I can't play Kat against Blitz. Way too much CC. I can Shunpo away from his grab but I have to bait his silence and knock up before ulting.
What's wrong with it? It's that healing aura right?
Honestly, I've played against blitz so much in ranked it isn't even funny. So much in fact I'm incredibly comfortable playing against them. Just ward the bottom bush and and stay on the opposite side of where he is in the lane. If he does force into a corner, just sidestep his hook, NEVER try to outrun it, it never works. Also, if blitz hooks and misses (which is pretty common if you can dodge them half decently) go aggressive on him. He probably used his w to try to get into position, so punish him for that. His grab is on a long CD, so your pretty safe harassing him. Also, careful with his passive when you tower dive, can't name the number of times a blitz has gotten away from a tower dive because of his dumb passive.
When would you ever be in that matchup to begin with? He has three different ways to stop the ult and is a rare AP mid to begin with.I can't play Kat against Blitz. Way too much CC. I can Shunpo away from his grab but I have to bait his silence and knock up before ulting.
I think he is avoiding normal game so he doesn't have to be in the same team as Blitz
Hecarim is one of the least scary junglers in the game. Once he goes in he's really just stuck there without much mobility or lockdown. His base stats are decent but he isn't really getting a lot out of building tanky. If he does build tanky, he won't have any damage. Instead he's stuck awkwardly trying to build damage and high effective health at the same time.New sale sucksI guess Hecarim would be cool if someone really enjoyed him. I know I hate playing against a good one. He comes out of nowhere and is decently tanky.
Time to play Sivir bot and troll all these Blitzcranks for lols.
When would you ever be in that matchup to begin with? He has three different ways to stop the ult and is a rare AP mid to begin with.
Time to play Sivir bot and troll all these Blitzcranks for lols.
Ah, that's the nature of Katarina, then. If you picked her early enough for the other team to have lots of CC/silence etc., you have to be super good at waiting until it's all gone (or hope their team is terrible) before you ult. You can also attempt to ult through walls but that's probably unlikely to hurt anyone very much.I don't mean at mid, just during team fights/ganks.
Pulsefire Jarvan anyone?
its not even a fanart but i would love to have some legendary skin on jarvan.Pulsefire Jarvan anyone?
Pulsefire Jarvan anyone?
its not even a fanart but i would love to have some legendary skin on jarvan.
New, standard skins are closer to the older Legendaries
That spoiler text is quite true, old skins are utter garbage compared to the 2012 releases. All year has been stellar in terms of art and particle changes to just ordinary skins. Old legendaries need a touch up to meet today's 975 standard
That spoiler text is quite true, old skins are utter garbage compared to the 2012 releases.
Corki, Tristana, Twisted Fate, and Cho'Gath come to mind immediately.
Green Soraka might be amazing post remake though.Amen. I have the Ezreal jacket and green Soraka. Both horrible skins that I'd never pay for.
I've played more than a thousand games and I still buy champs with RP :3buying champs with rp is easier for people late to the game like me who want to buy runes and who dont get to play much.
Pulsefire Jarvan anyone?
I've played more than a thousand games and I still buy champs with RP :3
Corki, Tristana, Twisted Fate, and Cho'Gath come to mind immediately.
I've played more than a thousand games and I still buy champs with RP :3
Don't you mean always?Uh yeah I hate this community sometimes.
So uh...
I know some of you are into that weird fox shit. (and one of you really like ahri's tits or something)
yeah, here
So uh...
I know some of you are into that weird fox shit. (and one of you really like ahri's tits or something)
yeah, here
So uh...
I know some of you are into that weird fox shit. (and one of you really like ahri's tits or something)
yeah, here
Amazing D:
Hey man, who doesn't like Ahri's tits?
It's okay if this is how you feel when you play with BadGAF.Uh yeah I hate this community sometimes.
Don't you mean always?
I can't say always because when I first started playing, I had a Sejuani (not Soda) on my team who didn't really get mad at us and just kept telling us what to do in a polite manner and we won. And this was before I knew what the jungle was or really got into the game so ever since then I still hold some hope that there are okay people in LoL solo queue.
For me, maybe 1 out of 10 games you get a really good team that doesn't bitch and moan at each other over little mistakes.
I'm only level 21, so I've never played soloqueue, but I had a short and annoying experience with playing solo normal. Since I have five friends that frequently play, more often than not play with at least two guys, so it's a lot easier to ignore being called a retard all the time. If not, mute is a beautiful functionI can't say always because when I first started playing, I had a Sejuani (not Soda) on my team who didn't really get mad at us and just kept telling us what to do in a polite manner and we won. And this was before I knew what the jungle was or really got into the game so ever since then I still hold some hope that there are okay people in LoL solo queue.
Oh, wait the 10 minutes, ya crybaby.
I'm only level 21, so I've never played soloqueue, but I had a short and annoying experience with playing solo normal. Since I have five friends that frequently play, more often than not play with at least two guys, so it's a lot easier to ignore being called a retard all the time. If not, mute is a beautiful function
But really, who doesn't love Ahri's tits?
So far Malphite, Lux, Annie, Kayle and Graves, the last two being the least used of the bunch, mostly because one of my friends almost always plays Ashe and because I can't seem to really understand what to make of Kayle yet.Glad you are playing.
What champs have you been using?