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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Some days you get those BR baddies... you know, they play Vayne and get two shotted, and a Fiddle with bad ults.

Those days happen.

And when you do, you sack up and TANK LIKE BOSSES.

Also, EL OH EL at "IE don't work on Garen"

One spin melted Zilean and LeBlanc, no other skills necessary. The last fight was particularly epic; Vlad and GP ulted their entire team right after I ran in and spun + shield. I emerged with a triple kill for the ace. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah
haha your 'rush IE on Garen' crusade is hilarious.

--in other news--

GAF carry me back to elo heaven where I can play poorly and my jungle babysits me and my AP mid's always win their lanes. I need to hit 1600 again.


Hey, I'm new to the game - teach me gaf D:
I play Veigar and have been doing decent with him but I still cant farm fast enough which is what I think is holding me back :x any tips?


Some days you get those BR baddies... you know, they play Vayne and get two shotted, and a Fiddle with bad ults.

Don't know what happened in the game, but judging from that screen I don't think the vayne did badly. They have a leblanc who's fed and you guys have no tank with hard CC, so it's quite amazing vayne doesn't have *more* deaths.

Not to mention they have a zilean. That'd of been nightmarish for a vayne.


Hey, I'm new to the game - teach me gaf D:
I play Veigar and have been doing decent with him but I still cant farm fast enough which is what I think is holding me back :x any tips?

Practice, practice, practice. Learn your damage output - this goes for every champion. Veigar needs to farm his Q, so know how much damage it does. Last hitting is essential to do well. If you have enough mana, you can use W to damage the melee minions and then finish them off with Q. You'll miss out on a lot of farm, if you use too much mana on harassing the opponent.
haha your 'rush IE on Garen' crusade is hilarious.
It works, dawg! Only time in recent memory that I've lost top lane as Garen is because I had a Kass who, for some godforsaken reason, decided to go top with me.

Hey, I'm new to the game - teach me gaf D:
I play Veigar and have been doing decent with him but I still cant farm fast enough which is what I think is holding me back :x any tips?

I dunno how you can farm any faster. Cooldown reduction for your Q? Have you been to the GAF chat channel?

Don't know what happened in the game, but judging from that screen I don't think the vayne did badly. They have a leblanc who's fed and you guys have no tank with hard CC, so it's quite amazing vayne doesn't have *more* deaths.

Not to mention they have a zilean. That'd of been nightmarish for a vayne.

She did. She was a nonfactor throughout the game, and she was duo queuing with Fiddle. Even late game, when we were popping both Yorick and Zilean's ults for her she didn't do much better. LeBlanc would just feed of off bot lane.

End game was pretty much 3v5, as Vayne would run away, with Fiddle throwing a Darkwind or Fear in there somewhere and ulting 5 seconds too late.



She did. She was a nonfactor throughout the game, and she was duo queuing with Fiddle. Even late game, when we were popping both Yorick and Zilean's ults for her she didn't do much better. LeBlanc would just feed of off bot lane.

End game was pretty much 3v5, as Vayne would run away, with Fiddle throwing a Darkwind or Fear in there somewhere and ulting 5 seconds too late.


Still say she didn't do bad. Fiddle as a lane partner sounds awful. And if leblanc was roaming why was your mid letting her roam? Vayne can't do much against a leblanc, little to nothing really. Other than hope people can peal her off of her before she destroys her. Her build looks fine, and her cs is almost as much as yours (banshees probably was needed though, not whisper). To me it looks like fiddle was your problem not vayne, and having him lane with her fucked her over badly.


Practice, practice, practice. Learn your damage output - this goes for every champion. Veigar needs to farm his Q, so know how much damage it does. Last hitting is essential to do well. If you have enough mana, you can use W to damage the melee minions and then finish them off with Q. You'll miss out on a lot of farm, if you use too much mana on harassing the opponent.

