghoul will prioritize him)

Well, yeah. But don't the minions then attack the ghoul?

I wish you guys could see my Yorick early game, this is frustrating :(

How aggressive are you in harassing during laning using those runes?


You should have your Q proc the Power Chord and shoot it on the enemy carry whenever you can

Which is why you should get a point in Q, but otherwise... yeah.


Well, yeah. But don't the minions then attack the ghoul?

I wish you guys could see my Yorick early game, this is frustrating :(


Which is why you should get a point in Q, but otherwise... yeah.

Well, Sona is pretty squishy no? I'm just wondering how often you pop out to go for a Q+AA especially if they have something like Leona/Taric, and a bursty carry.

For the runes, should I go gp10 quints and seals, mana regen marks, and warding glyphs?
Well, Sona is pretty squishy no? I'm just wondering how often you pop out to go for a Q+AA especially if they have something like Leona/Taric, and a bursty carry.

For the runes, should I go gp10 quints and seals, mana regen marks, and warding glyphs?

In laning phase, occasionally. I recommended Q because most people REALLY like her Staccato chord, but... Honestly, I level W and E to level 5 before I touch it nowadays. W is much better in trades and E is great for snaring. I've just found it too risky to really be aggressive as Sona-poke nowadays. Also, she's not as squishy or catchable with Aegis and Mobility, when teamfights roll around.

For runes, check my Troll Support page. I don't remember what I have. It could probably be improved, too.


Well, Sona is pretty squishy no? I'm just wondering how often you pop out to go for a Q+AA especially if they have something like Leona/Taric, and a bursty carry.

For the runes, should I go gp10 quints and seals, mana regen marks, and warding glyphs?

Here's how I play Sona. Max Q if winning lane, max heal if losing. My standard runes for the non-kill lane supports are armor reds, gp10 quints and yellows, mana regen blues. I would say for you, at least switch from the magic resist blues, unless you are against Corki or something you don't need magic resist for support.

Against kill lane supports don't force the Q+AA. If you can get it for free go for it, but Sona is super squishy and if you are predictable with it or try to force it you will get burned. Try to get it at level one if you can, you can almost single-handily win lane if they have a non-sustain support and you land one or two super early.


Well, Sona is pretty squishy no? I'm just wondering how often you pop out to go for a Q+AA especially if they have something like Leona/Taric, and a bursty carry.

For the runes, should I go gp10 quints and seals, mana regen marks, and warding glyphs?

Stay in bush. Heal from the bush and charge Q AWAY from minions if you are above 75% mana.

Once you get the Q Power proc, pop out and use it, run back in bush. If they ward your bush, make sure you ward the river, KEEP AN EYE ON IT, and do the same near there.

You can even get the passive to two charges, come in, Q and AA quickly and run back with E, easy harass.

However, without some early AP, the damage falls off, so use it while you can. When you're Level 5, start leveling E so you can jump in and R when you get it/when the opportunity.
Yes, I do, actually. Going Meki + pots is a really good idea, to start, but my main question is this:

How do I avoid pushing the lane unduly? That's my main issue.

You don't. Yorick will win his lane and deny his enemy last hits which will push the lane.

Wards wards wards and as soon as you see the jungler coming in, Q a minion and run your ass off. Throw a W where he will intercept you if necessary.

I use TP on Yorick and several times laning against someone without a stun, I've just TP'd out of danger when I knew I'd die otherwise.

Also, don't fully engage for kills unless it's a guaranteed burst situation. To me, Yorick is all about dominating your lane and ensuring bot does the same with your TP. By not risking engagement for possible kills, you don't run the risk of the jungler being in the area and catching you with your pants down.

It's not a great answer, but for all the advantages Yorick's laning phase offers, I really do see this as a minor issue (once you get beyond his terrible early game).


I wish Poppy was removed from the game forever.

What counters Poppy besides that very few people play her?

Couldn't do anything to her as Riven because she trades better with Q, her charge always seems to be up very quickly, and she built a Frozen Heart pretty early.


Olaf afaik, since true damage bypasses Poppys passive.

ad/armour rune page. 9/21/0

Play aggressive level 1. Press W and Auto attack olaf until he dies or flashes when he comes in to do his level 1 true damage.

Poppy will always win if you play like this.

That's how you beat olaf as poppy


ad/armour rune page. 9/21/0

Play aggressive level 1. Press W and Auto attack olaf until he dies or flashes when he comes in to do his level 1 true damage.

Poppy will always win if you play like this.

That's how you beat olaf as poppy
Pretty sure most Olafs pick Q at level 1, due to built- in slow and CD- refresh, thus better damage potential.

