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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Since you mention balance patches- I'm pretty new to the game still (been playing for about three weeks, still have a lot to learn), and I'm curious as to how often balance patches generally come out and how drastic they are in terms of changes to the game. Before this, the only other type of competitive games I've tried to be decent at are fighting games, which rarely have their balance changed post-release. Do things change wildly from patch to patch?


Patches are usually released on a 2 week schedule and also includes a new champion (very few exceptions). Changes often deal with ability ratios, cooldowns and base stats. Their philosophy is to make many small changes over time. This means that a strong character might receive small nerfs during the next two patches and not just one big nerf during the first.


Unless they're nocturne or vayne

Instant nerf hammer to everything! Oh i still remember release day noc. Such a broken shadowy thing of doom


Seeing LeBlanc instakill with one combo in like half a second always makes me laugh. Is there a list of the latest updates? Please buff Ezreal and nerf Vayne! There's something wrong when she's in 99% of the games I play.
So Vayne is free week on our region. She's fun to play but I really blow at her. In my last match, I went mid against Lux and I got shut down really hard. I retreated twice before I even hit 6. Ended with 3/5/10.

Still pondering if it's worth getting Sheen for her (Triforce last).


Seeing LeBlanc instakill with one combo in like half a second always makes me laugh. Is there a list of the latest updates? Please buff Ezreal and nerf Vayne! There's something wrong when she's in 99% of the games I play.


You can browse older patches by using the "patch chronology" tab on the right side. There is thread on the NA forum containing the status of every champion and what Riot has planned to do with them. Can't find it right now, but I'll be sure to post it here if I find it again.
I love me some support. Been practicing more and more with Alistar and he really is an amazing champ. Wish I played him before they nerfed his ratios.

Solo queue ranked lets gooooooooooooo!


riven counters tryn top so hard. I couldn't farm, couldnt 1v1 her entire game.
I really find this surprising. Did she leave your tower up so she could keep harassing you then, unlike what I did in my situation? If you just keep pushing minions with crits it should reach a point where you have enough attack speed and lifesteal that she can't 1v1 you.

(I think GAF chat was suggesting that trynd destroys riven but who knows)


So Vayne is free week on our region. She's fun to play but I really blow at her. In my last match, I went mid against Lux and I got shut down really hard. I retreated twice before I even hit 6. Ended with 3/5/10.

Still pondering if it's worth getting Sheen for her (Triforce last).

Don't get Sheen. Just go Bloodthrist, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and win.


I really find this surprising. Did she leave your tower up so she could keep harassing you then, unlike what I did in my situation? If you just keep pushing minions with crits it should reach a point where you have enough attack speed and lifesteal that she can't 1v1 you.

(I think GAF chat was suggesting that trynd destroys riven but who knows)

Lanes should be broken by the time he can potentially do that. So it's team fight time, no reason to 1v1 him.


I really find this surprising. Did she leave your tower up so she could keep harassing you then, unlike what I did in my situation? If you just keep pushing minions with crits it should reach a point where you have enough attack speed and lifesteal that she can't 1v1 you.

(I think GAF chat was suggesting that trynd destroys riven but who knows)

i couldn't trade hits with her. she kits, she knocks back, she stuns, she gets a shield....
she push me all the way back to tower and force me go under farmed.


i couldn't trade hits with her. she kits, she knocks back, she stuns, she gets a shield....
she push me all the way back to tower and force me go under farmed.
If you have a good jungler with a stun that could turn things around. Otherwise, work on last hitting under the tower, spinning and healing when you need to, and generally keeping your crits as high as possible (including under the tower).

If she takes the tower, keep farming in that lane. If Riven stays in that lane and keeps pushing, she will be wide open to ganks from behind and from your own jungle. If she leaves the lane, free farm away, getting as many last hits as possible, and forcing her to come back.


If you have a good jungler with a stun that could turn things around. Otherwise, work on last hitting under the tower, spinning and healing when you need to, and generally keeping your crits as high as possible (including under the tower).

