So last I checked there were still 40 minute queues and whatnot, but have the bugs at least stopped showing up? Stuff like double attack speed Baron or whatever was being mentioned. And was there a patch rollback, or is there a latest valid set of patch notes?
Since the servers started going crazy I haven't played in a week or two...which is probably healthy for me, since I've started having a lot more time for ukulele, and I'm on my way to actually developing calluses so I can fret better.
They are going full steam with the current patch, bugs and all. I am guessing the queues are so the servers don't melt in the meantime. They are probably working on the next patch which will hopefully iron out the issues. I think some of the problems still going on include...
1. People without champs/skins/runes still yet.
2. Baron still glitches out
3. Lee Sin's Q is broken, having him get stuck to the ground unable to move for a few seconds.
4. Maokai's root is broken, behaving same as above.
5. Blitzcrank's grab is broken, sometimes works, sometimes won't pull champs all the way.
6. Speaking of Sona, her ult sometimes doesn't work now. (I guess 3-6 could go under a single heading of 'A bunch of champs just aren't working right anymore.' These are just the most egregious examples.)
7. People getting randomly disconnected from matches, or the game saying they are already in a match when they haven't played for days.
8. Game thinking people are low level and not letting them buy Tier 3 runes from the store.
9. Camera scrolling problems.
10. Probably more I'm forgetting. This patch has touched all parts of the game it seems and has broken just about everything.
Edit: 11. I forgot that people are discovering that entering matches will sometimes load up a random mastery page instead of the one they picked. Don't know how widespread that one is, but I have noticed more and more complain about it as the days go on.