The problem is opponents really like harassing me so some mana has to be wasted on defending myself :(


The problem is opponents really like harassing me so some mana has to be wasted on defending myself :(

Veigar is kind of a tough champ to learn them game with. If you want to play an AP caster, I recommend picking up Ryze instead. I took the same exact route. I got Veigar from the collectors edition box for free, played him exclusively for awhile but kind of hit a wall. I switched to Ryze and things kinda fell into place shortly after that. Solo mid is by far my best position now.

But I spend most of my time fucking around as a jungler :(.


Veigar is kind of a tough champ to learn them game with. If you want to play an AP caster, I recommend picking up Ryze instead. I took the same exact route. I got Veigar from the collectors edition box for free, played him exclusively for awhile but kind of hit a wall. I switched to Ryze and things kinda fell into place shortly after that. Solo mid is by far my best position now.

But I spend most of my time fucking around as a jungler :(.

....whats a jungler :)


This comic basically is me and my friends


Despite being level 27 I have only played a couple of pvp games (currently sitting at 32 wins and 33 losses).

I need to be braver but pvp scary
This comic basically is me and my friends


Despite being level 27 I have only played a couple of pvp games (currently sitting at 32 wins and 33 losses).

I need to be braver but pvp scary

I don't understand how you can face bots more than once a week maybe. They don't give you an authentic view or understanding of the game, which is why it's holding you back whenever you go into real PVP. You just have to stick with it and experience.


I don't understand how you can face bots more than once a week maybe. They don't give you an authentic view or understanding of the game, which is why it's holding you back whenever you go into real PVP. You just have to stick with it and experience.
I think some people don't really care for an authentic view or understanding of the game and just like fighting bots.

I got invited to a bot game last night and figured I'd be nice and play with some people. It lasted like 50 minutes and it was rough. I died like 5 times and had maybe 16-18 kills, volibear had 18ish kills, and the other three people had like...maybe 2-3 kills combined between all three of them?

At the end of a 50-minute game, our laning fiddlesticks may have been level 14-16 I think.

Now, you could say that instead of a 50-minute bot game those people could play 20-minute PVP games, but I suspect they would not want to.
This comic basically is me and my friends


Despite being level 27 I have only played a couple of pvp games (currently sitting at 32 wins and 33 losses).

I need to be braver but pvp scary
The problem is that the more you play against bots, the more you get used to them. You can do whatever you want in a bot game, with zero consequences, because they don't know what they're doing.


The problem is that the more you play against bots, the more you get used to them. You can do whatever you want in a bot game, with zero consequences, because they don't know what they're doing.

yea I know it's a problem. Bots are a joke but they make me feel good when I get 50+ kills on them after a shitty pvp game :p


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Quite a big difference between the two. Anything in particular you're curious about?

I wasn't aware how much difference that was. Is it a personal preference between the two for most people or is it a clear cut DoTA2 will be superior?
Still say she didn't do bad. Fiddle as a lane partner sounds awful. And if leblanc was roaming why was your mid letting her roam? Vayne can't do much against a leblanc, little to nothing really. Other than hope people can peal her off of her before she destroys her. Her build looks fine, and her cs is almost as much as yours (banshees probably was needed though, not whisper). To me it looks like fiddle was your problem not vayne, and having him lane with her fucked her over badly.

Yeah, mid should have held her down, I dunno what was up with that. As for their lane comp... it was a duo lane, they chose it. :/

I roamed down to mid on occasion to burst down LB, and went bot once to help them deal.

By that point I was 8/1, so eh!


This comic basically is me and my friends


Despite being level 27 I have only played a couple of pvp games (currently sitting at 32 wins and 33 losses).

I need to be braver but pvp scary

Similar boat. Think I'm like lv28 and 45w? or so.

My friends that got me into the game were strict PvE-types (yeah), so playing with them I mostly did bots. I didn't think I liked the game enough to play without them, and then they quit back in Sept. I wanted to keep playing, so I tried SR and hated it because it didn't seem to matter how well I did, if half my team was worse. So I switched to TTL. Lot of fun there until I reached the level where its Trynd, GP, Yi every match.