If she takes the tower, keep farming in that lane. If Riven stays in that lane and keeps pushing, she will be wide open to ganks from behind and from your own jungle. If she leaves the lane, free farm away, getting as many last hits as possible, and forcing her to come back.

she warded like a professional and my ganker was a noob first time jungling leona.
Keeping a tower alive when you're owning a lane can be extremely beneficial. You give them a false sense of security and force them to "commit" to protecting the tower when it's really giving you an advantage. Keeping it alive also forces them to stay closer to your safe zone; if you knock down the tower, you greatly increase their safe farming area while increasing your "danger zone."
Keeping a tower alive when you're owning a lane can be extremely beneficial. You give them a false sense of security and force them to "commit" to protecting the tower when it's really giving you an advantage. Keeping it alive also forces them to stay closer to your safe zone; if you knock down the tower, you greatly increase their safe farming area while increasing your "danger zone."

I was trying to explain exactly this to some people I play with regularly. Especially when laning against a Nasus top and you have him zoned.


she warded like a professional and my ganker was a noob first time jungling leona.

Wha.. huh HUH?!

Wow that's a recipe for fail. I can imagine Leona being the slowest jungler EVER.

Keeping a tower alive when you're owning a lane can be extremely beneficial. You give them a false sense of security and force them to "commit" to protecting the tower when it's really giving you an advantage. Keeping it alive also forces them to stay closer to your safe zone; if you knock down the tower, you greatly increase their safe farming area while increasing your "danger zone."

If you're being zoned out hardcore for some reason and they try to take the tower. Let them. They're just giving you free farm. They end up roaming which is bad, but if they knocked it down early enough in game they're just going to screw their EXP/gold gain as long as your other team is aware of ganks.
If you're being zoned out hardcore for some reason and they try to take the tower. Let them. They're just giving you free farm. They end up roaming which is bad, but if they knocked it down early enough in game they're just going to screw their EXP/gold gain as long as your other team is aware of ganks.

I realized this happened to me several times as Cait. I'd take down towers by the 7th minute and be screwed because now I was extremely exposed to jungle ganks.


Eh the only reason towers should go down is if you're done with the laning phase and feel so far ahead to warrant pushing to the nexus or creeps just took it down naturally due to your farming the enemy wave


They were just talking about Riven vs Tryndamere on the TSM stream. The Rain Man said it was an even match up that was decided by the jungle pressure.


They were just talking about Riven vs Tryndamere on the TSM stream. The Rain Man said it was an even match up that was decided by the jungle pressure.

i couldnt trade hits with her, even at level 1, she can Q me and knock me back. you can test it out with a friend in a custom game, 1v1 tryn vs riven solo top.
PS: i googled, and found this:
Tryndamere < Riven (Damage + Shield + CC + Kite) (Credit to SirTest)


I play both riven and trynda. Riven would win hands down. Against a trynd, i would easily zone him with dash and stun , and the first item i would get would be brutalizer. With the arm pen i already have in runes(25 i think) and brutalizer(the earlier the better, which one of you gets a kill first can decide everything) I would win my lane against trynd easily. Trynd sucks against cc, and riven's stun can take alot of hp with arm pen runes and brutalizer.(I have an 8.5 kill average in ranked with riven, and 8.3 with trynd XD)

Of course this is taking into account about you farming your brutalizer really fast , which means you knowing how to last hit and harrass trynd early on =p.


Thing is this is all based on the meta. There's tons of stuff that'll stuff riven, just no one ever breaks the meta to do it. Throw a mage or someone with decent range and it shuts her out.


Riven is really one of the strongest top laners right now. Not surprised if he beats TRONDEMERERE - just interesting that they were talking about it on the stream.

Snowdown Showdown has come and gone, but festivities in Valoran don’t end here. It’s the start of a new year filled with surprises and it’s only going to get better! In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be releasing a new and exciting champion, but before that, let’s celebrate the new upcoming holiday!.

This week, we’ll be releasing some new skins to get into the spirit for this event. We’re also pleased to announce that these new skins will become available in the store through a minor update that will not require downtime.

The following week, a new champion will make its way onto the Fields of Justice, in addition to new gameplay balance changes to further celebrate the New Year. There will be tons of action in Valoran these next couple weeks so keep up with your training, summoners. When the time is right, put on your best armor and start the New Year with your loudest battle cry.

Until then, continue your battles on the Fields of Justice!

Here's a great reddit comment summing up all the best newbie tips etc. from CLG (on of the best NA lol teams.) If its good maybe consider putting it in the OP?


Weighing in on Trynd v Riven. Typically Riven can bully Trynd lvls 1-5 but around then his itemization, q lvling, and ult make it so that she will start losing direct trades since she wont be able to keep him from full rage anymore.

