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So why is lol down =/
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So why is lol down =/
It wasn't a very interesting game really. Very boring unless you like watching a team sit in base. People blaming M5 for not pushing in don't get it. Anivia has three forms of CC that all block the base entrance/exit, and any minion wave was instantly cleared before it could even get into base. M5 had no serious poke or long range AD to push the tower down. .
Good luck zipping out through Anivia CC that does tons of damage while Trist destroys you from out of range and Soraka silences you to not Valkyire out.Corki was doing fine early on, getting in a couple of tower hits every so often. He should have kept on doing that. He has Valkyrie and Flash to GTFO if anything. Get Nunu to Blood Boil, and zip in and out.
Probably isn't but seems like too much of a hassle. Besides, I don't like her chinese skins either
Yo, Riot, I want to play your game. Potentially give you money.
I cannot do that if I cannot log into your game, Riot. I hope you understand this.
The game is still down, why would they do a patch Saturday night, it isn't even something that need to be fix asap.
Praeco said:pls
RiotMixdj said:teers
Vesh said:we r fixin tha bugs
Princess Aura said:
RiotMontag said:i cnat wate
15:41 PST: We currently expect NA servers to be back up late tonight. Thank you for continuing to bear with us.
14:31 PST: We do not yet have a fix prepared to restore stability. We apologize for the continuing downtime.
14:06 PST: Our investigation into today's issues is still ongoing.
13:30 PST: We are still investigating the root cause of today's issues. Thank you for your patience.
13:08 PST: We are continuing to work towards resolving in-game issues. Logins are still disabled.
late tonight.
Yo, Riot, I want to play your game. Potentially give you money.
I cannot do that if I cannot log into your game, Riot. I hope you understand this.
Riot Employee: Oh. Okay, thanks.
19:58 PST: We have determined that the issues are more complicated than we originally believed and are working to bring the servers back online as fast as we can. We have a full, cross-disciplinary team that is working to resolve the issues and will continue to post updates as they come.
Guess I'll go look for Ahri porn.
Yay for incoming IP boosts!
Fixed that for you.
I'm guessing no one still knows why riot nasus (and serif?) were fired? Supposedly the rumor of nasus leaking patch infos to ladies were false, so I don't know what happened.
Serif (and his girlfriend Riku) was fired because he posted that taric vid.
Apparently it offended gay people.
I'm guessing there's no LoL tonight.
Why play when you can..... reaaaddd.... =O ... I know......... it sucks, but I actually put off reading Catch-22 for so long so I finally picked it up off my desk.... it's fucking hilarious.
It's a great book. I read it a while ago, I should probably read it again, I'd get more out of it.
CLGeu have amazing discipline and team fighting. They've been getting decked during laning phase lately though.
CLGeu v M5 vod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHJP1uhjeW0
CLGeu have amazing discipline and team fighting. They've been getting decked during laning phase lately though.
CLGeu v M5 vod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHJP1uhjeW0
M5 blew up their competition. Destroyed. That was sad to watch.
That said, 57 minute queue, lol
Of course there's a queue at 3AM. Are we really getting an IP boost for this mess?
Funny thing.
By the time I finished my queue, I was so engrossed in Catching Fire and so tired from a full day of Dreamhack that I just logged off after checking the store.