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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I don't really see supports as a passive role, their job is not only to make your team feel comfortable, but to give the enemy a headache as well. In lane, they succeed this by harassing the enemy and trying to zone them out while giving you more space to farm in. Babysitting the carry involves a lot more than just idling in the back mashing the heal button (this applies to Soraka as well.)

So yeah I'm not seeing the whole passive thing, I think people just hate the fact that they're not allowed to take up farm and rely on their team for damage output.

Normally this headache is so big, it's not worth it to try and harass at all, since any damage taken will just be healed up/negated by the support while laning. Wards are also a major player here, making it easier to see incoming ganks from the jungle, as well as top lane, it doesn't hurt that wards are also so easy to buy with the support's allowance.
I got into the DotA2 beta and while I didn't spend much time with it, I hated it. Your champs' movement seems really herky-jerky compared to LoL. The in-game store was an abomination. And the biggest offender was that the champ skills just seemed shitty. You don't have as much mana to play with and putting skill points into passives just isn't any fun.

It has admittedly been a few months since I tried it, so I may give it another shot this weekend to see if they cleaned up the shop and animations. If it went live as is though, I wouldn't switch from LoL.


I'll keep it brief, as this is a leagues topic. Just take some time to learn the items, its not like you knew the item shop in and out in leagues day one. Any action RTS/moba/shndjkasdjkasjkf biggest hurdle is always the items, learn that and you are half way to a better understanding, until you get ganked. I'd love to add more but we have a dota2 topic for questions and playdota for hero/item info.


if mana restriction is one of your complaints about dota then its just not for you
its not noob friendly like LoL, but pays off if you learn when best to use your spells


Normally this headache is so big, it's not worth it to try and harass at all, since any damage taken will just be healed up/negated by the support while laning.
Uh who's headache are you referring to? I was specifically describing about giving the enemy a hard time on the lane.

Sustain is definitely not as strong as it was last year, when Soraka could heal you for like every 5 seconds with 0.9 AP ratios. However since the massive support- sustain nerf back in August, supports haven't been able to sustain even remotely as well as they could back in the day, making harassing nowadays a lot more potent then it used to be.



"I never asked for this"



"I never asked for this"

I had the exact game. Complete with the Tryn all the way in their jungle near golems solo. He died to their whole team repeatedly to which he blamed us on not initiating. Not sure how we're suppose to do that when we're on the other side of the map.... Maybe he thought we were panth.


Ahh. Too bad about Volibear. Might look into Sion since he always messes me up, or Warwick. But probably should suck it up and buy AD marks/quints for Riven.
I like lux / jarvan. Me and mudkira used to do this all the time, back when i still play jarvan

she snares, I q-e, she throws her lihgt ball, I ult to prevent them from escaping, she ult for the kill.

With Leona/ Sion you can get 4 stuns in for an easy charge and kill. Sion sheilds up and stuns, Leona pulls and stuns, sion explodes, victim tries to move for .0001 seconds and then hit by Leona ult, and Sion's stun is off cooldown. Enemy will be slain.


I like Nocturne. I feel they might have nerfed his fear range a bit too much, but eh. He clears minions so fast. Too bad he can't solo dragon though, early on that is.


I like Nocturne. I feel they might have nerfed his fear range a bit too much, but eh. He clears minions so fast. Too bad he can't solo dragon though, early on that is.

Level 7ish you can but you get quite low if wriggles doesn't like you.


They probably will, it was a fun ride everyone =(

I really hope not. I think she's at the perfect risk/reward balance that all heros should be at. She does great damage at the beginning, but if she's denied she never catches up. Garen counters her solidly, as does any good range character. Thing is that other than garen you mostly have to break up the usual meta to counter her, which no one is willing to do.



I'll keep it brief, as this is a leagues topic. Just take some time to learn the items, its not like you knew the item shop in and out in leagues day one. Any action RTS/moba/shndjkasdjkasjkf biggest hurdle is always the items, learn that and you are half way to a better understanding, until you get ganked. I'd love to add more but we have a dota2 topic for questions and playdota for hero/item info.

It's not the lack of knowledge on the items, it is the layout of the store and the usability of the store in general. It didn't help that in my first game, the store window would not close regardless of what I did. So I had to play with 33% of my screen obstructed the entire game. The next game it opened and closed just fine, so it wasn't like I was pressing the wrong button.


With Leona/ Sion you can get 4 stuns in for an easy charge and kill. Sion sheilds up and stuns, Leona pulls and stuns, sion explodes, victim tries to move for .0001 seconds and then hit by Leona ult, and Sion's stun is off cooldown. Enemy will be slain.

well that was before leona was out :p
I will confess that I really, really like LoL's store layout. I wish DotA2 could be set up in a similar fashion.


It'd go a long way.

P.S. I thought Pantheon countered Garen top because of his passive blocking Q. Nope! Just spin as soon you hear the YAAAAAAAAH, ignore his shield, attack him once as he runs in fear THEN Q his dumb ass.


Late game counters both Garen and Pantheon.
Perfect amumu ult + kennen ult + mf ult + sona ult + Ahri = hilarious team melting power

I was against an AoE team with GP, Galio, Kennen, MF and Sona. They managed to catch all five of us in one Galio ultimate and then it was GG.


I don't think the LoL shop style works in DotA - But I wish I could buy via keyboard shortcuts (in both games) : |

Late game counters both Garen and Pantheon.

I was against an AoE team with GP, Galio, Kennen, MF and Sona. They managed to catch all five of us in one Galio ultimate and then it was GG.
I like Amumu because he doesn't need flash to do it. It was pretty hilarious, they all died almost instanteously. I should fraps it. Their fed nasus didnt even stand a chance.
EDIT: Fraps is hard.
Garen is still viable in the late game. At my scrub tier, of course. Slap some crit, damage, and survivability and you are guaranteed at least one death in a team fight (ult!). What's amazing is that his spin can't be stopped, period. wewt


Riot said:
As the deadline has now passed, here are the summoner names associated with your email address that have been released for use by other players:

well, feel free to take them!
im looking at you boken

I don't think the LoL shop style works in DotA - But I wish I could buy via keyboard shortcuts (in both games) : |

yeah... so we dont get boken pausing the game multiple times trying to access the shop in dota
I'm taking a break from this game. Can't seem to get good enough teammates at the minute.

Always seem that I look after my lane and the first to take the enemy turret down whilst the rest of the feeds.


I'm taking a break from this game. Can't seem to get good enough teammates at the minute.

Always seem that I look after my lane and the first to take the enemy turret down whilst the rest of the feeds.

I'm taking a break just from ranked matches to play some dumb builds in normal (Support Malphite!) and having a blast. Definitely helps to step away and do something else though.
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