Dodge boots were one of trynds standard counters (which is why itll be a big deal to see how they get changed) and it made going cloth 5 viable, meaning you had the sustain to keep bullying trynd until you had dodge boots which let you keep your advantage longer.

Its hard to break the meta and send a mage top because they will have to constantly back where a singed or irelia can stay. Alot of the long-haul mages (ryze, kennen, swain) are seen regularly top.




So 5 weeks gap for this patch, either a big patch coming or someone took a really nice long vacation.

What does it do?

Compensates for lag. So hits that look like they should of hit but didn't do to lag might actually hit.

4. Use movement prediction. Use it. There's a setting in the game that makes your AoEs UTTER BULLSHIT! ESC menu->more options->use movement prediction.

This setting allows you to hit people who have left your cast circle within of using it. Think of every time someone's cast something that you've flashed out of and still got hit by. Use movement prediction. Even for those of you who have low pings, this marvelous gem of complete bullshit may score you free kills from abilities people totally f'ing flashed out of. It's also how I land some bullshit tristana jumps(although I landed some REALLY bullshit ones back when I had 150ping) The initial intent of this feature was to make it so that people who are lagging can play at a decent level without missing their skills due to latency issues. So what this feature then does is estimates where everything in your target area was into the past, and if anyone WAS there, it would hit them, no matter where they were. Think of every time you've died after riftwalking, dashing, or flashing and thinking to yourself "what bullshit, I totally got away" TF's that were dead in the location they teleported to, etc

edit: I've come to notice through discussion in comments that if you actually do have high latency, UMP seems to make your movements very choppy looking and your apparent pathing is very buggy looking. To other players you'd be moving normally. That being said, I would have to think that UMP just makes it look really weird client-side. However, when your client negotiates with the server, it definitely tries to project events that aren't happening server side ,and often meets the server halfway on some of these things, hence the apparent 'stretch' in AoEs caused by UMP.


It can also screw over people who flash out of spells since it might use their past position instead of their current position, apparently.


I've been practicing him all week since he's free, and I finally bought him today <3
Ain't got time to bleed.

I might buy him since he seems really good, but I need to learn how to use his dash properly for max attack speed and positioning. I guess I should wait to see if the upcoming patch nerfs/buffs anyone first...
I would be shocked if graves didn't see a slight nerf in the next patch or so. He's currently the number 1 ranged AD. If your opponent has graves and you don't, bot lane is at a distinct disadvantage early-mid game


They should make a character based on FFT's calculator class. Damage/effects based on their level vs yours. Probably be broken as shit, but interesting to play. Could make it advantageous to underlevel yourself and such.


I would be shocked if graves didn't see a slight nerf in the next patch or so. He's currently the number 1 ranged AD. If your opponent has graves and you don't, bot lane is at a distinct disadvantage early-mid game

The easiest counter to graves is to break the meta
Breaking the meta then kind of puts you in a 'i must win early' situation. Leona Jarvan can beat a graves lane but unless youre able to kill him left and right, your mid game is still fucked.

A support/ad bruiser lane wont be able to stop graves farm either because of his burst. maybe a support/ ryze lane?


Ryze is another champion it would be nice to be good at.

The reason, of course, is that he goes "YEAH CMON" in a voice that sounds like a Starcraft 1 marine unit or something.


Breaking the meta then kind of puts you in a 'i must win early' situation. Leona Jarvan can beat a graves lane but unless youre able to kill him left and right, your mid game is still fucked.

A support/ad bruiser lane wont be able to stop graves farm either because of his burst. maybe a support/ ryze lane?

Put a burst mage at bot and push the lane to the turret and hit graves with spells as graves is trying to last hit. I got denied really hard by a vayne and brand at bot.

And yeah I am ferrio.
Very common trick with monkey king. Not as easy to pull of with her since her clone triggers automatically.

I see. Still, I bet it's damn effective against all but the most experienced of players.

Speaking of which, in the 3 PvP matches I played yeserday, I was outranked by 20 places on average. Most were in the 30s and I barely 10. Tough sledding against all that experience. 2 wins, where a guy on my last team had almost 400. lol


I see. Still, I bet it's damn effective against all but the most experienced of players.

Speaking of which, in the 3 PvP matches I played yeserday, I was outranked by 20 places on average. Most were in the 30s and I barely 10. Tough sledding against all that experience. 2 wins, where a guy on my last team had almost 400. lol

Were you playing with anyone in a party that were higher leveled?
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