Big QQ post:
I really really don't like tryndamere, speaking of nerfing Riven.
Went riven top versus tryndamere. Someone else gave first blood, but I kept harassing tryndamere...actually I may have killed him by myself in levels 1-4 or so.
Then Udyr ganked. Tryndamere died again. Tryndamere's tower goes down at 7 minutes or so.
But it's Tryndamere! So he keeps pushing the lane super quick, and since he builds AS, he has constant crits. We keep harassing, but he keeps pushing. If I leave to buy with someone else guarding, or try to help another lane, the tower loses 25-50% of its health. Eventually it goes down because by level 16 or so (whatever 20-25 minutes in is), I can't outdo trynd's lifesteal and crit. I leave the lane for then, but of course trynd keeps pushing top. He got ganked at least one more time there, but it's trynd so he just bought more items.
He ended up with a single defense item (wriggles), and attacked me (I was near full HP?) with yorick at the top inhibitor tower. He tower dove me, followed me through the tower, to the NEXUS TOWERS, tanked one or two of those, killed me, ran back, possibly tanked another tower hit or to, had a few hundred HP left, went through the wall to get into the jungle, escaping the rest of my team of course. He did not use his ult in all this time. This was probably my fault for not attacking him 3-4 more times, but I suspect if I had, I would have died earlier due to yorick and yorick's ult clone (which had also tower dived the first tower).
After tower diving through 2-4 turrets and going through a wall, he showed up again about 5-10 seconds later with full HP. I don't even know how. Wolves? Anyway cait ulted (surprise, tryndamere ult, ult fails), but he died after that.
Then in our final attempts to salvage the game, I was just sucking, so I failed at least two different times when we could have killed him again. Once he had the ult up again already (I guess it comes up as soon as he spawns basically?) and I failed to wait and use riven's ult, and the second time I missed two different stuns while he ran through the jungle and outspeeded phoenix Udyr. I did killed him again with ignite right before we lost.
Now we probably had other bad people and it wasn't like he was the only reason we lost. But it just seems like no matter what, even if he loses his lane at 7 minutes, all he has to do is keep pushing, and he becomes someone that requires 2-3 people at least to deal with in most situations, and nearly impossible to kill and chase without heavy stuns.
The worst part is, when I try tryndamere I would always mistime the ult and die. You'd think it would be easy to play him.
*end QQ*