Some day. If I ever start back playing. =( I can never break quadra with kat, and enemies have an annoying habit of using CC or something to cancel her ult.and you shunpo 5 other ppl and PENTAKILL
Some day. If I ever start back playing. =( I can never break quadra with kat, and enemies have an annoying habit of using CC or something to cancel her ult.and you shunpo 5 other ppl and PENTAKILL
Blitzcrank is the most frustrating FOYear I have ever encountered in any game ever.
Blitzcrank is the most frustrating FOYear I have ever encountered in any game ever.
Blitzcrank is the most frustrating FOYear I have ever encountered in any game ever.
Alright, Sona against bots was pretty fun, if really a terrible representation of what she is (I ended up 22 1 19 lol). It's kinda weird not having to aim most of her abilities, specially after a few Lux-only nights, but you're constantly doing stuff and pressing buttons, and that's what I like about AP champs, so I'm guessing me and Sona are gonna get along just fine.
Now we gotta see against real people...
Beg, bitches!, ah...I mean, I'm pretty sure I hit the accept button, but I'm in a hurry, so I might've clicked the wrong one. I'll see about fixing this grave mistake tonight.
I gotta install mumble and we'll jam. I'm pretty self-conscious about my spoken english, so you know, I might be a wee bit shy at first![]()
Time to learn Sivir?
Most of NA GAF has an accent and likes to talk about soccer. You shouldn't really worry.I'm pretty self-conscious about my spoken english, so you know, I might be a wee bit shy at first![]()
Blitzcrank is not a very common pick. Not to call you out or put you on the spot but you're complaining about overused champions when your match history is Graves, Nocturne, Malphite, Graves, Nautilus, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves. At least when people play Blitzcrank they aren't abusing blatantly overpowered/easy champs.I can deal with Blitzcrank just fine, it's just annoying when he's quite literally in a third of all your games.
Beg, bitches!, ah...I mean, I'm pretty sure I hit the accept button, but I'm in a hurry, so I might've clicked the wrong one. I'll see about fixing this grave mistake tonight.
I gotta install mumble and we'll jam. I'm pretty self-conscious about my spoken english, so you know, I might be a wee bit shy at first![]()
Blitzcrank is not a very common pick. Not to call you out or put you on the spot but you're complaining about overused champions when your match history is Graves, Nocturne, Malphite, Graves, Nautilus, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves, Graves. At least when people play Blitzcrank they aren't abusing blatantly overpowered/easy champs.
Because I'm a creeper.How the heck did you find my profile?
I'm not tearing in to you. I just wanted to point out that it might be strange to complain about Blitzcrank when the same few support champs that aren't him show up in every game. I would much rather complain about how I see a Graves or a Malphite in all of my games.I don't know about you, but Blitz is a crazy common pick at 1200 ELO on EU-West. I've also just been playing whatever champions I think are fun or I feel like carrying with as well as improving my AD-bot with Graves.
Didn't think I'd get my play style and champion pick blow torched every time I posted in LolGAF...
Didn't think I'd get my play style and champion pick blow torched every time I posted in LolGAF...
It's just kind of how it works. If you post a scoreboard, expect people to criticize builds on the other team, your team, and/or your build, at minimum.How the heck did you find my profile?
I don't know about you, but Blitz is a crazy common pick at 1200 ELO on EU-West. I've also just been playing whatever champions I think are fun or I feel like carrying with as well as improving my AD-bot with Graves.
Didn't think I'd get my play style and champion pick blow torched every time I posted in LolGAF...
Lulu going on sale...fuuuuuuuuu I'm only like 50 ip away from being able to afford her >_<.
That's game.
RP I mean, I'm a dummy.
That's like...3 clicks away after clicking Purchase RP.
Beg, bitches!, ah...I mean, I'm pretty sure I hit the accept button, but I'm in a hurry, so I might've clicked the wrong one. I'll see about fixing this grave mistake tonight.
I gotta install mumble and we'll jam. I'm pretty self-conscious about my spoken english, so you know, I might be a wee bit shy at first![]()
I need to pool my money for GW2.![]()
Lulu going on sale...fuuuuuuuuu I'm only like 50 rp away from being able to afford her >_<.
I bought her like 3 days ago. Can I get half my RP back?
Bullied her out of the lane, then out of the game.Lv14 Cait by the 40 min mark, did she go AFK?
So having some good jungling ali games. Teamed up with a blitz and we juggled akali... was fun.
Also, Ken, you have some weird ass names for your masteries and rune pages. They really cracked me up lol
Though, I'm cheating. I put my new G700 mouse to good use, bound a key to automatically do his combo.
I'm officially an Ali fan.
Though, I'm cheating. I put my new G700 mouse to good use, bound a key to automatically do his combo.
LOL! What a dick move.
I have a G700, but I don't use it because it feels weird compared to my 518.![]()
38 minutes - no ip reward![]()
Man... Westrice showing up as Akali. Damn.... TSM Invitational here!
Have to put that $100 dollar mouse to good use.
It still feels weird to me. But of course I used this only for 10+ years