I wish Riot would explain why they took away the third rune page at level 30. I don't want to have to spend 6300 IP on a third rune page or a bunch of money for a bundle. It's so unfair on your consumers to do that.
Wrong. A single person can win a match against bots in SR. Dominion bots backdoor every node and your pugs will roam around the map in a zerg ball 100% of the time. You can win a SR in the same amount of time as a Dominion match by choosing a strong AA champ with a steroid and just pushing nonstop.
What's with all the Teemos lately? And why do they keep insisting that they can counter Rumble? As a Rumble player I've been crushing them which is great, but in games where the other team takes Rumble, some bozo inevitably grabs teemo to go top with and I tell them that Teemo doesn't counter Rumble and he's going to get crushed and they are all like "oh just you watch I'll counter him." If by counter you mean go 1/9 and have a wopping 13 CS at the 15 minute mark, yeah good job, glad you didn't listen to me.
Because Captain Teemo is on duty!
xcloser just scored a penta
so do i, but i doubt roit will do anything about her. =(I sure wish Fiora had a taunt.
xcloser just scored a penta
I uploaded a short version of it to Youtube.
Hecarim may not be that strong, but he is damn fun to play
Edit: Also, some of you may know me in-game. My summoner name is picklestheshepar, been waiting forever for account activation here.
It is because Teemo is best champ and that sometimes blinds Teemo lovers to the fact that other players cheat which is the only way in which Teemo dies. If it weren't for cheaters like Rumble players, Teemo would be immortal. ;____;What's with all the Teemos lately? And why do they keep insisting that they can counter Rumble? As a Rumble player I've been crushing them which is great, but in games where the other team takes Rumble, some bozo inevitably grabs teemo to go top with and I tell them that Teemo doesn't counter Rumble and he's going to get crushed and they are all like "oh just you watch I'll counter him." If by counter you mean go 1/9 and have a wopping 13 CS at the 15 minute mark, yeah good job, glad you didn't listen to me.
More like what's with the Xin Zhao lately? Haven't seen them for like 50 games, then I see 4 jungle Xin in a row (all of them bad).
More like what's with the Xin Zhao lately? Haven't seen them for like 50 games, then I see 4 jungle Xin in a row (all of them bad).
They're prepping for the remake, coming "soon".
seems like bad luck, I haven't noticed any.
are they? Gonna start playing karma then.
He's usually on their team since gaffer don't usually play him
You haven't witnessed the Acrid/Crack J4/Xin bot lane domination. First blood guaranteed.
me and mudkira used to j4 lux before j4/leona was cool![]()
it feels like that we don't play anymore
I still remember you randomly ask me if I was from GAF in a random game
edit: oh shit, double post
is noc jungle in easy mode? because i really need a jungler i can make mistakes with. i have junglers, just no one i can make mistakes with. also is there anyway i can jungle with fiora without losing so much health. her passive is trash.Feels good to finally win again, even if it was against a Katarina support.
is noc jungle in easy mode? because i really need a jungler i can make mistakes with. i have junglers, just no one i can make mistakes with. also is there anyway i can jungle with fiora without losing so much health. her passive is trash.
is noc jungle in easy mode? because i really need a jungler i can make mistakes with. i have junglers, just no one i can make mistakes with. also is there anyway i can jungle with fiora without losing so much health. her passive is trash.
it would be great if her W had a mini stun or something, but its just that while i am jungling i am end up using all my 5 pots and can't gank cuz i have no health or pots.Nocturne jungle is pretty easy. His passive helps you sustain and clear the jungle well, and helps you catch up if you fall behind or fail ganks.
His kit is really good and the ultimate helps you gank warded lanes and make crazy escapes. I once got caught in the enemy jungle by four of their team and ult'd to the Anivia that was wandering right outside. She tried to E me and I just spell shielded it. Seems like one can easily force flashes with his E too.
Compared to Fiora who has no CC, Nocturne ganks are much better.
it would be great if her W had a mini stun or something, but its just that while i am jungling i am end up using all my 5 pots and can't gank cuz i have no health or pots.
but when i get enough IP ill check out noc
ugh i have terrible aim. well might as well hope for the best.As someone who plays noc almost exclusively, i can say yes. Unless you're against a good lee sin. Also if you cant hit with his Q, which i usually cant, then you're not gonna have a good time.
same. but doubt anything like thats gonna happen. too many people screaming "nurf fiora" when shes the easiest thing to counter.I wish if the enemy attacked Fiora while her W is up, it would give her like a 1.5 second taunt or something instead of parrying the damage so I could make use of E more instead of having them turn and run as soon as I use E.
You are supposed to Q into your E and they won't be able to run. W is good for preventing return on harass so you can come out ahead. I think Fiora is a good duelist 1v1 with a solid kit for that, but she doesn't really have the mobility necessary to make her a good assassin late game, or to escape from ganks in top lane where duelists go. Her kit is all about going in.I wish if the enemy attacked Fiora while her W is up, it would give her like a 1.5 second taunt or something instead of parrying the damage so I could make use of E more instead of having them turn and run as soon as I use E.
Nobody is saying this. Nobody is even aware she exists.same. but doubt anything like thats gonna happen. too many people screaming "nurf fiora" when shes the easiest thing to counter.
As someone who plays noc almost exclusively, i can say yes. Unless you're against a good lee sin. Also if you cant hit with his Q, which i usually cant, then you're not gonna have a good time.
You are supposed to Q into your E and they won't be able to run. W is good for preventing return on harass so you can come out ahead. I think Fiora is a good duelist 1v1 with a solid kit for that, but she doesn't really have the mobility necessary to make her a good assassin late game, or to escape from ganks in top lane where duelists go. Her kit is all about going in.
Nobody is saying this. Nobody is even aware she exists.
is noc jungle in easy mode? because i really need a jungler i can make mistakes with. i have junglers, just no one i can make mistakes with. also is there anyway i can jungle with fiora without losing so much health. her passive is trash.
I feel like Ori got nerfed this patch because they removed ratios on her Q and decreases the speed of it. I don't she why they couldn't just give her 0.2 on her W without removing it from her Q, that made no sense.
it would be great if her W had a mini stun or something, but its just that while i am jungling i am end up using all my 5 pots and can't gank cuz i have no health or pots.
but when i get enough IP ill check out noc
You should beat him in a straight up fight if you block his attack speed debuff. As long as you can hurt him before he leaves, you could easily counter jungle him back or just gank his lanes without fear of counter gank.LoLGaf, please help me. How the fuck do I deal with Lee Sin's mobility, I feel as though I can do nothing against him if he counter jungles me. Even if I catch him he just ward dashes away. Playing Noc btw.
The third rune page was a gift for some reason or another. Tip: the reward for referring 5 people is a rune page.I wish Riot would explain why they took away the third rune page at level 30. I don't want to have to spend 6300 IP on a third rune page or a bunch of money for a bundle. It's so unfair on your consumers to do that.
I uploaded a short version of it to Youtube.
Kill the guy with the oracle.Good day of Luxin' and Akalin'. I think I've gotten better at her, but my problem with Akali now is that I don't know what to do if someone in their team buys an Oracle's (and they almost always do).
Well, guy with the oracle is usually an Alistair or some other tanky champ, so that's kind of difficult, at least in just one burst, and it's worse if he's there with two other champs (as they usually are). I find myself completely useless in those types of situations in which the whole other team just pushes forward, with oracle. I try to wait for a good initiation (like Amumu's ult) but I dunno.Kill the guy with the oracle.
Without her stealth she only becomes a less mobile Kass, who is still deadly given a good early game.