hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Carrying like a baws
You need more balls bro.
Carrying like a baws
4v5 vs. a pro player on a smurf jungling.Psh, quit whining, she got crushed.
You need more balls bro.
All I've been playing is The Proving Grounds (ARAM). So much fun. I don't think I can go back to SR.
LoL casual 101
I saw you on one of them on the PBE, but you didn't say hi in chat.All I've been playing is The Proving Grounds (ARAM). So much fun. I don't think I can go back to SR.
I saw you on one of them on the PBE, but you didn't say hi in chat.
ARAM's the really hardcore stuff no one knows about.
Patch notes(?)
AP Leona really dominates ARAB/ARAM.
Yeah, I started listening and turned off, it's such aterrible song.There needs to be a list of all the parodies that people have made of this song. The beat isn't even that good, I don't understand why this keeps happening.
Got Ahri?
Hecarim is one of the least scary junglers in the game. Once he goes in he's really just stuck there without much mobility or lockdown. His base stats are decent but he isn't really getting a lot out of building tanky. If he does build tanky, he won't have any damage. Instead he's stuck awkwardly trying to build damage and high effective health at the same time.
In a teamfight I can build super tanky as Sejuani and still do way more damage at most stages of the game than a Hecarim, and it only gets higher the bigger the teamfight gets.
This patch, so cursed
maybe they can give us more ip/rp
Free RP has happened what, twice in the last 2-3 years? I think the server would need to be down for a week for there to be a chance of that.maybe they can give us more ip/rp
I don't have the patience to save up 6300 ip, I end up blowing it all on runes =/.
AcridMeat but it's not like he ever plays with anyone anymore.Who was the guy here who did an amazing Hank Hill impression?
AcridMeat but it's not like he ever plays with anyone anymore.![]()
What do you recommend as starting items on support Leona? I don't find her particularly mana-hungry so the Faerie Charm isn't that useful, yet the Regrowth Pendant is too expensive if I want to get wards. Boots, maybe?
What do you recommend as starting items on support Leona? I don't find her particularly mana-hungry so the Faerie Charm isn't that useful, yet the Regrowth Pendant is too expensive if I want to get wards. Boots, maybe?
I'd still go Faerie Charm unless you're planning on an invade. You don't have any sustain so you'll need potions and the obligatory wards. That leaves very little gold left for starting items.
"play with anyone" = "play with me" since I'm the one that matters. :cWe played like a night or 2 ago ;p
Leona lane is typically more aggressive than other lanes, otherwise what's the point of picking Leona. She needs the early mobility to lock up the enemy carry. Armour runes / masteries should be enough to shirk major damage early on, and it's easy enough to pick up a regrowth + pot + ward after ~5 mins in lane. Passive gp/10 with runes now is enough to support doing this
I could never do well as an AD carry, particularly Vayne. :/ I USUALLY get a bit fed early on but I fall off sometime later. I always end up having to debate between farming and team fights. I often get left alone to farm safely on my farm but I feel bad when there's a 4v5 team fight going on WAY too far from me. Last two Vayne games, I lead with like 8-2-2 by 20 mins, but 20 mins after that I got 12-10-15.
I usually just play Vayne. I just couldn't get to a point where I feel Kog hurts unless I'm playing poke Kog. Cait falls off too hard when the match drags and Ashe is down to Q and R for late game. They're just not like Vayne where every skill is zomg amazing for team fights.
I hope Proving Grounds comes out with matchmaking. TOO GOOD
I've been using this guide with great success:
I don't see the need for boots. You're in the brush 95% of the time and should be able to close the gap with Zenith Blade.
Play to get better, not to win. Even if you think you are carrying hard there are a billion ways you could improve your game and potentially enable your team to win more often.All of my match history is full of Graves games except for one Irelia troll game (we all went bruisers to piss off some guy that instalocked Darius top) and all of them except for three are losses.
The sad thing is, in all of those losses I was the best player there but my team was so bad that it was impossible to carry against an enemy team just as fed as me. I really do hate this game most of the time, I don't know why I keep playing it.
Server's down. Before that whole stealth patch mess up on the weekend, Riot was on a pretty good streak in terms of server performance.
Play to get better, not to win. Even if you think you are carrying hard there are a billion ways you could improve your game and potentially enable your team to win more often.
I apparently brought some bad luck to LoL server uptime when I started playing this after Diablo 3. I apologize to everyone.
Thanks. The Galio+Amumu (Galio+Malphite as well) combo worked pretty well the times we used it to just grab a few guys and destroy them in a second.Do what BadGaf does; play your best champs and ignore team composition.
Vladimir seems like a good pick for top with some of the other champs with AoE ults like Galio, Karthus' Defile, and what not. Guy #3 has Alistar and Janna so he has the most options for support. Guy #2 has Amumu and Shyv, both pretty decent junglers.
Yeah, he can also play Taric and probably he'll pick up Zilean but for now just those two. And you're probably onto something with positioning, I usually have problems with that when not playing Lux. I kinda wish your character was highlighted in some way, sometimes teamfights are a mess and I really lose my character in the whole mess. I know it's not exactly what you mean, but there's so many problems in this team lol...Tell guy 1 to learn how to play more things or else you'll have to build teams around him every time.
Start to learn positions rather than champions
Play to get better, not to win. Even if you think you are carrying hard there are a billion ways you could improve your game and potentially enable your team to win more often.
This patch, so cursed