Wolf Akela
AP Kog'maw still does a lot of damage. His power isn't in each hit of his Artillery doing loads of damage, but the fact that he can spam it endlessly without serious repercussion. You are still doing percentage based damage on targets, how can you complain about that? He is simply too good at a range.
As for your build I'm not about to cry over the fact that you can't do any damage after building one low AP item by mid game.
What percent based damage on targets? We've been talking about the ult for a while, which was the ONLY thing getting nerfed about AP Kog. It used to do base 400 on champs but now it's just 360.
The main reason why Kog's ult is getting nerfed left and right was that in some recent big match, one team dominated because of the ult spam.
You can't exactly spam it endlessly without a decent mana pool. Tear is there for the mana pool. Rylai is primarily for the slow, which immensely helps in making shots easier, and can ensure that no one escapes.
Again, you don't build full AP on AP Kog. You build on mpen and mana.
Number crafting. Everyone averages probably 50MR with just runes and masteries.
Kog's ult has 360 base and 0.3AP ratio.
Sorc Shoes, Tear
0AP, 20MPEN, 50EMR = [360 + (0.3)(0)] * 0.77 = 277 damage
Sorc Shoes, Tear, Rabadon
182AP, 20MPEN, 50EMR = [360 + (0.3)(182)] * 0.77 = 319 damage
Sorc Shoes, Tear, Void Staff
70AP, 20MPEN, 50EMR
(50EMR - 20MPEN) * 0.6 = 18EMR (15% reduction)
[360 + (0.3)(70)] * 0.85 = 324 damage
If you want damage by mid-game, you rush either Void or Rab.
Void Staff > Rab when it comes to juicing your ult. The discrepancy becomes even bigger if the enemy DOES build MR. This is why you build primarily mpen and mana. Rylai came in because the utility of slow makes your shots much easier to land, and it should provide all the beef you need.