And going into an early autoattack- race with Olaf is just asking for trouble, his passive alone gives him an edge.
Played an intermediate bot yest night for my win of the day and practice my Ezreal in anticipation for that skin. 14/1/7. But we had 3 team members feeding insanely. The only other competent team member was our Taric. Miss Fortune 0/29/9. Our Xin Zhao 3/13/7. They fed the enemy Ryze mainly. I was clearing out the creeps at our nexus because our turrets were down and my team went into a teamfight and the enemy bot Ryze got a quadra-kill. It's a bot match...... how is this possible :'(.


Not sure what you mean? Regardless following that quadra they pushed to nexus and won

I mean I kind of hate Xin Zhao because he seems so useless late game and in team-fights. I don't really see a reason why people play him unless they want to play along to that Mulan song, but even then that only works when Xin Zhao is snowballing and dominating (which rarely happens from my games).
I mean I kind of hate Xin Zhao because he seems so useless late game and in team-fights. I don't really see a reason why people play him unless they want to play along to that Mulan song, but even then that only works when Xin Zhao is snowballing and dominating (which rarely happens from my games).

The most successful Xin Zhao played his role like I mentioned; he'd start teamfights, ult, knock someone up, and die. He'd rip a good chunk of health off of the opposing team, disable one person, and draw fire, giving us an excellent starting advantage in the fight. He also communicated this to us, so we knew what he was up to.


The most successful Xin Zhao played his role like I mentioned; he'd start teamfights, ult, knock someone up, and die. He'd rip a good chunk of health off of the opposing team, disable one person, and draw fire, giving us an excellent starting advantage in the fight. He also communicated this to us, so we knew what he was up to.

Surely there's other champs who could do something like that with similar impact to team fights without dying? I mean, Cho 'Gath could knock multiple people up, silence, and feast on the carry and still probably live for more than 3 seconds.

Also Naut OP.

Yo yo yo, Xin Zhao is cool, alright?

Remember, his role is to start teamfights, ult, and die instantly.

I thought that was just how I played him. I need to make a TurnipKnight guide for playing every LoL character.

Amumu: People think you need to hit bandage toss. Prove them wrong.

Cho'Gath: Try to feed for the first 30 minutes and wait for teammates to carry you.

Blitzcrank: Scare off enemies with "warning" grabs that just miss them.

Fiddlesticks: Ult immediately when the cooldown resets. Repeat.

Anivia: Don't play. Too difficult.

Tryndamere: Wait too long to use your ult and die while it's still available.

Garen: Win top lane and then become useless in team fights and lose the game.

Pantheon: Start 5-2 then finish the game with a strong 7-10. Miss your ults and/or ult into 5 players and die instantaneously.


I thought that was just how I played him. I need to make a TurnipKnight guide for playing every LoL character.

Amumu: People think you need to hit bandage toss. Prove them wrong.

Cho'Gath: Try to feed for the first 30 minutes and wait for teammates to carry you.

Blitzcrank: Scare off enemies with "warning" grabs that just miss them.

Fiddlesticks: Ult immediately when the cooldown resets. Repeat.

Anivia: Don't play. Too difficult.

Tryndamere: Wait too long to use your ult and die while it's still available.

Garen: Win top lane and then become useless in team fights and lose the game.

Pantheon: Start 5-2 then finish the game with a strong 7-10. Miss your ults and/or ult into 5 players and die instantaneously.

crackbabyjr Lee Sin guide:

Lee Sin: The best way to play Lee Sin is to role play the character when aiming Qs.
Surely there's other champs who could do something like that with similar impact to team fights without dying? I mean, Cho 'Gath could knock multiple people up, silence, and feast on the carry and still probably live for more than 3 seconds.

Also Naut OP.

True, but... can you sing "BE A MAN" while doing so? No.

Garen: Win top lane and then become useless in team fights and lose the game.

IE and AtMallet, dawg.


AP Blitzcrank: Grab them. Oh fuck my ult is on cooldown. W out of there and let the AD carries deal with it.
i really hate it when someone pick support then they try to transition with like 8 cs into ap.
unless your like way way ahead with the ks or ur team is far ahead, its not wise to do it.

PS > heart of gold > boots > aegis >shur

best support ever.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why the hell would you build into Shureliya's first? That misses the whole point of stacking gp5 items.


Why the hell would you build into Shureliya's first? That misses the whole point of stacking gp5 items.

Usually it is good idea to upgrade to shureliya as soon as laning phase ended. The speed boost let your ad kite better, tank/bruiser reach enemy ad faster in team fight. It is also good for chasing down people or avoiding dead.

Worth a lot more than whatever gold that gp5 gave you.
Depends on the support, but sometimes I go three gp5 before Shureliya's if we're up 2-3 kills.

Typically, PS-HOG-(maybe KLP)-boots-Aegis-Shurs-(morellos if i got KLP)-CDR boots-whatever else will help the team most.

I get oracles on beefy supports like blitz, tartic, ali, or leona that can roam well once tower is down or if my carry is really fed and can farm at tower for a bit while I gank mid or ward their jungle.
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