Stopped playing for a bit, and have recently started doing SR again. I hate all the trolling and stuff, but I'm getting used to ignoring it. People will play absolutely clueless, and blame you for it. Or some dick will get fed and then start acting like King shit. That's just how it is. - My biggest annoyance is people insta-lock whatever and you can mostly tell from the character selection what your chances are. Part of the reason I end up using mostly Singed. Its also frustrating when no one wards, or builds armor against complete AD teams, and then start shouting OP when they're gibbed.

Just gotta learn to live with it.


I wasn't aware how much difference that was. Is it a personal preference between the two for most people or is it a clear cut DoTA2 will be superior?

It's a personal preference. Dota is more harsh in the base mechanics. It's a lot more punishing for bad play than LoL is, and therefor is considered the more difficult game to be good at. I played Dota1 tons back in the day, but I'm prefering LoL nowadays due to the champion selection, and how the skill system works. Maybe I'm just bored with Dota's champions, I don't know.

Well when I played with Gaf guys no one ever won a lane...

Who'd you play with?
I wonder how many people lurk LoL-GAF but don't actually play with us.

Today --

Some guy on purple team: "oh it's legato"

me: "oh herro?"

purple: "you're that guy that makes fun of 2th"

me: "LOL WUT"

lurkers confirmed


I join the chat (maxite) when I'm on, but everyone's mostly afk during my usual 11pm-2am est playtime. I've been rambling on anyway. I don't mind playing with others, but i usually just queue up as soon as I come on.

Not getting RoA quick enough in 5v5. Which delays randuins (or fon) by a good deal. In 3v3 I'd have a roa before lvl 10. Not even getting the cata early. Rarely have a jungle, so dual lane doesn't help, but still not dealing with early harassment well at all. Miss the old potions.
premade 5 person drunken all random bot games are fun

that and often I'll use a bot game to try a champ I haven't played before, just to get a feel for skillshots and other stuff


I ended up playing with 4 premade Norwegians yesterday against a team of 5 premades. They were almost too coordinated. I was getting camped in top and had 0/2/0 after 10 minutes. It wasn't until I started to teleport down behind the other enemy lines, that my luck started to change. I even managed to cut them off at their base after a fight at Nashor. At the end of the game I had 9/2/8, which I was rather happy about given that horrible start.
Game stats: http://leagueofstats.com/matches/eune/245740673

And just Maokai fanart to make the post even sexier (click to enlarge):



It's always nice to win when your jungler is useless. He'd constantly suppress Gangplank during team fights, so Xerath would just nuke away. They first picked Annie and I picked Cassio, which is a good counter. Little did I know that she was going top and Xerath would be mid :s
That taric face paint.


What a brilliant zilean strategy

Zilean also has great synergy with Yorick. Bomb his ghouls and watch those homing missiles track down the enemy!


Someone was obviously playing with badGAF. :D

More like we rely too much on jungler. Considering how powerful and how earlier they can gang, making enemy push the lane so the jungler do the job for you is a lot more relaxing. Why waste your concentration last hitting 12 minions when you can just last hit to ks the jungler.

premade 5 person drunken all random bot games are fun

that and often I'll use a bot game to try a champ I haven't played before, just to get a feel for skillshots and other stuff

Landing skillshot is completely different from AI to real player, for AI you aim the skillshot at them, for players you have to aim the direction they are dodging/moving. Playing with AI actually ruin my aims.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

It's always nice to win when your jungler is useless. He'd constantly suppress Gangplank during team fights, so Xerath would just nuke away. They first picked Annie and I picked Cassio, which is a good counter. Little did I know that she was going top and Xerath would be mid :s

Zilean also has great synergy with Yorick. Bomb his ghouls and watch those homing missiles track down the enemy!
But Cass is a great counter to Xerath.
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