A bunch of them are called Spider-Man, for starters
Peter Parker runes and Spider-Man masteries for Nautilus jungle. :I
Which is basically why I want to pick up a Jungler and learn it now :x I know none of that yet, lol.
Though, I did expect Wriggles and pots would be enough low level sustain (since no one else has runes anyway) but figured it'd be easier with other champs.
What level are you, scy? Are you on the NA servers? I might have some smurfs I can use to play with you if you're always playing alone.
I recommend Nocturne. Great passive for sustain and clearing, nice CC with his fear, a spell shield, and darkness. Depending on how the game goes, you can build tanky or into a carry if your AD carry isn't doing their job.
At low level games, it will be hard to coordinate Skarner's ultimate with your teammates. Playing with randoms, I'll ult and...my teammates are already super far away because they are too scared to engage with more than half health.
I think Shyvana is a pretty tough jungler too, but the advantage she has is if you get invaded at blue you can always start red and not really fall behind like other mana-dependent junglers. The problem with her is her lack of CC, which is why I bring Smite/Exhaust which usually helps secure a kill or first blood. Other than that, I really like her late game when you get her tanky enough to just dive in and initiate teamfights for you team (because no one wants to initiate fights in solo queue). Lee Sin is kind of similar too, but he's pretty dependent on you being able to land your Q skill shot.
Maokai is another great jungler, IMO. Easy and low cooldown CC, can become pretty tanky, saplings, and he's a tree. Can't really mess up ganks with his W (being a projectile, if they flash, you follow them to their destination), and his passive gives you some decent sustain early on. Malphite is nice too, especially if you pick him against a double AD comp.; he has okay ganks pre-6 with his slow and he's rock solid.
Nautilus is nice too but without runes you'll have very low clear times and he lacks anyway to carry a team if your team doesn't capitalize on your successful ganks.
Soda would recommend his waifu Sejuani jungle.